Goals are endpoints. Missions are plans/strategies to achieve goals. Our “goal”, and it’s one we should shoot for, is to get 70% of the adult NJ population vaccinated by the end of June. We need to understand the mission we’ll need to accomplish to achieve our goal.
(Reuters) – Moderna said on Monday it believes its COVID-19 vaccine protects against new variants found in Britain and South Africa, although it will test a new booster shot aimed at the South Africa variant after concluding that the antibody response could be diminished.
On November 4, 2020, prisons in the State of New Jersey started releasing over two thousand (2,000) inmates nearing the end of their sentences as part of New Jersey’s effort to address coronavirus transmissions in crowded prison facilities. The early release of eligible prisoners is in line with Senate Bill No. 2519 (S2519) which was enacted and signed into law on October 19, 2020. The legislation provides for the grant of “public health emergency credits” to certain inmates and parolees during public health emergencies. It further prohibits contact with victims upon release of inmate awarded credits.
Dr. Steven Landers, MD, CEO of VNA Health Group, administers the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to Dr. Terry Shlimbaum, MD, Chief Medical Officer of the VNA Community Health Centers on Saturday, Jan 2 at the Asbury Park Community Health Center
Over 700 healthcare workers in Monmouth County received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine during the holiday break as public health officials scrambled to ramp up their infrastructure to widely administer the shots as they become available.
The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is being administered to healthcare and long term care personnel by the Monmouth County Board of Health in Freehold and the VNA Community Health Centers in Asbury Park, Freehold, Keyport and Red Bank.
Congressman Chris Smith was one of 44 Republicans in the House of Representatives to vote in favor of the $2000 stimulus checks today. The measure, which was demanded by President Trump last week, passed on the House floor, 275-134.
TRENTON, N.J. – New Jersey’s veterans homes have been among the hardest hit places in the country during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now we have more insight into the reasons behind the severity of the outbreaks, and it doesn’t reflect well on the Murphy Administration.
Senator Declan O’Scanlon (R-Monmouth) issued a statement following news that New Jersey had missed a federal deadline to begin long-term care vaccinations yesterday.
What could be more important for state government to be doing than starting vaccination of our elderly, 7,100 who have already died, on the first day? This is the biggest fail of the COVID response in New Jersey. There must be a better explanation than we missed it by a day! https://t.co/WTSMInBJqq
Kim Guadagno is still cutting red tape while she is feeding thousands
photo via pixnio
By Art Gallagher
N.J. Looks to Award $2 Million to Buy Meals from Struggling Restaurants– A $2 million state program to provide $100,000 grants to organizations that purchase meals from restaurants impacted by the pandemic and distribute them at no cost to New Jersey residents has begun taking applications. Applications are due by Jan. 8. Click here for more information. (ROI-NJ)
I got excited when I read the above headline and lede in yesterday’s NJ Chamber of Commerce’s daily Coronavirus and Economic Recovery Update.
The RAINE Foundation immediately occurred to me as an organization that could spring to action and support local businesses while feeding those struggling to put food on the table. In my mind I was thinking of other community organizations and restaurants that could participate.
My enthusiasm quickly dissipated when I clicked through to Business.NJ.Gov and read the fine print. There’s the usual hoops to jump through for government work–proving your entity is registered with the state and has no outstanding tax issues. But there’s one big obstacle that would probably knock my friends at RAINE, the Highlands Business Partnership, Middletown Helps Its Own and other non-profits from participating in the NJ Economic Development Authority’s grant program.