
New State Strategic Plan

UPDATE: Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno is scheduled to attend tonight’s hearing at Monmouth University.

The State Planning Commission continues the introduction of its new plan, which is a revision of the 2001 State Development and Redevelopment Plan, with public hearings this week.

Locally, there will be a hearing on Tuesday, February 28,  at Monmouth University, Bey Hall, 400 Cedar Ave, West Long Branch.  The hearing is scheduled for 6PM with public comment and questions at 7PM.

There will be a hearing in Morris Township on Monday and in Bordentown on Wednesday.  Click here for details.

The plan sets forth a vision for the future of our State along with strategies to achieve that vision. It is the culmination of several years of work by the State and its staff in collaboration with county and local stakeholders and members of the public, according to the State Planning Commission’s website.

There has been some growing grassroots opposition and pointed questioning of the plan by Tea Party members and opponents of UN Agenda 21.   Opponents are expressing concerns of the loss of private property rights, local control and sovereignty.

Posted: February 26th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Agenda 21, New Jersey State Strategic Plan | Tags: , , , | 39 Comments »

39 Comments on “New State Strategic Plan”

  1. Former Tea Party Diehard said at 11:36 pm on February 26th, 2012:

    As an avid reader of this blog from a neighboring county, I am glad that you have finally brought this topic up. I have been a tea party member from the beginning, but their stupid, paranoid opposition to this plan is the last straw for me. Aside from the constant internal squabbling over everything from how much to charge for dues to who to support for president, they have now gone off the deep end with this crazy stuff. At first, I was concerned about what I was hearing with the plan until I took the time to research and ask questions. I actually had one of my members proclaim as evidence that anytime a certain word that appears in Agenda 21 also appears in another document, it means they are connected. So I guess the fact that the word “people” appears in both Agenda 21 and the Declaration of Independence means they are also connected.

    I see this as nothing more than a distraction from Obamacare, illegal immigration, Muslim terrorism, debt and what we were founded on; excessive taxes. I know other Tea Party members who feel the same way. The Tea Party was a great idea, but now that the conspiracy kooks have taken over attacking what I see to be as a pro development jobs program, Ive had it. This group is making us a laughing stock and feeding into the liberal tactic of painting us as wing nuts. Too bad, we could have really been a force to take back our country from the socialist President Otaxa.

  2. George Gallenthin said at 2:26 am on February 27th, 2012:

    Having spent 14 years and in excess of million dollars in legal work, it is completely obvious your land is targeted in New Jersey. It is a matter of public record. See also 191 NJ 344.

    It was also admitted by a sitting NJ Cabinet Officer, with the kindest intent: Please remove your head from the sand.

  3. Agenda 22 said at 6:49 am on February 27th, 2012:

    Seriously Tea Party? No wonder nobody takes you seriously anymore. So let me get this straight: The State of NJ is adopting a supposed UN initiative to bring down property rights and ruin the USA? I don’t buy it.

    Maybe the leaders of the Tea Party should stop watching Doomsday Preppers and fight for things that make sense.

  4. Lk Hopatcong Tea Party said at 7:12 am on February 27th, 2012:

    To Agenda 22:
    You should take your head out of the sand, the proposed Redevelopment plan is a serious issue that warrants full inspection and review by all property owners in New Jersey. Remarks like your’s provide no value to any discussion. But what would I expect from a Leftist.

  5. Politicalpony said at 7:24 am on February 27th, 2012:

    Dear “Former” Tea Party Dieout, It’s obvious to me you are someone that is disgruntled about something a little more than just the Tea Party going after the UN and it’s AG21. What amazes me is that you would let a personal issue get in the way of the facts and therefore allowing your country to be run by a bunch of foreign diplomats that don’t have the best interest of our country and it’s people in mind. As fur wordage in the documents, one only needs to read “as you claim to have” and it is easy to see, not only the vocabulary that’s used, which is all but foreign to the average persons daily use, the similarities and motivations between the UN plan, Sustainable NJ, ICLEI and the NJ State Strategic Plan seem t be to coincidental to be merely an accident. Now I ask that you please be honest, come back in here and admit that you never read any of the plan. Either that, or you are possibly a plant from the state or one of the many Non Governmental Organizations that are pushing this

  6. As I once was said at 7:30 am on February 27th, 2012:

    You are both right “Agenda 21” and Lk Hopatcong. It does warrant full inspection. The good news is it is a good plan that just makes the state get its act together but lets all of the final decisions to the local people.

    I saw an e-mail from a nutty environmental group complaining that it doesn’t say no enough and allows people to do develop their property if they want. Sounds pretty free market to me. I am glad the state is looking to do economic development not like president job killer.

  7. Former Tea Party Diehard said at 7:45 am on February 27th, 2012:

    To politicalpony,

    My personal disagreements with other Tea Party members aside, I have read the plan. And like any reasonable person, I had questions which I asked and had answered. My conclusion is that it is stupid to oppose this since, as I see it, it tries to grow the economy which is what we should want to see happen. I also think it is stupid that with all that is happening with the traitor in the White House, muslims trying to kill us illegals sucking us dry, the Tea Party is wasting time being frantic about little green men from the U.N. conspiring to steal our property. The last thing New Jersey wants is to lose property taxpayers to soak every month to pay the unions their crazy salaries.

  8. Tom Stokes said at 8:18 am on February 27th, 2012:

    Unlike, I suspect, some of the above posters, I did read the draft proposal at:


    This proposal seems to me that the government is finally getting their act together. Well planned targeted growth to attract businesses AND JOBS, identifying the problems that hold our state back, and proposing a well thought out plan to address these problems is a step, finally, in the right direction.

    One thing did catch my eye and that was the identification of the current methodology of school funding (relying on local property taxes) is an “impediment to sustainable economic growth”. Frankly, that hits the nail on the head. About two-thirds of local property taxes go to fund schools. Unless this item is addressed, there will never be any success in controlling local property taxes.

    Bravo to some brave souls within government to actually devise a plan to work with private enterprise, without infringing on local municipal land use authorities, that will encourage job growth.

    It is indeed unfortunate that closet conspiracy theorists see a UN connection behind every tree.

    The problem we have in this country is two-fold. 1. JOBS (IT’S THE ECONOMY, STUPID) 2. the incumbent in the White House. I suggest we concentrate on resolving those two problems before being dragged off in wild tangents and conspiracy chases.

  9. Politicalpony said at 8:29 am on February 27th, 2012:

    Agenda 22, Lets say for a moment that it’s not the United Nations AG 21 program that the state is using too take personal liberty and private property rights away from the tax payer and citizen. There is still no way to deny that through over regulations of home and property, that every year that passes they have less and less say as owners as to what they can do with “Their Property”. It comes down to a point where you will be forced to meet far to many and non-attainable demands by the state or bureaucrats. . Once you can no longer do as you like with your property such as add on a room, install a certain type window or even put a shrub in your back yard, you might as well no longer own the property. With the over whelming rules and regulations comes tyranny. Perhaps the inability to any longer financially hold on to what is yours and lose it because of over regulations. Every year that passes there is more taking of your rights. I don’t care if it’s the government or the UN, when does it end. You end up paying taxes on property you no longer can make decisions for. It might as well no longer be yours.

  10. Politicalpony said at 9:00 am on February 27th, 2012:

    Former Dieout and Tom Stokes, Lets start with the fact that the state should not determine where a company should or should not be able to locate. The plan talks about telling companies of a certain nature where they can conduct business. Aside from the obvious reasons of intelligent placement of certain industry, who is the government to tell anyone where too conduct their business. In another section of the plan, they talk about Urban Sprawl. Do you even have any idea what that is? I’ll assume you don’t. I won’t be giving you a lesson in here on what it is but just know that they will be stopping people from building homes where they wish and will be telling the people what types of homes they can and can’t build. And with this little plan of Urban Sprawl they will be closing off access to potential areas of home building as well as business and industry. This plan is to jam everyone up into cities and large towns. The state will be trying to create a Utopia in blighted area’s by forcing people into towns they do not want to live in. You don’t think so? Well the state is already talking about taking “$1 Billion” and giving it out as a bonus to private contractors who stay away from fresh ground and are willing to build or rebuild in these blighted areas. If that’s not a bribe and interference of private business and a citizens liberties, then I don’t know what is. Tax payers dollars at work. Your money going to some private contractor as a bonus on top of the millions they might already be making. Understand this, It is not the governments place to give away your money in this fashion. It is not the governments job to create jobs. It is not the governments job to create an industry such as the Solar industry or any other industry. What is the governments job or function? To stay out of the way of the people so they can do what they do best. This starts with doing away with the extreme heavy burden of property tax and sales tax, which most goes to a failed education. This starts with repealing many of the ridiculous rules and regulations that hinder the movement and progression of private business, entrepreneur start up and runs many people and their business out of the state. Now we find ourselves as a state having to give “Tax Breaks” to large industry in order to bring them into the state. Wow, this makes a lot of sense, if your a Socialist. This whole plan is about social engineering. That’s right, the other name for it is Socialism. The first thing both of you need to know is what is in the US constitution. Once you know this, you will plainly see that what is taking place here is a violation of constitutional law.

  11. Former Tea Party Diehard said at 9:03 am on February 27th, 2012:

    Politicalpony you’re all over the place. How do you go from a UN plot to whether or not you can add a window? This is why I think this is such a distraction. This plan, from what I read, deals with creating jobs and as Tom Stokes said, has government getting its act together which will mean less regulations, not more as you seem to think. When I go to sleep tonight, I will be more worried that a terrorist will blow up Americans, Otaxa will run up more debt and taxes, more illegals will come over the border and more abortions will mean more dead babies, not that the UN will tell me what kind of window I can have in my house.

  12. Politicalpony said at 9:24 am on February 27th, 2012:

    Here are just a few examples from the pages at the ICLEI website. You tell me what it all means.

    “5 June 2011
    BONN/Germany – At the current level of commitments from governments 200 billion US
    dollars will be available for climate change adaptation funding over the next 20 years.
    However, according to UNFCCC estimates up to 67 billion US dollars will be needed
    annually by 2030.”

    A white paper on „Financing the Resilient City‟, was launched today at ICLEI‟s Resilient
    Cities 2011 congress in Bonn, Germany. It identifies shortfalls in the global funding structures
    for adaptation, and sets out innovative ways to overcome them.

    …“What is needed is to build on local expertise
    and institutions and fund what is needed locally, rather than conventional global financing
    mechanisms determining what local action is eligible for funding.”

    “The challenge for the international architecture is to let go of the command and control wish
    over climate funds”, confirms Paul Clements-Hunt, Head of the UNEP Finance Initiative.

    The 2011 Bonn Declaration of Mayors advocates for the implementation of the following findings of the white paper:
     Mainstreaming new adaptation and resilience standards into conventional urban development projects.
     Developing specialized financial instruments for comprehensive local adaptation and resilience upgrading projects in urban areas.
     Building additional local institutional capacity to prepare, structure and manage large scale redevelopment.
    Over 30 mayors have discussed the adaptation and financing challenges that their cities are facing with Andrew Steer of the World Bank, Christiana Figueres of the UNFCCC, UN-HABITAT‟s Joan Clos and Michel Liès of SwissRe, at the Mayors Adaptation Forum that is part of the Resilient Cities congress….”

    There is a lot more from where this came from.

    Here’s a question that should be asked.

    Has the former Mayor Gerard P. Scharfenberger, Ph.D. of Middletown ever attended one of these large scale Mayoral type meetings? I say yes he has. I say his name is on a list of attendees during at least one meeting.

  13. Politicalpony said at 9:34 am on February 27th, 2012:

    Former, it’s all a part of the plan. It’s not just about windows, stop denying what is so easily discovered recognizable to be the truth. I spent half of last summer reading through pages of some of the most boring written pieces ever done by man.

    Have you ever seen and read any of this nonsense for example?

    Get a load of the title, it alone tells you all you need to know.

    Cooperative Federalism
    and Climate Change:
    Why Federal, State, and Local Governments
    Must Continue to Partner


    Boys and girls that want to deny the truth about The UN and it’s Agenda 21, and the fact that stupid or gullible politicians and others that have fallen for the largest scam ever created in the history of man better wake up and start admitting to the facts. But then you first would have to do some home work and study, is their anyone out there willing to do this? I think not enough.

  14. Gerry Scharfenberger said at 9:35 am on February 27th, 2012:

    For the record polticalpony, or whoever you are, I have not attended any of these meetings. You are 100% wrong.

  15. Tom Stokes said at 9:44 am on February 27th, 2012:

    PoliticalPony – give me a break!

    Next you’ll be saying it’s some sort of neo Nazi or Jewish conspiracy.

    This is not the Bilderbergers or Masonic (or …….. whatever you want to insert) conspiracy for ultimate world domination.

    This is about a planned effort to restore a vibrant economy through proper planning – you know, infrastructure (roads and utilities – water, sewer, gas, electric, etc) and transportation capabilities (road, rail, bus) so people can get to work as well as have a place to raise their families.

    What New Jersey (and this country) needs is for people to get back to work; this means we need to create jobs, jobs, jobs.

    It also means we need to stop drinking too much Kool-Aid when discussing important issues.

  16. Politicalpony said at 9:48 am on February 27th, 2012:

    Just read some of this crap. I’m posting it all at random, but if you don’t get the idea and feel for it, then your either numb, dumb or a Socialist who likes socialist agendas.

    Funding for adaptation has to be bottom-up
    To cover the shortfall of finance for urban adaptation, there needs to be a change in global
    financing systems from the current top-down approach to a locally orientated demand-driven
    approach. In short, an inversion of global adaptation financing is needed.


    The Local Government Climate Roadmap


    keep running at the mouth in here and I’ll keep posting things for all you nay sayers to read. These sites sites I’m posting aren’t coming from some stupid local blog with some guy sitting in his PJ’s all day in his parents basement.

    So much for the Black Helicopters and Tin Foil hats. There are thousands of websites that expose the truth of the matter. There is more reading on every subject and issue than you would ever care to know about. They have so much of this nonsense out there that it will make your head spin. NGO after NGO most or all of them up to no good. Some working together behind the scenes others that don’t connect so that when the dominoes fall, they hope to remain standing.

    I’ll check back in with you little communist soldiers later today. Come on boys, keep trying me.

  17. Tom Stokes said at 9:53 am on February 27th, 2012:

    “from the current top-down approach to a locally orientated demand-driven
    approach” …and this is communist?

    That sounds pretty free market to me.

  18. Politicalpony said at 9:54 am on February 27th, 2012:

    Tom you better start reading and get informed. Read what I put in here. Or are you to LAZY to take the time.

    “This is about a planned effort to restore a vibrant economy through proper planning – you know, infrastructure (roads and utilities – water, sewer, gas, electric, etc) and transportation capabilities (road, rail, bus) so people can get to work as well as have a place to raise their families.”

    This plan is more than that. Now, you either want to let your future be run by people that don’t know you and don’t care to know you, or you’ll take charge of your own life.

    “What New Jersey (and this country) needs is for people to get back to work; this means we need to create jobs, jobs, jobs.”

    We? We as the people or “We” as in Government? If you say Government it becomes clear to me that you have no clue as to the real function of government found in our US constitution. And to continue to talk to you on this issue would be a waist of time. I can’t take the time to teach you anything, this is something you’ll have to achieve on your own.

  19. Barbara said at 10:01 am on February 27th, 2012:

    I was going to expose Tea Party Diehard for the DISGRUNTLED REPUBLICAN WHO THOUGHT HE WAS A TEA PARTIER that he/she is, but Political Pony is doing just fine.

  20. Wingnuts abound said at 10:03 am on February 27th, 2012:

    Thanks PP for exposing this conspiracy. Wait until you hear what I uncovered. Working with the UN Martians have landed in Grovers Mills and are planning on infiltrating New Jersey by posing as rotorooter men. To make matters worse, I believe Art is the mastermind. Want proof? Here it is. Look at letters 2,3 and 4 in the word “martian” Case closed.

    We make quite a team, don’t we pp?

  21. Tom Stokes said at 10:05 am on February 27th, 2012:

    Government does not create real jobs; it usually is an impediment to the creation of jobs.

    Only private industry or entrepreneurs can create jobs. All of us can be job creators, whether as actual individual entrepreneurs or as investors in companies.

    Government normally needs to get out of the way. If you read this State Strategic Plan, you might discover that finally government will try to work with the private sector in this area.

    Identifying where government hinders, not helps, the economy grow is a significant improvement over current burdensome regulations which stifles free enterprise.

  22. Politicalpony said at 10:22 am on February 27th, 2012:

    One other thought about this plan. After reading it, it dawned on me that it read more like a DR. Seuss attempt to write a legal paper. Who dreams up this nonsense?

  23. Politicalpony said at 10:32 am on February 27th, 2012:

    Wingnut, you have named yourself appropriately. Next time you want us to read something, try posting a link to it. Also rather than call names and insinuate fable, how about posting some proof of your findings. I have, have you taken the time to investigate? I doubt it. But then, who could blame ya. The crap talks in circles and uses verbiage not normally used by people in their everyday conversations.. One last thing Wingnut, I hear tickets for window seats are on sale for the trip back to Mars. The ticket outlet can be found at the following links.




  24. Chris said at 11:11 am on February 27th, 2012:

    Thank you Tom for posting the draft document. I noticed it starts with 2 mistakes:
    1. Why is Ed McKenna (the long-time Red Bank Democratic boss) the State Planning Chairman in the Christie administration?
    2. His business partner is DuPont, not Du Pont. You think they might’ve spell-checked at least the first 2 pages of the document. As reference, Mike DuPont was one of the advocates of the doubling of toll increases.

    Let’s skip to goals:

    Goal 1: Targeted Economic Growth: Enhance opportunities for attraction and growth of industries of statewide and regional importance.

    Who decides what industries are of regional importance? Does it mean the Government will again pick winners and losers and a central planner will decide what’s good for each region and what’s bad?

    Goal 2: Effective Planning for Vibrant Regions: Guide and inform regional planning so that each region of the State can experience appropriate growth according to the desires and assets of that region.

    Ouch: Desires of the region? Who’ll that be? Voters in that region? County leaders? An association of mayors and town officials? A regional supervisor named by the State? So based on that region “representative”, the State will decide how much the region can grow?

    And this goes on and on…

    And btw, if you don’t like Urban Sprawl, and think more efficiency can be achieved in a concentrated urban area, anyone is free to move to a major urban area, we have a few in New Jersey, like Newark or Camden. Now it’s the time to do it!! Property values are still low and you can snatch a lot of foreclosure deals! Leave the urban dream!

  25. tp109 said at 11:23 am on February 27th, 2012:

    Looks like the phony I-am-a-former-TEA-partier -turned-off crowd reveals itself with the same labels and talking points as the progressives and planners. Talking points require no proof and no depth of research, merely personal attacks. Read the Plan and look at he “targeted growth areas” and which areas gets “incentivized.” The Plan admits there is no extra money to do this so it must come from somewhere and that “combing” state department funds is a priority and will go to those that go along with the plan, meaning go along or get shut out from those incentive grants (taxpayer $). So if the targeted (favored) areas get the $ who doesn’t. Find out. It’s right there in the Plan for those who wish to do some reading.

    BTW the public was invited in after the plan was drafted, while the planners and other advocacy groups ( stakeholders) were invited to sit at the table to help draft it. Only six public hearings for 20 counties when there was no limit to the number in the resolution except that it had to be “at least” 6 not limited to 6.

    One must question why not include the “public” as a stakeholder and extend the public hearings to 1 per county.

  26. Firesign58 said at 12:30 pm on February 27th, 2012:

    Some questions for the august state planning commission:

    If you were serious about obtaining public input, why did you not solicit such input at the beginning of this process?

    Why are special-interest groups considered “stakeholders”?

    Why were these special interest groups allowed to create the data and projections for growth and resource use upon which this plan is based?

    Why are you using 12 year old data from the 2000 census? (and projections, based on said 2000 census, calculated by said special interest groups?)

    Do you realize there is a federal law prohibiting enacting law or regulation based on faulty data? (It’s called the Data Quality Act. Look it up.)

    Why do you NOT want one meeting per county? In what sense is six meetings for the whole state “enough”?
    If 200 people attend each meeting:
    200×6=1200 people;
    State population 2010 census = 8,791,894
    Percent of actual citizens of the state represented in this process = 0.013%
    That is clearly insufficient and calls into question the validity of this entire process.

    Where is the money coming from to pay for all this “infrastructure investment”? What “established funds”? Which ones, specifically? Since the state is billions in debt, shouldn’t any pots of money be used to pay down that debt instead of building facilities of questionable need or value?

    What ROI is minimally acceptable for this “investment” of public funds?

    What will happen to property values not in the “preferred ‘investment’ area”?

    Why are no cost/benefit analyses included in this plan?

    Who wrote the “Guiding Principles for State Decision Making”, and why is “protect private property rights” not on the list?

    Why are these meetings not live-streamed with caller dial-in to allow for more citizen input?

    What is a “vibrant region”? What is “sustainable”? What is a “targeted growth area”? Are you aware these have already been defined with working definitions found in APA planning guide called “Growing Smart: A Legislative Guidebook” and that these terms mean something specific?

    Explain what this means: “New Jersey will focus its policies and investments on vibrant regions by fostering targeted job growth, supporting effective regional planning and preserving the State’s critical resources.”

    Where in the plan are the free market solutions to the problems plaguing the state?

    Are you aware that regional planning as supported by this plan can be used to form unaccountable bureaucracies that effectively supplant local control of development? The plan does nothing to curtail regionalization already happening. In fact it exacerbates this by encouraging more regionalization.

    Are you aware that your verbal statements of intentions on what any of this means will count for nothing once this plan is signed into law, and that what is actually written into the plan and already accepted as definitions will be enforced in the state?

    When will you add into the plan your intended definitions of these vague words? When will you post these definitions on the Internet so the public can examine them?

    Are you aware that the private / public partnerships pushed in this plan actually tend to discourage free market competition and innovation by allowing government, rather than the consumers, to “pick winners and losers”?

    Why are these meetings not being recorded and transcribed so people can see what’s been going on in them, see what questions have been asked and answered, and become more edified about the entire process as a result?

    Are you afraid of a truly open, public, transparent process with robust public input? If not, then why is there no State Plan Facebook page or Twitter account?

    Why are no meetings held during the day? Is there a reason why you ignore the potential for input from people who would attend during the day? This includes elderly people, whose retirements are tied to the value of their property.

    Why are there only six meetings? The Governor’s resolution clearly says “there shall be at least six meetings”. There is no upper limit. Some people would have to drive well over an hour to reach the meeting nearest them.

    These six meetings are held in the middle of winter when many people are out of the State and cannot participate. Is there a reason why you are marginalizing snowbirds and people who do not travel in winter due to potential for weather-related problems?

    Are you aware of “the Delphi technique” and that each of these meetings follows that model?

    Can you understand now why the citizens are outraged over this plan and process?

  27. Cowboy said at 3:32 pm on February 27th, 2012:

    Did you know that Texas has no zoning laws. Thats right none. Three referendums were held to gettem and 3 times they was voted down.
    So if’n you don’t like Zoning laws Texas is the place fer you.

    Just you remember the fella who lives next door to you can build ANYTHING he wants on his property. A gas station, a slaughter house, an amusement park, a rooming house, you name it. There hain’t no free lunch

  28. Politicalpony said at 6:02 pm on February 27th, 2012:

    Firesign58, tp109 and Chris, thank you for your input. You laid it out so much better than I could have done. I guess I just got carried away with simply trying to expose their false claims that AG21 is nothing more than a conspiracy theory.

    You people are the folks that will save our country, I have no doubt.

  29. NIMBY said at 6:04 pm on February 27th, 2012:

    Free to build where and what you want.

  30. Helene said at 7:21 pm on February 27th, 2012:

    To those who chose to spend their time criticizing those who spend their time working – if you have read the plan you missed some problems with the plan, one of which is the ambiguous language used. One of you geniuses mentioned ObamaCare, you know the bill that to pass in order to find out what was in it. Is that what we should do with this plan or should we ask questions and find out what is truly in the plan?

  31. Bob said at 7:54 pm on February 27th, 2012:

    I could write a lot of crap here, but some of you won’t pay attention no matter what we say. We really do not care. To those of you willing to look into Agenda 21, go here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIqvyOho5PQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player

    This is a 75 minute presentation.

    We are not against plans that streamline the processes of government or that make NJ more attractive to business. We are concerned about plans that do not define terms, especially those closely associated with UN Agenda 21, and that do not CLEARLY PROTECT THE PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL! This plan states that it looks out for the best interests of the state! Does that include you and me? If so it should say so!

  32. Tom Stokes said at 9:20 pm on February 27th, 2012:

    Bob – Do you believe that the State (not the national government) or its subordinate entities (counties, municipalities) have a right to properly plan and zone areas (which might prevent a property owner building a factory in a residential area?

    Or do the property rights of that individual property owner dwarf the property rights of the neighbors by building something which would devalue that property?

    Somehow I think we are getting wound up in issues, like the United Nations, which do not seem to relate to the specific issue at hand.

    I happen to agree with you that this DRAFT should be a little clearer and address some of the points raised by Firesign58, but I think it ludicrous (at best) to assign “socialist” or “communist” tags to those trying to update the already existing 2001 State Development and Redevelopment Plan.

    If you really believe Governor Christie is a Socialist or Communist, then there’s this bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you.

  33. Politicalpony said at 10:41 pm on February 27th, 2012:

    Tom it is evident that although you would like to sound as if you are loaded with wisdom, many of us know that you are doing nothing more than barely clinging and trying to distract from the issue at hand. Stop with the ridiculous scenarios that would be natural concerns of any commonsense person. This is not what we are talking about and if you were capable of comprehending what Bob wrote, you wouldn’t even have asked such a question. But like I said, I think your clinging and sinking as you try to keep a debate going that you have long ago lost when confronted with fact after fact. As for labeling this or anyone involved with this plan a Socialist or Communist, it is very fitting to do so. If you don’t understand the definition of these two words then I suggest you go to your online dictionary. Black is Black and White is White, a Socialist is what he/she is, a socialist. Same goes for a Communist. Are these bad words? Are they hateful? Or are the a simple description of a different and opposite form of Government from we in this country maintain and up hold? By the way just for the record, I’d really like to know, so let me ask you. Do you know what form of Government the United States is under?

  34. johnvk said at 2:50 am on February 28th, 2012:

    At first I thought Agenda21 was a conspiracy theory. But I think Firesign58 gave an excellent reply that all people who want to be informed should read. The vagueness of the plan is ridiculous for a serious government agency, and I have very serious concerns over who would have the power and final say if this plan is enacted.

    Some people are saying it is to encourage development, but did you notice it is only urban development? It specifically tries to prevent suburban development. Someone mentioned transportation improvements, and included roads. That’s not what i recall. It was just public transportation, because individuals driving in their own cars is “unsustainable”

    Did you notice what “sustainable” refers to? Not New Jersey business, but the environment.

    Did you know that the State of NJ passed the “Highlands Act” and thousands of properties in NJ lost significant property value? http://www.njhighlandscoalition.org/PDF/PR_2011_06_09_Post.pdf “The Highlands Act mandated an 800,000-acre “no-build” zone in northwestern New Jersey, vaporizing $6 billion of farmers’ property values with the swipe of a governor’s pen.” I did not independently verify this person’s figures.

    These things seem very serious to me and I would not the state to pass ANYTHING until they are clearly spelled out and resolved.

  35. Bob said at 9:33 am on February 28th, 2012:


    Its pretty simple; I buy a piece of property to build a house on and it is zoned that way. I expect to be able to build a house on that property. My property my right. Yes municipalities should zone as their constituents desire.

    That is our point. Simple clarity and defined terms could clear a path for approval of this plan. We are not interested in finding out whats in the plan after its approved.

    I don’t recall calling Christie a socialist or a communist. As to the plan you should consider the prospect of unintended consequences. If it is not crystal clear then it is an open plan subject to interpretation. We all know what that gets us!

  36. Lois said at 2:18 pm on February 28th, 2012:

    Something everyone should be aware of and be very very concerned about: “The Delphi Technique”
    Definition: “how to build a false consensus around a pre-determined outcome.”
    When this is in play, at a meeting there are hired “facilitators” present who are to move things along toward that specific PREDETERMINED outcome. They are skilled and trained to do so. The citizens/property owners/voters/taxpayers present are very much being manipulated, and herded towards a consensus.
    These facilitators prevent questions from being answered in real time–attendees are told to “trust the process” and that the meeting is “not designed to answer questions.” You will hear “we need to keep moving along now” and those asking pertinent sharp questions are told by planted facilitators, expressing annoyance, to “stop holding everything up.”
    Beware: Delphied events are carefully planned and corriographed (sp?)events, run by real pro’s…..—-and the unsuspecting public is not even aware anything untoward is going on.
    Considerations involved with this Plan:
    (look for more clarification and information on these)–a preference for “stack & pack housing”-for high density, high rise housing over stores, located next to mass transit. i did hear single-family neighborhoods are NOT part of this discussion. The desire of the “stake holders” is to get us out of our cars and onto mass transit.
    Beware of how private property rights can be lost (!). Re-zoning can occur without any notice—-look carefully and critically at the present language in the Plan; confer with others who are more knowledgeable—-WORDS MATTER—when this is passed it is too late.
    Firesign58 raises IMPORTANT considerations—i urge everyone to read through each point again, very carefully.

  37. Politicalpony said at 8:17 pm on February 29th, 2012:

    ummm….. could someone please explain this away?

  38. Temma Guida said at 11:41 pm on March 3rd, 2012:

    Just my musings on the NJ State Strategic Plan….sounds a awful lot like PlanMaryland, which sounds eerily like Envision Utah, which sounds incredibly similar to One Bay Area Plan in California!! What a coincidence! It’s all about high density, mixed use, compact development near transit hubs so we can all live/work/play within walking or biking distance. And best of all….this is what we all want!! Er…not what I heard at the NJ meeting! Just for fun, read the plans for One Bay Area or PlanMaryland. For even more fun, read the comments section (that I guess by law they had to post) from the common folk. The plans are almost universally hated…except, of course, by the “stakeholders”. No protection of property rights, governance by regional bodies that do not answer to the voters, and the inclusion of the terms “social justice” and “environmental justice”. Really?? The plans are all written in a very vague which open the door for any number of abuses. Bad plans….very bad plans.

  39. 看电影 said at 5:16 am on March 4th, 2012:

    […] 4 Update (2/7/2012) | Strategic Planning for the Oregon …Where to Locate BuyersMoreMonmouthMusings » Blog Archive » New State Strategic PlanViews On “Strategic Plans Lose Favor” | purduelabash.comClarice Ha – Strategic Planning Senior […]