

Agency’s ruling will leave gap in Jersey Shore and hinder  rebuilding

Senator Jennifer Beck today  expressed outrage over FEMA’s rejection of Ocean Grove’s request for aid in the  wake of Sandy.  FEMA determined that the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association is a private  non-profit organization and not eligible for public assistance dollars. In a  letter sent to FEMA earlier in January from Beck and other legislators, the  lawmakers made it clear that the boardwalk in Ocean Grove has received funding  from FEMA and the Army Corp. of Engineers in the past.


“FEMA’s Decision today is  not only disappointing, but it is unacceptable,” Beck said. “The Ocean Grove  Boardwalk serves as an essential public thoroughfare and connects Bradley Beach  to Asbury Park. It provides access to emergency  services and augments flood protection measures. We will be appealing this  ruling immediately.”


In the letter sent to  FEMA officials on January 30th states that the Ocean Grove boardwalk  has been recognized as public property and dedicated as a public roadway since  at least 1908 when a Monmouth County court ruling exempted it from  taxation because of the boardwalk’s previous designation as a “public  highway.”  The boardwalk, which  provides access to communities both north and south of Ocean Grove, has also  been clearly recognized in court rulings as a public facility.  


            “Today’s decision is destructive to the economy of Ocean Grove and will  have long lasting negative impacts on the community,” Beck explained. “To reject  Ocean Grove’s request for assistance will leave them unable to rebuild this  historic boardwalk and create a gap on New Jersey’s shoreline. I am hopeful that in  our appeal those making these decisions will see the long term implications of  this decision and realize that not only is the Ocean Grove Boardwalk a public  property but it is essential to both the safety and commerce of Ocean Grove and  surrounding towns.”


Posted: February 7th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: FEMA, Hurricane Sandy, Jennifer Beck, Press Release | Tags: , , , | 31 Comments »

Belmar Councilman Takes Issue With Doherty’s Veracity On AshBrit Contract

Doherty says he maintained the highest ethical standards.  Charges Councilman Jim Bean with his own conflict


Belmar Councilman Jim Bean, a Republican, says that Mayor Matt Doherty, a Democrat, “kind of lied” when he told MMM that he recused himself from voting on the borough’s contract with AshBrit, the Florida company that was hired by the Christie administration for Superstorm Sandy cleanup.

We asked Doherty if he had recused himself from voting on the borough’s business with AshBrit because we had documentation that his wife, Maggie Moran, was acting as a sales agent for the company in its efforts to secure lucrative business in cleaning up municipalities impacted by Sandy.  He said he did.  But that was not the whole story, according to Bean, who said that the borough council’s vote to authorize payments to AshBrit occurred two weeks after Doherty signed the contract.

Bean sent along an email exchange between him and Doherty to back up his complaint:

Matthew J. Doherty 


Councilman Bean,
Because we are operating in a Declared State of Emergency, I have the authority to execute contracts and appropriate money as I deem necessary for the welfare and safety of the of the town during this emergency.
Please refer to Local Finance Notice 2012-29 from NJDCA if you have any further questions.

Matthew J. Doherty

From: Jim Bean
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2012 12:45:08 -0500
To: Matt Doherty; Bill Young
Subject: info
Mayor, I am concerned with some of the contracts that I have heard have been signed. I was also informed that the generators provided by Broadco are now being replaced with yet another company. I would like to know what contacts were signed for how much and when also where the money is being appropriated from since no vote was held to provide you with these funds.
Please respond by email the best way possible to get me this information.
Jim Bean

Doherty repsonded by saying he never signed any contracts with AshBrit. Nor did he make the decision to hire the firm. Instead, he delegated that responsibility to the then Borough Administrator Bill Young. “I told Bill to choose whomever he wanted, but he would be held responsible for their performance. ” He provided MMM with a copy of the contract with AshBrit, signed by Young on behalf of Belmar.

Doherty said he did not vote on any AshBrit contracts or to pay any of their bills.  He referred to Belmar’s website to back that up.

Bean has his own conflict regarding AshBrit, according to Doherty, “What I do find as ironic, is that Councilman Bean works for Stavola who did work for Ashbritt in Sea Bright, while Bean voted to give Ashbritt a contract in Belmar.  That is a clear conflict of interest.”


Posted: February 6th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Belmar, Hurricane Sandy, Matt Doherty | Tags: , , , , , | 4 Comments »

Christie Administration Addresses AshBrit Contract

The Christie Administration released the following statement regarding AshBrit’s contract with the State for the cleanup from Superstorm Sandy:

Taking  Emergency and Long-Term Action To Assist Debris Removal

Competitively  Bid Emergency Contract With AshBritt Allowed New Jersey Towns To Take  Immediate Action In Addressing Debris Removal In An Efficient And Responsible  Manner



AshBritt  Had Extensive Experience And Unique Capabilities To Respond To Major  Disasters:

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Posted: February 5th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Chris Christie, Christie Administration, Hurricane Sandy | Tags: , , | 8 Comments »

Democratic Legislators Set To Investigate AshBrit’s Alleged Gouging

By Art Gallagher

Assemblyman Vincent Prieto (D-Hudson), Chairman of the Assembly Budget Committee, and Senate President Steve Sweeney told The Star Ledger that they are going to investigate the lucrative no-bid state contract that AshBrit received from the Christie Administration for Superstorm Sandy clean up and the well connected lobbyists the company used to sell their premium priced services to municipal officials from Sandy ravaged communities.

“We already had questions about how Sandy relief money was being spent, and these findings raise those questions to a new level,” Prieto told The Star-Ledger. “This money is supposed to be spent properly to benefit New Jersey residents and communities devastated by Sandy, not become a feeding frenzy for lobbyists and an excuse to bypass regulations on business, the environment and pay-to-play.”

As a conservative, it warms my heart to see Democrats fighting wasteful spending. Maybe Trenton really has been turned upside down.

As a skeptic, I expect that whatever hearings the Democrats hold will be done with the intention of denting Governor Christie’s substantial Sandy related armor going into the November election.

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Posted: February 4th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Chris Christie, Christie Administration, Hurricane Sandy | Tags: , , , , , , , | 5 Comments »

Christie’s “Mobile Cabinet” Coming To Union Beach on Tuesday

On Tuesday, from 9am to 5pm, Governor Christie’s Office will be holding a “Mobile Cabinet” at the Union Beach Hose Company 1 located at 1224 Florence Avenue. We will have staff from multiple departments of state government and FEMA that can assist with your insurance issues, help answer questions about flood maps or any other issue related to recovery and rebuilding after Superstorm Sandy.  This is a great opportunity to help you, your family, and neighbors on the road to recovery.

Spread the word.

Posted: February 3rd, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Chris Christie, Christie Administration, Hurricane Sandy, Monmouth County, Union Beach | Tags: , , | Comments Off on Christie’s “Mobile Cabinet” Coming To Union Beach on Tuesday

Gilmore’s Cleaning Up

gilmoreOcean County GOP Chairman Geroge Gilmore is among a handful of connected lobbyists hired by AshBrit, the Florida company that won the sole state contract for Superstorm Sandy clean up, who was making sales calls to municipal officials looking for lucrative non-bid clean up work after then storm, according to an article in The Star Ledger this morning.

MMM was the first to report that former Corzine staffer Maggie Moran and her firm, M Public Affairs, was selling AshBrit’s premium priced services to Sandy ravaged municipalities.  The Ledger report expands the list of lobbyists working for AshBrit in New Jersey to Gilmore, former Corzine cabinet member Kris Kullari, and former Assembly Republican director Jon Bombardieri.

AshBrit has been widely praised for the quality of the clean up work it hired subcontractors to perform.  Their no-bid pricing is the issue.  AshBrit charged $100 per ton for debris removal. Towns that didn’t hire AshBrit got the work done for $26 per ton.

“If this isn’t a classic example of how everything is connected in New Jersey politics, I don’t know what is,” said state Sen. Loretta Weinberg (D-Bergen), who was Corzine’s running mate in 2009 when Moran managed his re-election campaign.

MMM is generally not a fan of Weinberg, but we are with her on this issue. Excess profits paid to AshBrit for making phone calls and signing contracts could have been used to rebuild infrastructure, house the displaced, etc, or not borrowed from China in the first place.

Gilmore got another new job last month. Just as MMM predicted last June during the Monmouth GOP Chairman’s race, Gilmore’s firm was appointed Assistant Monmouth County Counsel by the Board of Freeholders during their reorganization meeting.

Despite his threats to due so, John Bennett has not sued MMM for making that prediction.

Posted: February 3rd, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: George Gilmore, Hurricane Sandy, John Bennett, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth GOP | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments »

Restore Kranky Cycles

Kranky Cycles, a small bicyle shop in Highlands, opened in the Summer of 2011.  The store surived Irene and its first year while becoming an important part of the Highlands community and the significant cycling community in the area.

In Sandy, they lost the contents of the store…tools, parts, equipment and bikes.  Unfortunately, being such a young business, they do not qualify for FEMA or SBA funding.

Their goal is to raise $15,000 to reopen the store.  As of this writing they’ve raised $5,091.  Please help them as much as you can.

Posted: February 1st, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Highlands, Hurricane Sandy | Tags: , , | Comments Off on Restore Kranky Cycles

Were taxpayers gouged on Sandy cleanup?

In the immediate aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, Governor Chris Christie and Attorney General Jeffrey Chiesa warned New Jersey businesses, gas stations, hardware stores, food stores, hotels and other retailers who had electricity and were able to sell life sustaining products and services to a vulnerable public against price gouging.  By the end of November, one month after Sandy hit, Chiesa’s office was investigating thousands of gouging complaints and had filed at least 10 civil rights lawsuits against hotels and gas stations.

In the November 28 release announcing the lawsuits, Christie said,

“The  last thing people put out of their homes in a natural disaster should have to  confront is price gouging from unscrupulous profiteers,” said Governor  Christie. “It’s illegal, offensive and completely opposite the spirit of  cooperation we saw just about everywhere else in our state in the aftermath of  Hurricane Sandy. I encourage more of the same treatment from the Attorney  General for any other instances of price gouging he discovers.”

A Star Ledger article posted Tuesday morning raises questions as to whether the State and 43 municipalities were gouged by the Florida contractor, AshBrit Environmental, that was awarded a $100 million no-bid contract to clean up state roads and waterways and allowing municipalities to hire the firm without going out to bid.

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Posted: January 31st, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Hurricane Sandy | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments »

Joint Statement From Governors Christie, Cuomo and Malloy Regarding U.S. Senate’s Action on Hurricane Sandy Disaster Aid Bill

Trenton, NJ – New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy released the following statement regarding the Senate’s passage today of the disaster relief package:


“Our genuine thanks and gratitude goes out to the U.S. Senate for its thoughtful consideration and passage of the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief package. Despite the difficult path in getting to this moment, the Senate membership clearly recognized early on the urgency and necessity of approving the full aid package and its importance in rebuilding our battered infrastructure and getting our millions of affected residents back on their feet as quickly as possible. To all Americans, we are grateful for their willingness to come to our aid as we take on the monumental task of rebuilding and we pledge to do the same should our fellow citizens find themselves facing unexpected and harsh devastation.


“We also make special note of the tenacious efforts of our respective Congressional delegations in steering the Sandy aid package through their respective houses and bringing this aid home to their people.”


Posted: January 28th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Andrew Cuomo, Chris Christie, Dannel Malloy, Hurricane Sandy, Press Release | Tags: , , , , | 1 Comment »

Senate Passes House Bill, Approves $50B Aid Package to Help Victims of Superstorm Sandy

President expected to sign quickly

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate today passed the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, one week after the House passed a similar assistance measure, which will keep New Jersey’s recovery on track and allow New Jersey and other Superstorm Sandy-impacted states—New York, Connecticut and Pennsylvania—to rebuild in the wake of the storm. Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-04), who represents the hard-hit disaster areas of Ocean and Monmouth counties, noted that the federal aid is needed to recover from the worst natural disaster in his state’s history.

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Posted: January 28th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Chris Smith, Hurricane Sandy, Press Release | Tags: , , , | Comments Off on Senate Passes House Bill, Approves $50B Aid Package to Help Victims of Superstorm Sandy