The Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders have opened a search for a new member of the Brookdale Community College Board of Trustees.
“This is a terrific opportunity for a resident to take a dynamic role at New Jersey’s best community college,” said Freeholder John P. Curley, liaison to the college. “Brookdale needs leaders who will help steer the future course of this quality, affordable higher education institution.”
Applicants should be interested in taking an active leadership position as a Trustee of Brookdale Community College and be knowledgeable in the opportunities and challenges of higher education. This unpaid position is for a term of four years.
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Posted: July 10th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Brookdale Community College, Monmouth County | Tags: Brookdale Board of Trustees, Brookdale Community College, Gary Rich, Johjn Curley, Marion Masnick, Monmouth County Boad of Freeholders | 11 Comments »

On Friday, June 6
At Brookdale College, SLC
“Lest We Forget”
A commemoration of the 70th anniversary of D-Day, June 6, 1944.
The program will include:
10AM – Displays and exhibits provided by the 102nd Armored Cavalry Association, Info-Age Science Learning Center, and military memorabilia collector John Egger.
10:30 AM – Entrance of official party, followed by the presentation of Colors by the Marine Academy of Science & Technology and the NJROTC Color Guard; Masters of Ceremonies Co-Directors of the Center for World War II Studies and Conflict Resolution Dr. David Bassano and
Dr. Ashley Zampogna-Krug.
10:45 AM – Pledge of Allegiance, with the Hon. John Curley, Monmouth County Freeholder, followed by the national anthem performed by “Down Melody Lane.”
10:50 AM – Invocation, with the Rev. Milton Holmes, WWII veteran.
11 AM – Welcome, with NJ Assemblywoman Amy Handlin, 13th Legislative District, Monmouth County, followed by opening remarks from Dr. Maureen Murphy, President, Brookdale Community College.
11:10 AM – Guest speaker: Brig. Gen. Michael L. Cunniff, Adjutant General, NJ Dept. of Military and Veterans Affairs.
11:30 AM – Introduction of honorees and WW II veterans of the Normandy campaign, with Assemblywoman Handlin and President Murphy.
11:50 AM- Closing remarks, with Paul Zigo, Associate Professor of History, Founder and Former Director of the Center for World War II Studies and Conflict Resolution.
11:55 AM – “God Bless America” performed by “Down Melody Lane.”
12 PM – Reception sponsored by the Estate of Arthur E. Jurman, distinguished veteran of the European Theater.
Co-sponsored by NJ Assemblywoman Amy Handlin and the
Center for World War II Studies and Conflict Resolution
Location: 765 Newman Springs Road, Lincroft
Posted: June 6th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle, Brookdale Community College | Tags: Brookdale, D-Day, Discussion History, Veterans | Comments Off on Don’t miss D-Day Anniversary at Brookdale Community College

“A Window into the World of Post-Reconstruction”
Saturday, June 14
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Brookdale Community College 765 Newman Springs Road, Lincroft
At the Warner Student Life Center, Navesink Room 216
Registration Required-Limited Seating
Doors Open 8:30AM for Continental Breakfast
We will be going to the Lincroft Inn, 700 Newman Springs Road, Lincroft afterward for Lunch. Please join us, at your own expense.
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Walter Greason
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Posted: June 4th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle, Brookdale Community College | Tags: Brookdale, Education, History, panel, symposium | 4 Comments »

On Wednesday, May 21, 9:30 AM
At Brookdale at Long Branch at 213 Broadway
Free and open to all.
Are you a woman in a marriage that is not working out?
Are you facing loss of income due to separation, divorce,
widowhood, spousal disability, or spousal military
deployment and need to become head of household?
You Are Not Alone!
Displaced Homemakers Services at Brookdale Community
College offers you free, confidential, holistic, customized
help to enable you to reach your full potential.
Our services include:
Personal counseling and emotional support
Peer support group where you have a safe place to share and
bond with women in similar life circumstances
Career development to help you choose training for an occupation
that matches your interests, abilities, and the current job market.
Job search skills including learning to network, resume writing, and interviewing.
Computer training to help you become comfortable with current technology.
Workshops to help manage your transition to self-sufficiency
Community referrals to assist with various needs.
Take the first step today! Contact us today!
Services are free and are provided at four convenient Brookdale locations.
Laurie Salka, Program Administrator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 732-739-6020
Eve Holliday, Program Assistant
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 732-739-6018
The above information was brought to you by,
Lynn Humphrey Administrator/Owner of
BizEturtle:Events in Monmouth,
The website fully dedicated to Monmouth County
BizEturtle does not have any information on the
above subject except what is stated.
Posted: May 20th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle, Brookdale Community College | Tags: Brookdale, job search, Long Branch, network, resume, services, support | 2 Comments »

This spring, the Brookdale Community College English Department
completes its four-year celebration of SHAKESPEARE’S 450TH BIRTHDAY.
This event has taken place every April since 2011 with the goal of reading from all 37 of his plays. On Wednesday, April 23rd the actual birthday of William Shakespeare, we will accomplish that goal!
Members of the community, students, faculty, staff, and administrators are invited to read from the following plays so we may complete the achievement:
Antony and Cleopatra
Timon of Athens
The Winter’s Tale
Henry VIII
The Tempest
All Plays located at The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
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Posted: April 11th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle, Brookdale Community College | Tags: Brookdale, Lincroft, lynnhumphrey, Monmouth County, plays, shakespeare | Comments Off on Readers Needed for Shakespeare’s 450th Birthday Celebration
By Art Gallagher
[email protected]

Hundreds of middle-aged people looking for work at Brookdale this morning. April 4, 2014
When I was readying to leave the house this morning, my wife asked if I was working on a story. “No, I’m looking for a job,” I replied. Her head snapped up in surprise. In all the years she’s known me I’ve never said those words. I’ve always been the owner, or early in our relationship, an unmanageable top producing salesman.
The truth is I wasn’t sure what I was doing when I headed into the job fair at Brookdale Community College this morning. I met a reporter who got the ax yesterday, effective in September, in the overflowing parking lot outside of Collins Arena. “Working a story or looking for a job?” I asked him. “A little of both,” he replied before getting called away to cover a fatal car accident in Howell.
I was doing a little of both too. I’m having more fun building this business, MMM, than I had in building any of the others I’ve built or help build, but the revenue is not coming fast enough. If the big media companies are contracting, there’s no harm in taking a look at what is out there, especially if I can make a story out of it and meet potential advertisers.
“Ha, you’re here looking for advertisers,” a recruiter from Town Square Media said to me when I introduced myself and asked her what an Integrated Sales Person was. She got me, but if Town Square wants to buy MMM, give me a radio show, blog and a fat check, I’ll listen. An Integrated Sales Person sells ad for websites, radio shows and other mediums, I found out. I’m now looking for one of those. The recruiter either wasn’t aggressive or quickly sized me up as not a good fit. Probably both.
The Asbury Park Press’s recruiter was telling visitors to their booth that they weren’t hiring until they finish their across the street move in Neptune. Why were they there? Gannett would have to write a really big check and give me more authority than any corporate nudnik would consider in order to get me to fix that mess.
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Posted: April 4th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Art Gallagher, Asbury Park Press, Brookdale Community College, Economy, Education, Monmouth County | Tags: Art Gallagher, Asbury Park Press, Brookdale Community College, Brookdale job fair, Economy, Gannett, Job Market, Neptune Nudniks, Town Square Media | 14 Comments »
By Art Gallagher
Last November I wrote Strange Justice, a piece about my observations of the criminal sentencings of former Brookdale Community Community College President Peter Burnham and former Eatontown Detective Philip Emanulle.
Both men were charged with Official Misconduct. Burnham pled guilty to the Official Misconduct Charge and to Theft. He charged $24,000 on the college’s credit cards for personal expenses over an eight year period and used a $20,000 federal grant for his son’s tuition at Monmouth University for personal use after Brookdale had already paid the tuition. In addition to Official Misconduct, Emanuelle was charged with Sexual Assault, Criminal Coercion and Tampering with Evidence. The Sexual Assault and Official Misconduct charges were dismissed as part of a plea agreement. Emanuelle pled guilty to Coercion and Tampering. Emanulle got five years probation. Burnham was sentenced to five years in prison with the stipulation that he serve at least two years before he is eligible for release.
Burnham is in State Prison now. A mutual friend tells me prison has not been easy for Burnham. That is an understatement. It hasn’t been easy for his family either. Burnham had already lost his job and pension. What was unexpected by his family is that he also lost his Social Security Benefits as a result of his conviction.
On January 8, Marlboro resident Mark Trawinski was sentenced to five months in prison for tax evasion. Between 2002 and 2008, Trawinski didn’t pay the employment taxes withheld from his employees wages or the business’s employment taxes. He beat the government for $713,759 and used the money in part to purchase a $1 million home in Florida that he tried to hide from the U.S. Bankruptcy Court and the IRS. In addition to his five months in prison, after Trawinski is released this spring he will be confined to his home for five months and he will undergo three years of supervised release. He must also pay back the $713,759 to the IRS.
Why is Burnham doing two years hard time for stealing $44,000 while Emanulle got off with probation for Sexual Assault and and Trawinski got five months for stealing $713,759? Official Misconduct.
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Posted: January 18th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Brookdale Community College, Crime, Hurricane Sandy, Law Enforcement, Monmouth County Prosecutor, Peter Burnham, Philip Emmanuelle | Tags: Brookdale Community College, Christopher Gramiccioni, Matheu D Nunn, Monmouth County Prosecutor, New Jersey's Official Miscondut Statute, Official Misconduct, Peter Burnham, Philip Emanuelle, Strange Justice | 3 Comments »
Two former public servants were in Judge Thomas F. Scully’s courtroom this morning to be sentenced for crimes to which they had negotiated plea bargains.
The courtroom was crowded for former Eatontown detective Philip Emanuelle’s sentencing. On one side of the gallery were Emanuelle’s wife, and many supporters. On the other side was the 25 year old woman who said she was raped by Emanuelle while he was armed, the woman’s family and many supporters. The tearful and tragic emotion in the room was raw.
Emanuelle, 33, of Brick Township, served in the Eatontown Police Department for eight years. He was charged with one count of Sexual Assault, two counts of Official Misconduct, a count of third degree Criminal Coercion and a fourth degree count of Tampering with Physical Evidence.
The Sexual Assault charge and the Official Misconduct charges were dismissed as part of his plea agreement. He was sentenced to five years probation, the loss of his job, and prohibited from public employment for life for the Criminal Coercion and the Tampering with Physical Evidence charges. Emanuelle left the courthouse with his family and friends.
A different and smaller crowd was in the courtroom a short while later. There were no tears shed by former Brookdale Community College President Peter Burnham or his family. Burham quoted Kipling’s The Road Less Traveled, while pleading with Scully to give him a lesser sentence than the one to which he had already agreed to serve.
Burnham, who presided over Brookdale for more than two decades, pled guilty to stealing roughly $44,000 from Monmouth County’s community college; $24,000 in charges for personal expenses to the college’s credit cards over an 8 year period and $20,000 in tuition reimbursement for his son that had already been paid for by the federal government. He was sentenced to five years in State Prison with no eligibility for parole for the first two years. Burnham was taken into custody after sentencing.
Monmouth County Acting Prosecutor, Christopher J. Gramiccioni, described Burnhman as “a king who ruled Brookdale with an iron fist,” a greedy arrogant man compensated very generously with a pay package worth over $300,000 per year who still betrayed the public trust by stealing $44,000.
In contrast, Emmanuelle’s victim graphically described being forcibly raped after she declined to perform oral sex on the detective who was still wearing his gun during the act. She said another victim had come forth. Assistant Prosecutor Gregory Schweers told Scully that his office did not believe they had sufficient evidence to prosecute Emanuelle for the other woman’s allegations.
The victim asked Scully to disregard the plea bargain that she agreed to and send Emanuelle to prison.
Scully told Emanuelle that his actions were “utterly hideous.” The judge repeatedly expressed his shock at the high level of support Emanuelle was receiving from his wife, family and friends. Then Scully gave Emanuelle a longer probationary term than callled for in the plea agreement.
Burnham went to jail today. Emmanuelle went home.
The fact that these two sentencing hearings occurred back to back is legally irrelevant. While they occurred moments apart, they seemed like alternate realities playing out on the same stage after a brief intermission.
Each case was probably disposed of justly on its own merits. But viewed together, back to back, by a layman, it seemed that the cop got away with rape while the college president went to jail for a relatively minor infraction. Burnham’s infraction seemed very minor compared to Emanuelle’s crime. Yet Burnham’s next five years will be much harsher than Emanuelle’s.
Posted: November 30th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Brookdale Community College, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Court, Monmouth County Prosecutor, Peter Burnham, Philip Emmanuelle, Public Corruption | Tags: Christopher Gramiccioni, Gregory Schweers, Judge Thomas F. Scully, Peter Burnham, Philip Emanuelle, Strange Justice | 7 Comments »