Hornik blames bias incidents on post-election enviroment
Marlboro Mayor Jonathan Hornik says that two alleged bias incidents in his Township are a product of a post-election environment that allows people “with hate in their heart” to express that hatred in ways that are not appropriate.
Hornik said that since Election Day, a sidewalk on Ryan Road has been vandalized with a swastika and that a customer of the Costco on Texas Road was questioned by another customer about his religion. “Are you a muslim?” the man was asked twice in a firm manner, according to a facebook post that the mayor referenced.
Both incidents are being investigate by the Marlboro Police Department.
In a letter to the Marlboro Community posted on facebook, Hornik celebrated the religious and ethic diversity of Marlboro and expressed his sadness and disappointment in recent incidents demonstrating “hate based on this same diversity.”
“On November 8th our country chose our next President,” Hornik wrote, “and while our constitution gives our citizens the right to peacefully make their feelings known, it is with determination and without equivocation that I declare that expressions of bias or intolerance are not welcome in this community. Furthermore, let it be clear that any crimes committed in this regard will be prosecuted under the fullest extent of the law.”
In a phone interview with MMM, Honik went out of his way to avoid accusing supporters of President-elect Donald Trump for the incidents that spurred his letter. He said he read of an incident in another city where a citizen was accosted for wearing a ‘Make America Great Again’ hat, which Horik said was equally unacceptable to the incidents that occurred within his community in the last week.
Hornik’s law firm, Larocca Hornik Rosen Greenberg & Blaha represents the Trump campaign and is defending Trump and his former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski in a libel suit filed by Republican PR consultant Cheri Jacobus. The firm also represented Trump in the settlement of his suit against Univision for cancelling the broadcast of the Miss Universe competition and against allegations that Trump’s modeling agency did not pay a Jamaican model as agreed.
Hornik’s letter can be viewed here.
Marlboro resident Paul Schlafin, a supporter of Hornik’s work in Marlboro, who himself was accused and exonerated of bias harassment in the aftermath of September 11, took exception with the mayor, in an interview with MMM. “This kind of thing happens all the time,” Schlafin said, “now the media and the left are blaming it on Trump.”
In his letter, Hornik urged Marlboro residents to be proactive in reporting bias incidents and graffiti. He said they should contact the Marlboro Police Department at 732-536-0100 or the Marlboro Tip Line at 888-536-0100 if they wish to remain anonymous.
the vagrants and paid agitators beating up Trump supporters, and generally committing illegal and criminal acts on persons and private property, who supported the queen from Chappaqua? I love the way libs toss around the accusations and inflammatory rhetoric, conveniently forgetting that it is really they who have been and are, the dividers and hate- mongers! Disgusting- hoping soon they will learn how sick most of us are of their tactics!
It’s not a crime to ask someone if that person is a muslim. And it’s not a crime to tell someone that the prophet Muhammad was a false prophet.
is this guy Hornik the biggest idiot you’ve ever seen? He is tying up police, who probably earn a hundred plus grand a year, investigating someone asking someone if they are a muslim? This is the world liberal democrats want to create. Police action against asking a simple question. Why doesn’t he investigate Gopal for squandering millions with nothing to show for it. What a dunce