
Little Waiting To Hear What People Think Before Launching Senate Bid

Despite telling multiple press outlets that she was running and despite professionally produced fundraising appeals for a campaign for U.S. Senate, Anna Little has not decided whether of not she will challenge Joe Kyrillos for the GOP nomination to unseat Robert Menendez.

Little’s manager, Larry Cirignano, told The Asbury Park Press, “She’s thinking about it.  She wants to wait and see what the people think –if they want a choice or are they satisfied with the field. It’s (a matter) of who is the best person to beat Menendez.”

Click here to tell Little what you think.

Highlands GOP Municipal Chairwoman Carol Bucco has already weighed in.  Bucco and her husband Tony, long time Little supporters, were in attendance at Kyrillo’s campaign kickoff event at the Lincroft Inn in Middletown yesterday.  Sources tell MMM that Bucco declined to sign Little’s nominating petition.

Posted: February 2nd, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 U.S. Senate Race | Tags: , , , | 6 Comments »

6 Comments on “Little Waiting To Hear What People Think Before Launching Senate Bid”

  1. LittleLiberal said at 9:52 am on February 2nd, 2012:

    Anna Little should just go away. She has bankrupted Highlands and couldn’t even carry her own home town in the last election. She has ZERO support as evident by the crowd yesterday.

  2. Justified Right said at 1:55 pm on February 2nd, 2012:

    I’m certainly not in the know, but I imagine Joe Kyrillos has terrific state-wide contacts to get a compaign off the ground quickly.

    I hope he goes full out Conservative – that’s our best shot of winning. The folks we referred to as Reagan Democrats are still out there.

    I can get very excited about this!

    Go get ’em, Joe!

  3. Tom Stokes said at 2:46 pm on February 2nd, 2012:

    When Anna ran for Congress, even though not in my district, I supported her against Frank Pallone. I know she used my sound system many times during her campaign.

    This time, I would encourage Anna to set her sights a little lower and to fully support Joe Kyrillos for United States Senator.

    Joe Kyrillos is the one and only GOP candidate who can beat the democrat incumbent.

    Joe is a solid Conservative, a family man whose values we share. The only difference between announced and unannounced GOP candidates is that Joe knows how to win in the state of New Jersey.

    We must beat the incumbent democrat if we are to turn this country around from the dangerous precipice we are now standing at.

    Joe Kyrillos is the candidate for the forgotten taxpayers, the hardworking men and women struggling to raise a family and make ends meet.

    Joe’s experience, both in Washington under Ronald Reagan, and in the Assembly and Senate in NJ will serve us well when he is elected our next US Senator!

  4. Bob English said at 8:28 pm on February 2nd, 2012:

    I’m not in the habit of telling people not to run even if I don’t agree with them politically but since Ms. Little asked……..Some years you are driving the car and some years you are a passenger in the backseat. Some years you lead the army and in other years you are a soldier. Kryillos clearly seems to have very strong support of the NJ GOP establishment. My thought for someone like Ms. Little or anyone else is that they would have needed to already been out trying to line up support and at the very least trying to keep leading GOP figures and $$$ people from around the state to committing to another candidate.

    Looking ahead to the future, I think Ms. Littles propspects for office would be a little brighter if she played the good soldier in this race and got behind Kryillos. Maybe that gets her back in the good graces of the NJ GOP whose help and support she would need in trying for any office in the future.

    If by some miracle Kryillos actually won and Little was very supportive I think her political stock would go up a lot more than if she opposed Kryillos in a primary and than Kryillos lost in the general election.

  5. Oh Not Again said at 5:55 pm on February 4th, 2012:

    Let’s get real here for a moment. Why is she doing this? It’s absurd. Hasn’t she done enough damage already? What reasonable Republican risks a solid win by a solid candidate so that they can coddle their own ego just a little bit more?

    She has nothing worthwhile to offer in this instance. Thank God people have woken up & become aware of her inane nonsense.

  6. Little is in… | Save Jersey said at 7:59 am on February 14th, 2012:

    […] two weeks ago our friends at More Monmouth Musings reported that former freeholder Anna Little was still thinking about whether or not to run for US […]