Marilyn Schlossbach and the Langosta Lounge Gang continues their
long-standing Easter Community Dinner tradition on Sunday, April 20th,
3:30 PM – 5:30 PM, Located at 1000 Ocean Avenue, Asbury Park
Langosta Lounge will be closed to serve those in need.
Jersey Shore Rescue Mission is also serving to those in need
on Sunday, April 20th, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Located at 701 Memorial Drive, Asbury Park
A short Easter sermonette will be given by Rev. Mitch Green at 6:00PM
The above information was brought to you by
Lynn Humphrey Administrator/Owner of
BizEturtle:Events in Monmouth, www.bizeturtle.com
The website fully dedicated to Monmouth County
BizEturtle does not have any information on the
above subject except what is stated.
Posted: April 19th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Asbury Park, BizEturtle | Tags: Asbury Park, community, dinner, easter, food, Jersey Shore, langosta lounge, monmouthcounty | Comments Off on Community Easter Dinner for those in Need

James M. Coleman, Jr. 1924-2014.
photo courtesy Asbury Park High School Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame
James M. Coleman, Jr, 90, a native of Asbury Park and life long public servant to the people of Monmouth County and New Jersey, passed away on Saturday, April 12, in Rockville Centre, NY.
Born in Long Branch on February 17, 1924, “Chippy” was a student-athlete at Asbury Park High School, Class of 1942, and at Dartmouth College where in played in the NCAA basketball tournament as a freshman in 1943. He interrupted his college career to serve in the U.S. Army Air Forces with the 461st Bombardment Group in Italy.
Chippy returned to Dartmouth in 1945 and played basketball for three more years. He was named All League in 1945-46 and Team Captain from 1945-1948.
Upon graduation he enrolled in Cornell Law School and received his law degree in 1951. He returned to Asbury Park and joined the law firm Patterson, Cooper & Coleman.
Elected to the Asbury Park City Council in 1957, Chippy served in that position until 1965. He served in the Assembly for three terms, serving as Chairman of the Joint Budget and Appropriations Committee. While in the Assembly he worked with his college Thomas Kean, who later became governor, on creating the framework of the New Jersey State Lottery.
Coleman served as Monmouth County Prosecutor from 1972-1977. While prosecutor, President Richard M. Nixon appointed him to a term year term on the Commission on Review of the National Policy on Gambling. From 1977-1980 he served in the office of NJ Legislative Reviser of Statutes.
Governor Brendan Byrne appointed Coleman to the Superior Court bench in 1980. He served as a Judge on Monmouth County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court until his retirement in 1987.
He remained active in public service in following years, serving from 1998 to 2007 on the Joint Legislative Committee on Ethical Standards. He was elected to the Shore Athletic Club Hall of Fame and the Jersey Shore Sports Hall of Fame in 2001 and to the Asbury Park High School Hall of Fame in 2003.
Chippy’s friends remember him for his story telling, his sense of humor, his wise council and for being a down to earth gentleman.
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Posted: April 14th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park, Monmouth County | Tags: James M. Coleman, JR | Comments Off on James M. Coleman, Jr, Rest in Peace
Man robbed, shot in Asbury Park (via
ASBURY PARK – A 29-year-old city man was shot during the course of a robbery on Sunday night, police said. At approximately 10:15 p.m. on Sunday, two men with handguns approached a man, who was not identified, on the 1500 block of Bond Street at around…
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Posted: April 14th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Asbury Park, Crime, Guns | Tags: Asbury Park, Asbury Park Crime, Crime, Gun Violence, Guns | Comments Off on Man robbed, shot in Asbury Park

Today is the last Saturday and almost the last day for Women’s History Month. An annual declared month celebrated during March that highlights the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society.
This year’s theme, ‘Celebrating Women of Character, Courage, and Commitment’, honors the extraordinary and often unrecognized determination and tenacity of women. Against social convention and often legal restraints, women have created a legacy that expands the frontiers of possibility for generations to come.”
Asbury Park’s Stephen Crane House & The Asbury Park Historical Society
will be honoring Asbury’s own Mary Helen Peck Crane and her two daughters. In 1883, Mrs. Crane bought the cottage at 508 4th Avenue in Asbury Park and dedicated herself wholeheartedly to the work of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union as well as women’s rights. She and her daughters were also talented writers and artists. The Crane House will celebrate the lives and accomplishments of the Crane women. Mrs. Crane settled in Asbury Park to be near the Methodist stronghold of Ocean Grove and her son Townley, then the area’s Associated Press reporter.
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Posted: March 29th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Asbury Park, BizEturtle | Tags: arts, Asbury Park, film, lynn humphrey, Monmouth County, museums, refreshments, women | Comments Off on Saturday, March 29—Women’s History Month at Stephen Crane House
Asbury Park Police Officer Keith German is one of 31 charged in gang affiliated criminal organization

Acting Monmouth Prosecutor Gramiccioni announces Operation Dead End arrests in Asbury Park. Click photo for larger view.
Acting Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni was joined by representatives of 26 Monmouth County and federal law enforcement agencies this afternoon when he announced charges levied against 31 people, including known members of the Bloods and Crips gangs as well as an Asbury Park Police Officer on charges including racketeering conspiracy, narcotics distribution, illegal possession of firearms, promoting organized street crime, armed robbery, shoplifting and endangering the welfare of of child.
Asbury Park Patrolman Keith German, a 16 year veteran of the department, was arrested and charged official misconduct and unauthorized access of a computer database for his alleged role in the criminal enterprise whereby he shared information with gang members in an effort to help them avoid arrest. Gramiccioni declined to share any evidence of German’s motives for participating in the criminal enterprise or to say if he would face additional charges.
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Posted: February 14th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park, Crime, Crime and Punishment, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Prosecutor | Tags: Acting Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher Gramiccioni, Asbury Park, Bloods, Crips, Gangs, Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office, Operation Dead End | 8 Comments »
By Tommy DeSeno
What helps a city fight crime? Media attention. Crime fighters don’t wish to be seen losing in the media.
Asbury Park’s gun crimes and murders get less television attention than other cities because it’s small and far from New York and Philadelphia. News 12 has to cover the state. The responsibility for keeping attention on unsolved murders in Asbury Park falls then on the Asbury Park Press.
Regarding Asbury Park killings, we’ve seen the Monmouth County prosecutor blame the city police, the county prosecutor make no progress himself and everyone blame the City Council. It was announced last week that state troopers will patrol the city, but car patrols lend themselves mostly to traffic tickets.
Left out of the conversation thus far is a very important crime fighter — U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman. He is a well-schooled, honorable lawyer who has spent his career fighting crime, including a concentration on illegal narcotics, the antecedent problem that leads to gangs and murder.
Former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie built a legacy of putting corrupt politicians in jail. Former U.S. Attorney Rudy Giuliani prosecuted organized crime. Fishman can have a more honorable distinction than both of them — saving young lives and removing fear from a community.
Nationwide, the U.S. Attorney’s office has a nearly $2 billion budget, and New Jersey’s district is the fifth largest in America, with 145 lawyers and support staff. Fishman has resources. More importantly, he wields an effective crime-fighting law: The Racketeer Influenced and Corruption Organizations statute (RICO).
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Posted: December 8th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: Asbury Park, Crime, Crime and Punishment | Tags: Asbury Park, Asbury Park Crime, Asbury Park Gangs, Gangs, Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office, RICO, Tommy DeSeno, U.S. Attorney's Office | 4 Comments »

NJ Department of Corrections photo
Bryan Burford, 21, of Asbury Park was arrested today and charged with the August 16 murder of Tyrell Howard, 20, also of Asbury Park, according to a statement from Acting Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramicconi.
Burford was also charged with Unlawful Possession of a Firearm and Possession of a Firearm for an Unlawful Purpose. He is being held at the Monmouth County Correctional Institution. Judge Joseph Oxley set Burford’s bail at $1 million with 10% cash option.
Burford was convicted of Aggravated Assault in April of 2011. He was released from the Albert C. Wagner Youth Correctional Facility on May 23 of this year, according to the NJ Department of Corrections.
Posted: October 6th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park, Crime, Crime and Punishment, Guns | Tags: Asbury Park, Bryan Burford, Christopher Gramiccioni, Judge Joseph Oxley, Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office, Tyrell Howard | 2 Comments »

Monmouth County Freeholder Director Thomas A. Arnone addressing the Asbury Park/Neptune NAACP on Saturday, September 29 at the Neptune Library
Monmouth County Freeholder Director Thomas A. Arnone told a meeting of the Asbury Park/Neptune NAACP on Saturday that the solution to violence in Asbury Park lies with the city’s leadership.
“The municipal government and the school board must come together to solve community problems, ” Arnone said, “The solution starts with leadership and there is a disconnect in Asbury Park.”
Arnone noted that Monmouth County already is making a significant investment in law enforcement in Asbury Park through the Sheriff’s Office and the Prosecutor’s Office. “If we have to increase the Sheriff’s Department’s presence, we will.”
“Money is not the problem, leadership is the problem,” Arnone said as he drew a contrast between Asbury Park and Neptune Township. “In Neptune they are working together and they are reaching out to the county for support.” Arnone specifically cited Neptune Mayor Eric Houghtaling, Committeeman Randy Bishop and School Superintendent David Mooij for their cooperation with each other and their ongoing communication with county officials. “I’m on the phone with those guys several times a month. There has not been a major dialogue with Asbury Park.”
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Posted: September 30th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park, Crime, Guns | Tags: Adrienne Sanders, Asbury Park, Asbury/Neptune NAACP, Crime, Freeholder Director, Linda Johnson, Louis Jordan, NAACP, Sgt Michael Barnes, violence | 4 Comments »
By Ernesto Cullari (originally published in triCityNews)
There have been seventeen victims of shootings this year in Asbury Park and five murders. According to some reports we are on track to match violence levels not seen in 20 years. People on both sides of the train tracks are scared.
I’ve read many opinions about how to stop the violence among our youth in Asbury Park and in other cities, where poverty is an issue and most of the solutions focus on more government and more police intervention.
It isn’t government intervention or the threat of jail time that makes a person stop in the moment of anger and refrain from pulling a trigger. Laws don’t prevent kids from joining gangs. Government programs won’t stop a 14-year-old boy from engaging in unprotected premarital sex with a young girl his age and the government certainly won’t raise their child; The government doesn’t teach our youth about the value of human life; but parents do, good role models do too and the Bible does, as well.
Did Martin Luther King, Jr. quote from some government handbook handed down from Valerie Jarrett and Kathleen Sebelius when he faced down both the rising influence of the Black Panthers and social oppressors or did he quote from scripture? If we’re going to rely simply on more government programs, more police and new political initiatives to fix the rising tide of violence in our communities then we’ve failed before we’ve begun. If Christianity, shared in the public square, changed the world then its message certainly can help change the course of our societal problems now. To think otherwise is to ignore the last 2013 years of Western history.
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Posted: September 26th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: Asbury Park, Ernesto Cullari, Gun Control, Gun Rights, Guns | Tags: Asbury Park, Crime, Ernesto Cullari, Guns, Second Amendment, triCityNews | Comments Off on To Live and Die In Asbury Park (Part Two)
By Ernesto Cullari
Hardly a night goes by where I don’t hear the rumbling and winding of accelerated engines of police cars and their blaring sirens soaring up Cookman Ave, from the oceanfront toward the downtown area. I often wonder what tragic ending waits at the other end, where the fury of lights and sirens finally come to a crescendo. I was recently enjoying a beer and pizza with my brother at Johnny Mac’s one Friday night, when police cars from every direction converged on the West Side. I paused a moment to acknowledge that such a police response likely meant that someone’s son, someone’s grandson, someone’s brother was laying in a pool of his own blood, as a street that he once played on became the street that he would die upon.
The Asbury Park Sun reports that it was 20-year-old Tyrell Howard that was fatally killed that night. My heart, like your heart, breaks for him and his family. Too many kids are killing other kids in Asbury Park and in cities like ours and neither our families nor our communities are equipped with the proper means to slow the tide of death.
Unless we are willing to change what we demand from parents, unless we alter who educates and how we educate our children, unless we change how we police our neighborhoods and until we change who it is that we accept as role models for our children, we might as well accept that a certain percentage of our boys will simply die too young. At a time when many are about to throw their hands up in the air in defeat, I say it is a time to confront the violence within our community head on.
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Posted: September 22nd, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: Asbury Park, Ernesto Cullari | Tags: Asbury Park, Ernesto Cullari, Garden State Liberty PAC | 5 Comments »