In a sharp rebuke to prosecutors, the U.S. Supreme Court today threw out the convictions of Bridget Anne Kelly and Bill Baroni — the two former Christie administration officials charged in the bizarre scheme of political retribution that became known as Bridgegate.
“Because the scheme here did not aim to obtain money or property, Baroni and Kelly could not have violated the federal-program fraud or wire fraud laws,” the court ruled.
The unanimous 15-page ruling underscored the skepticism of a court that has repeatedly questioned the government’s “boundless interpretation” of the federal bribery … Read the rest of this entry »
Gov. Phil Murphy has not yet provided a timeline for when he’ll further reopen New Jersey from near-lockdown to fight the coronavirus pandemic, but he gave a window Wednesday night into what might come next.
That, he said, includes guidance for beaches, nonessential construction resuming, and some businesses offering curbside pickup and delivery.
“We’ll continue, as the curves come down and we lay out what the testing and contact tracing look like — you can expect that over the next week or so — we’ll continue to take other what I call baby steps,” Murphy said during his “Ask the Governor” televis… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: May 7th, 2020 | Author:Art Gallagher | Filed under:COVID-19, New Jersey | Tags:COVID-19, New Jersey | Comments Off on Beaches, construction sites, curbside businesses may be next to reopen, Murphy says
Middletown Jewelry and Junction Boutique Gift Shop, Belford
Senator Declan O’Scanlon, Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso, and Assemblyman Gerry Scharfenberger (R-Monmouth) called on the Murphy administration to allow for a limited reopening of small gift shops and jewelry stores in advance of Mother’s Day.
Amanda and Johnny Ho at CentraState with donated medical masks
There are 87 new COVID-19 cases as of May 5 in Monmouth County, bring the total to 6,521, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone and Deputy Director Sue Kiley announce. 398 County residents have succumbed to the virus, according to the NJ Department of Health.
Former Gov. Chris Christie on Monday told CNN the country should reopen despite projections that the ongoing coronavirus pandemic could kill thousands of Americans.
Christie, a Republican and backer of President Trump, pointed to the “economic devastation” from widespread closures of businesses put in place to help slow the spread of the virus.
“Of course, everybody wants to save every life they can — but the question is, towards what end, ultimately?” Christie said in an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash for The Daily DC Podcast. “Are there ways that we can… thread the middle here to allow that th… Read the rest of this entry »
I hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather this
weekend at one of our County parks or golf courses while continuing to practice
strict social distancing!
I am glad that the authority over the
decision of whether or not the Monmouth County parks are open was put back in
the hands of the Freeholders. My fellow Freeholders and I have always felt,
throughout this pandemic, that our parks are essential for the mental health
and wellbeing of our residents. We vowed to open them as soon as we were able
to, and that is exactly what we are doing.
Devon Harley, 30, of Neptune City faces two federal charges of possession an Glock 26 9mm which had been altered to shoot automatically while being a convicted felon, according to an announcement by U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito .
“We waited,” Gov. Phil Murphy said, “because we wanted to get it right.”Governor Murphy said that in response to a question about whether he waited too long to call for our state lockdown.
Sometimes hesitating to “get it right” is wise. Other times it’s the hesitation itself that dooms one to failure. Now Governor Murphy faces a similar test of judgment regarding opening our state back up and potentially saving, or killing our economy.
We faced several major health threats in the last century – Spanish Flu of 1918 and Hong Kong flu in ‘68. But if you ask people today to name t… Read the rest of this entry »
New Jersey’s public schools will remain closed for the remainder of the academic year, Governor Phil Murphy announced at his daily COVID-19 briefing on Monday. Teachers will continue to instruct students remotely.
New Jersey will join six other states in the region to pool resources for buying for personal protective equipment and other medical supplies as the area continues to battle the coronaviruspandemic, officials announced Sunday.
The announcement was made during New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s daily coronavirus briefing. Gov. Phil Murphy and other governors joined the briefing by video conference.
New Jersey will join New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Rhode Island and Massachusetts in the regional effort.“We’re going to form a consortium,” Cuomo said, adding the states will spend $5 billio… Read the rest of this entry »