
Gay Marriage and The Church

By Bader George Qarmont

Bader-Qarmout-portrait-picAs New Jersey became the 14th state in the Union to license gay marriage, I am left wondering why and what is next. Will this judicial activism have any impact on churches? Some may think I am over reacting, but I fear that the church is 15-25 years away from being forced to perform same sex marriage or risk losing tax exemption for discrimination. A Pastor threating to close his church doors before doing so, is no threat at all.

If a church wants to continue to practice the Biblical definition of marriage, it needs to protect itself.  I see a potential for litigation to force a church to marry same sex couples, as is already happening in England. Barrie Drewitt-Barlow, The gay plaintiff in the legal challenge in England said “The only way forward for us now is to make a challenge in the courts against the church.” It is a matter of time before American churches are also legally challenged.  

Currently most churches will marry non-members in a religious ceremony at the church, this practice must end immediately and new policy implemented as soon as possible.  I believe churches should have a policy to only marry members.  In order to be a member each person must sign a statement of faith that includes acceptance of the Biblical definition of marriage. Anyone can attend the church but only members can be married in the church.

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Posted: November 10th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Bader George Qarmout, Gay Marriage, marriage, Marriage Equality, Opinion, Religion, Same Sex Marriage | Tags: , , , , | 8 Comments »

Qarmout Endorses Lonegan

1-30-13_037By Bader George Qarmout


This Wednesday, the good people of New Jersey will have an opportunity to vote in a special election for a U.S. Senator to fill the vacancy of the late Sen. Frank Lautenberg.  New Jersey has a choice between 2 mayors, and that is about all they have in common. The Democrat’s candidate is the charismatic mayor of Newark and the darling of Hollywood. The Republicans have placed their confidence in Steve Lonegan, the former three time mayor of Bogota and Former state director of the conservative advocacy group, Americans for Prosperity.

 As a former candidate for the same office in the last campaign cycle, I say with confidence that Steve Lonegan is currently the best choice for U.S. Senate. I know Steve Lonegan and I am confident that he will represent our conservative principles in Washington. If you believe that this country should be energy independent, If you believe that we need to repeal and replace Obamacare, lower the corporate tax rate in order to create jobs, and if you believe that we need to cut spending and balance our budget, then Steve Lonegan is the only choice for U.S. Senate this Wednesday the 16th. Please mark your calendar and cell phone reminder to vote in this special election on Wednesday. New Jersey has a real chance of electing a conservative Republican for the U.S. Senate for the first time in forty years. The Democrats have represented New Jersey in the Senate for 4 decades; I say it is time to give the Republicans a chance. I welcome our Democrat and Independent friends in joining us to elect a conservative who will protect liberty and defend the Constitution, so we may give a great and prosperous nation to our children and grandchildren.

See you at the poll this Wednesday the 16th.

Posted: October 11th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Bader George Qarmout, Senate Special Election, Steve Lonegan | Tags: , , | 5 Comments »

Syria: yesterday, today, and tomorrow.


Bader-Qarmout-portrait-picAs the world contemplates what to do with Syria, I had the opportunity to speak to Shadi (last name withheld) and his mother and I asked them about what life was like in Syria before the Arab Spring, as well as other things. Shadi and his mother now live in a small town in northern New Jersey. Both Shadi and his mother were living in the US and went to visit Syria before the outbreak of the uprising in that country. They wanted to return to the US but could not and thus were stuck in the land of their birth in the midst of a revolution for 2 and ½ years. Finally Shadi and his mother were able to escape from Syria and come back to New Jersey in June of this year to live with relatives. I sat down with Shadi and his mother for over four hours to discuss Syria in detail.

I specifically asked what life was like in Syria before the revolution and how was the relationship between Muslims and Christians who make up 10% of the population? The answers I received were different than what you will hear in the mainstream media.   Shadi and his mother, who are Christians, were insistent that Christians and Muslims got along without any conflict priory to the revolution. Christians though a minority, had equal access to all the rights and privilege of social, academic, political, and financial aspects of Syrian society. I was told of a Syria that was getting better and more modernized under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad (Bashar-the-lion) as compared to his father’s stricter control. Bashar introduced or expanded private banking, private hospitalization, internet, cellphones and modern amenities to Syria. The Syrian government funds itself mostly from oil exports and has no personal income tax.

The catalyst of the Syrian revolution was in Daraa, in the southwest region of Syria near the Jordan border. A handful of teenagers were arrested for vandalism by Bashar-al-Assad’s cousin, Gen. Atef Najeeb.  The teenagers were brutally beaten and tortured by Gen. Najeeb’s men because they spray painted anti Assad and anti-government graffiti. When family members and tribal leaders came to Gen. Najeeb to secure the release of the 15 teenagers, the General refused and disrespected the tribal leaders and sent them home without releasing the teenagers. The Sunni residents of Daraa reacted with protest and demonstrations.  The overreaction by Gen. Najeeb was later apologized for by Bashar-al-Assad, but that was far too late, Syria was already on fire. The majority of the population of Daraa is Sunni as is over 60 percent of Syria, while Bashar-el-Assad is a member of a minority Shia subgroup called Alawites.

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Posted: September 22nd, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Bader George Qarmout, Syria | Tags: , | 1 Comment »

The Gang of 8 are Wrong on Immigration Reform

Bader-Qarmout-portrait-picBy Bader George Qarmout

As Washington debates immigration reform and the bi-partisan gang of 8 push their latest plan, I find myself disagreeing with the plan’s failure to secure the border FIRST. It is imperative that we fix the mistakes of Ronald Reagan’s Congress that failed us forty years ago.  Securing our borders is not only a means to prevent illegal workers from entering America, but it is also an important tool for greater national security and to reduce the onslaught of drug, weapons, and human trafficking . I will not accept any arguments that stress that the cost of securing our borders is prohibitive. I argue that not securing our borders is unconscionable.

While we are securing the borders, we need to enforce our existing laws and make E-verify mandatory.  We also need to deport the criminal illegal aliens who are currently sitting in our jails and prisons.  It is cost effective to permanently remove the criminal elements from among us, as opposed to the current “catch and release” practice.

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Posted: June 24th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Bader George Qarmout, Immigration, Opinion | Tags: , | 4 Comments »