Hurricane Sandy
Barack Obama was reelected President of the United States
Posted: December 31st, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Year in Review | Tags: 2012 Year in review, Barack Obama, Hurricane Sandy | 1 Comment »
MMM discovered irrefutable proof that the War on Women is real.
The leadership of the New Jersey Democratic Party was relegated to the nose bleed seats at the Democratic National Convention.
The Democratic National Convention adopted a platform that omitted the party’s traditional support of Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel and its recognition of God as the source of American values. The following day the convention chair ruled that 2/3 of the convention delegates voted to approve an amendment to the platform that reversed omissions, despite the fact that the measure obviously did not pass the voice vote by a 2/3 majority.
On the 11th anniversary of the September 11 attack on America that killed 3000 people our country’s consulate in Benghazi, Libya was attacked by Islamic terrorists. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, a Foreign Service information office, and former Navy Seals Tyrone A. Woods and Glen A. Doherty were killed. President Obama and his admimistration falsely blamed the attack on a spontaneous demonstration against an anti-Islam video.
The Monmouth County Republican Committee held a convention to adopt by-laws. The by-laws have not yet been posted on the GOP website, but you can find them here.
Posted: December 31st, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Year in Review | Tags: 2012 Year in review, September | Comments Off on 2012 Year in review: September
Mitt Romney selected Congressman Paul Ryan as the GOP VP nominee. Governor Chris Christie gave the Keynote address at the Republican National Convention.
California Governor Jerry Brown challenged Christie to a push up and pull up contest.
Christine O’Donnell came to Hazlet for an Anna Little fundraiser.
Sister Elizabeth Garvey, the Executive Director of the Bayshore Senior Center passed away.
Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, passed away.
Nationwide, hundreds of thousands of people dined at Chick-fil-A as an expression of support to the company’s CEO’s right to express his family values without fear of government retribution.
Posted: December 31st, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Year in Review | Tags: 2012 Year in review, August | Comments Off on 2012 Year in review: August
Judge Michael Guadagno was elevated to the State Court Appellate Division.
Governor Chris Christie had a confrontation with a passerby on the Seaside Heights Boardwalk.
The Bayshore Tea Party Group issued a statement saying that they expected every Republican to face a primary in future elections.
Joe Caliendo stepped down as Middletown Democratic Chairman.
Former Brookdale College President Peter Burnham pled guilty to theft by deception and official misconduct.
The New Jersey Supreme Court ruled in a law suit brought by a Superior Court Judge that Judges don’t have to abide by the pension and benefit reforms sign into law by Governor Christie in 2011. State Senator Sam Thompson concluded that the Supremes’ ruling meant that all New Jersey Judges have been under-contributing to the pension system since 1982. Thompson asked the Treasury Department to collect the shortages for all retired and current Judges. They didn’t.
At a campaign appearance in Roanoke, Virginia President Obama proposed $1.2 trillion in spending cuts from government programs that don’t work and declared told business owners “You didn’t build that.”
Beaches in Loch Arbour and Spring Lake were closed due to an invasion of stingrays.
Posted: December 31st, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Year in Review | Tags: 2012 Year in review, July | Comments Off on 2012 Year in review: July
Anna Little won the GOP primary for Congress in the 6th Congressional District and filed her FEC reports as a candidate for U.S. Senate.
In a prelude to the Democratic Chairman’s race, Democratic nominee for Freeholder William Shea lost county committee race. Shea and his running mates, Kevin Lavan for Freeholder and Michael Steinhorn for County Clerk, were prominent supporters of Marlboro Council President Frank LaRocca in the Democratic Chairman’s race.
Vin Gopal defeated LaRocca to become Monmouth County Democratic Chairman. The 27 year old businessman and former candidate for Assembly in the 11th Legislative District won with 73% of the votes.
After a hard fought campaign, former State Senator John Bennett defeated State GOP Committeewoman Christine Hanlon for the Monmouth County GOP Chairmanship by 3 votes of the 615 cast.
Middletown’s Democratic Township Committee Candidate, Linda Baum suggested introducing a LGBT curriculum into Middletown’s schools.
Asbury Park GOP Committee Chairwoman Louise Murray asked the city council to start enforcing a decades old ordinance that prohibits beach wear on the boardwalk. They didn’t.
A mystery illness that was never discovered caused the Monmouth County Courthouse to close for over a week.
Monmouth County Prosecutor Peter Warshaw was nominated to the Superior Court by Governor Christie. His nomination was confirmed by the State Senate before the end of the month.
Christopher Gramiccioni was nominated to replace Warshaw and was named Acting Prosecutor. Like so many other of Christie’s nominations, the State Senate has yet to act on Gramiccioni’s nomination.
The Supreme Court of the United States declared that ObamaCare is a tax and that it is constitutional.
Photo credit: Tony Fiore
New Jersey American Water Company had a major infrastructure failure at its Swimming River Water Treatment Plant due to unrepaired damage from the August 2011 Hurricane Irene. Over 55,000 Monmouth County residents experienced water shortages and rationing as the summer season started.
Posted: December 31st, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Year in Review | Tags: 2012 Year in review | Comments Off on 2012 Year in review: June
The “If it lasts more than four hours, call you doctor award” goes to U.S. Senator Bob Menendez for his antics in the Dominican Republic and for regularly keeping his Washington, DC neighbors up all night.
The “Three monkeys award” goes to the New Jersey press corps for their coverage of Bob Menendez and Lisa Jackson.
The “They’re all made of ticky tacky and they all look the same” award goes to Newark Mayor Cory Booker for backing down from his candid comment on Meet the Press that he found the negative political ads deployed “by both sides” nauseating.
The “Rahm Emanuel Never Waste A Good Crisis Award” goes to Senate President Steve Sweeney and Senator Mike Doherty for their political courage in proposing that funding for rebuilding the Jersey Shore post-Super Storm Sandy be contingent on the elimination of beach badge sales to pay for beach safety and maintenance. Sweeney gets the bonus Kitten, kitten , kitten award for his unwillingness to discuss his proposal with anyone other than stenographers and the Asbury Park Press Editorial Board.
The “Cory Booker Profile In Grandstanding Award” goes to Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik for his multiple TV appearances promoting his community’s Cops in Schools program.
Posted: December 29th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Year in Review | Tags: Bob Menendez, Cory Booker, Jon Hornik, Lisa Jackson, Marlboro, Mike Doherty, Rahm Emanuel, Steve Sweeney | 5 Comments »
The John Connally Most Money Spent For The Fewest Results Award (named after former Texas Governor John Connally who spent $11 million in seeking the Republican 1980 Presidential nomination only to win only one delegate goes to: Rick Perry. Perry raised almost $20 million however despite climbing to the top of the polls when he first entered the race, his campaign soon turned into a total flop after numerous mis-statements and debate performances that were so poor that some questioned his physical and mental stability.
The Not Crazy Enough For A Republican Debate Audience also goes to Rick Perry who was booed at a Republican Presidential debate over a compassionate Texas law that gives in-state college tuition to children of illegal immigrants.
The Tell The Sheep What They Want to Hear Award goes to Dick Morris with his ridiculous predictions of a Romney landside, made when the Romney campaign was falling apart. He later said he felt it his “duty” to offer this thoughts. So much for his secret poll!!!
The Too Crazy For Even Fox News Award goes to Karl Rove for his election night meltdown when he questions Fox News calling the state of Ohio and the election for the President. FYI, the President won the state comfortable by a margin of 3% or roughly 160,000 votes.
Posted: December 29th, 2012 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2012 Year in Review | Tags: Bob English, Year end awards | 1 Comment »
Governor Christie’s nomination of GOP Chairman Joe Oxley to be a Superior Court Judge kicked off a competitive contest of the Monmouth GOP Chairmanship between former Senator John Bennett and GOP State Committeewoman Christine Hanlon.
Garden State Equality, the gay rights advocacy group, announced that they were close to having enough votes in the legislature to override Governor Christie’s veto of the Marriage Equality and Religious Exemptions Act. The announcement was bullshit.
Rachel Alintoff, a former Long Branch resident with ongoing divorce litigation in Monmouth County, aired her grievances about Judge Paul X. Escandon to Governor Christie at a Town Hall Meeting in Garfield. Since then, over 30 additional women have come forward with complaints against Escandon, a investigation has been initiated by the Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct and Escandon’s assignment has been changed twice.
Republicans were buoyed by a Quinnipiac Poll and New York Times article indicating that Joe Kyrillos had a path to defeating Bob Menendez in the U.S. Senate race.
Mitt Romney clinched the GOP Presidential nomination. The Obama campaign bought TV time in Ohio to run negative ads against Romney starting in June.
The New Jersey Senate Judiciary Committee rejected the nomination of the first openly homosexual man nominated to the State Supreme Court. Bruce Harris, an African-American and the Republican Mayor of Chatham Borough, was rejected by the Democratically controlled committee in a party-line vote.
Posted: December 28th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Year in Review | Tags: 2012 Year in review, May | Comments Off on 2012 Year in review: May
On April 1 MMM reported that Anna Little was quitting politics to launch her musical career. On April 2 a Star Ledger reporter asked Little’s CD-6 GOP primary opponent Ernesto Cullari for comment on Little’s career change.
Governor Chris Christie went to Israel.
U.S. Senator Bob Menendez went to the Dominican Republic.
Barack Obama’s eligibility to be on the New Jersey ballot as a candidate for President of the United States was challenged. The challenge failed.
Mitt Romney won a bunch of GOP presidential primaries. Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich dropped of the the GOP nominating race.
JCP&L implemented a power outage reporting website. It got a great deal of use throughout the rest of the year.
Jimmy Kimmel made fun of President Obama and Governor Christie at the White House Correspondents Dinner.
Posted: December 27th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Year in Review | Tags: 2012 Year in review, April. | Comments Off on 2012 Year in review: April
A Quinnipiac poll indicated that New Jersey voters support gay marriage and that they want an opportunity to vote on the issue.
Conservative Columnist and media pioneer Andrew Breitbart died unexpectedly of natural causes at 43 years old.
Former Fair Haven Mayor Mike Halfacre was confirmed Director of the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control by the State Senate.

Star Ledger photo
Former Acting Governor Richard Codey got professionally made up as a homeless man and went “undercover” to investigate a Newark homeless shelter. The publicity stunt brought plenty of attention to Codey but did nothing to help the plight of the homeless.
Governor Chris Christie got into a shouting match at a Town Hall meeting with a former Navy Seal over the Rutgers-Camden-Rowan merger. Christie called William Brown an idiot. Brown later issued a public apology to Christie.
James Hogan quit blogging.
Anna Little abandoned her fight against Joe Kyrillos for the GOP U.S. Senate nomination and set her sights back on the GOP 6th District Congressional nomination. Newcomer Ernesto Cullari scored a stunning upset against Little, a former Monmouth County Freeholder and former Highlands Mayor, for the Monmouth GOP screening committee’s endorsement in CD-6. Little won the Middlesex County endorsement and went on to win the nomination in the June primary.
Moody’s affirmed Middletown’s AA2 bond rating.
The Senate Judiciary Committee rejected Phillip Kwon’s nomination to the State Supreme Court. Senate Democrats demanded that Governor Christie, a Republican, nominate a Democrat to the Court. Kwon, the first Asian-American ever nominated to the Court is an Independent voter. The Democrats insisted that he is really a Republican due to his relationship with Christie.
A New Jersey Superior Court Judge sued the State over his contributions to the State Pension fund, arguing that the 2011 reforms that required higher pension contributions of all State employees was a violation of the State Constitution.
The Asbury Park Board of Education ordered a new $800,000+ astro turf football field. They went with the traditional green field, saying they didn’t have enough money for blue turf.
Charles Measley caught U.S. Senator Bob Menendez and Congressman Frank Pallone making like chipmunks at the Belmar St’ Patrick’s parade.
Posted: December 27th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Year in Review | Tags: March 2012 | Comments Off on 2012 Year In Review: March