A Rutgers-Eagleton poll released this morning indicates that State Senator Joe Kyrillos is “virtually unknown” to the statewide electorate.
80% either have no opinion (50%) or are unsure (30%) of Kyrillos. 11% have a favorable opinion, 9% have an unfavorable opinion.
U.S. Senator Bob Menendez leads Kyrillos in a head to head match up by 44% to 22% with 26% unsure and 7% saying they won’t vote.
In a generic Democrat vs Republican match up, the Democrat wins 46% to 34%.
The poll’s sampling was slightly skewed in favor of Democrats. Of the 914 registered voters Rutgers-Eagleton surveyed, 37% were Democrats, 20% were Republican and 43% were Independent. The actual partisan break down of New Jersey’s registered voters is 34% Democrat, 22% Republican and 45% Independent, according to a February 18 report by Labels and Lists. The survey was taken February 9-11.
Kyrillos views the poll in a positive light for his campaign. His campaign manager, Chapin Fay, issued the following statement:
“With gas prices 50% higher than when Bob Menendez was elected to the Senate and unemployment skyrocketing from 4.7% to 8.3%, it’s no surprise Bob Menendez continues to struggle in the polls. His favorable/unfavorable rating is an anemic 37-24 and he is 44% on the ballot, which is Jon Corzine territory. When voters learn how Joe Kyrillos helped Governor Christie turn New Jersey around, they will support his effort to do the same in Washington.”
Pallone and Payne, 17 others are tied for #1 most liberal members of congress
Republicans Smith and LoBiondo have higher liberal rankings than conservative rankings
National Journal has released its annual Congressional Voting Ratings and New Jersey has two congressman tied for the #1 most liberal member of congress based upon how they voted throughout 2011.
Frank Pallone, NJ-6, Long Branch, after being ranked the 70th most liberal member of congress in 2009, the 33rd most liberal in 2010, surged to the top of the list to earn a number 1 ranking in 2011.
Donald Payne of Newark, NJ-10, shares the #1 liberal ranking with Pallone and 17 other members throughout the country. Payne’s liberal ranking was 46 in 2009 and 113 in 2010.
Rush Holt, NJ-12 joins Pallone and Payne among the top 50 liberals, coming in at #43, a drop from his 14th place showing in 2010. Holt was #1 in 2009.
The most conservative member of New Jersey’s delegation? That would be Scott Garrett, NJ-5, which is really no surprise. What is surprising is that Garrett, who is often portrayed in the New Jersey media as a right wing fringe lunatic and the most conservative member of congress, is in the middle of the pack, ranked # 143 on the conservative scale.
NJ-3 freshman Jon Runyan’s #181 conservative ranking makes him the #2 conservative in the New Jersey delegation.
Leonard Lance, NJ-7 is ranked #191 on the conservative list. Rodney Frelinghuysen, NJ-11 is #206.
Republicans Chris Smith, NJ-4, and Frank LoBiondo, NJ-2, have higher liberal rankings than conservative rankings. Smith is #195 on the liberal list and #235 on the conservative list. LoBiondo is #205 on the liberal list and #225 on the conservative list.
In the Senate, Frank Lautenberg is #14 on the liberal list. Bob Menendez is #31 on the liberal list.
Menendez Senate has not passed a budget in over 1000 days
Middletown – February 21… Today, Joe Kyrillos applauded Governor Chris Christie’s third straight balanced budget as a blueprint for America’s future.
“Bob Menendez and his colleagues in the Senate could learn something from the tough choices we’re making to fix New Jersey’s finances,” Senator Joe Kyrillos said.
“It’s been over 1,000 days since the U.S. Senate has passed a budget. And, while we balance our budget here in New Jersey, Washington gives us trillion dollar plus deficits – kicking the can down the road spending money on the backs of our children and grandchildren. That kind of record is unacceptable and it needs to change.”
Governor Christie and his allies, including Senator Kyrillos, have led the fight to cap property taxes, reduce spending and reform New Jersey’s broken pension system – the very same issues that are going unaddressed in Washington and contributing to our growing $15.3 trillion in national debt.
When Governor Christie took office in 2010, the state faced a budget shortfall of over $13 billion – today that shortfall is zero.
Senator Kyrillos continued, “Today is proof positive that the New Jersey comeback has, in fact, begun. A lot of people doubted it could be done, but we did it – we are making the tough decisions that need to be made – and it is long past time we did the same in Washington. It is time for the American comeback.”
“While Bob Menendez is offering more of the same: more spending, more taxes and more debt, I am running on my record of fiscal responsibility and real reforms that have reigned in spending without adding extra burdens to New Jersey families.”
Since Bob Menendez was appointed fill Jon Corzine’s seat in the Senate, the national debt has jumped from $8.1 trillion to $15.3 trillion, the annual deficit has grown from $250 billion to over $1 trillion, and unemployment has risen from 4.7% to 8.3%.
“The status quo isn’t working. It is time for New Jersey to show Washington how real leadership works. It is working in New Jersey. It will work in Washington.”
Senator Joseph M. Kyrillos, Jr., 51, served as chairman of Governor Chris Christie’s 2009 gubernatorial campaign and has played a key leadership role in moving the Governor’s agenda through the legislature. Kyrillos is married to Susan Doctorian Kyrillos and they live in Middletown with their children Max and Georgia. He began serving New Jersey’s 13th Legislative District in 1988 when he was elected to the General Assembly. After spending two terms in the Assembly he was elected to the Senate where he has served since 1993. In addition to his official duties, the Senator is employed as Senior Managing Director of Colliers International, the commercial real estate services firm with offices in New York and Parsippany. He is also an advisor to the Newport Capital Group in Red Bank, NJ.
Following the WrestleMania press conference this morning, Governor Christie and State Senator Joe Kyrillos will head over to the West 22 Diner in Springfield for a rhetorical smackdown of zipline enthusiast, Bob “The Squealer” Mendendez.
The campaign event is open to the public and is scheduled to start at 1:30PM.
Vin Gopal, a Monmouth County business owner and 11th District Assembly candidate, formally launched his campaign to replace Victor Scudiery as Chairman of the Monmouth County Democrats today. Scudiery sent a letter to his county committee members this week announcing that he is not seeking another term.
In a post on Blue Jersey, Gopal said that he has filled 75 vacant county committee seats in the past few weeks and that Monmouth County Democrats would work to defeat U. S. Senate candidate Joe Kyrillos in his home county.
Together, we will challenge Joe Kyrillos vote by vote in his home county and I will work tirelessly to make sure that happens.
In a press release this morning, Gopal boasted of the support he has received from more than 100 Democratic Leaders and the unanimous endorsement of the Monmouth-Ocean AFL-CIO Central Labor Council.
Marlboro Council President Frank LaRocca is expect to challenge Gopal for the chairmanship. LaRocca was not available for comment.
Bob Menendez and the Senate have failed to pass a budget for more than 1000 days. That is an incredible leadership failure. What is worse, today’s budget proposes more of the same—more spending, more taxes and more debt. And while countries like Greece struggle to pass austerity budgets, the White House says that this is no time for austerity. That is insane.
In New Jersey we have proven that hard decisions and tough measures can turn things around. They haven’t learned that lesson in Washington, but it is time they do.
Senator Joe Kyrillos addresses the Monmouth County Lincoln Day dinner. Photo Credit: Rhoda Chodosh
The Abraham Lincoln impersonator played second fiddle to U.S. Senate candidate Joe Kyrillos at the Monmouth County Lincoln Day Dinner last night in Atlantic Highlands.
The annual dinner is named for Lincoln. Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno was the keynote speaker. The night belonged to Kyrillos. The name of Monmouth County’s favorite son who is challenging Bob Menendez for one of New Jersey’s seats in the United States Senate was stuck on most lapels and his photograph was prominently projected on the wall behind the stage.
The Republican faithful who had not already signed Kyrillos’ nominating petitions at his campaign kickoff were lining up to do so.
The enthusiasm for Kyrillos, who is on the verge of exceeding the required 1000 signatures required to get on the primary ballot stood in stark contrast to the reception that his potential primary opponent, former Highlands Mayor Anna Little, received while working the Lincoln Day crowd.
Working the very same room where she defiantly refused to concede defeat in 2010, but rather declared a 2012 rematch against Congressman Frank Pallone, Little and her manager, Larry Cirigano, struggled to get signatures on her U.S. Senate nominating petition. Little resorted to erroneously telling polite Kyrillos supporters that it was OK to sign more than one nominating petition for the same race.
Any signatures that appear on more than one nominating petition will be invalidated should the petitions be challenged.
Little received polite applause during the ritual roll call acknowledgement of present and former elected officials. Kyrillos received a standing ovation during his introduction of Guadagno.