I Almost Feel Sorry For Flippy’s Team
They’ve Got NOTHING To Run On, Not Much To Run With
By Art Gallagher
I didn’t feel too bad for Flippy’s team on Friday at the MODC candidates luncheon when they were sitting all by themselves in the back of the room.

Freeholder Amy Mallet, Sheriff Candidate Eric Brophy, Flippy, Freeholder Candidate Janice Whatshername
After all, this was a group of business people, why would Flippy’s team know business people?
I did feel for them a bit when I saw their handouts on the tables. Word on the grapevine is that they’ve been having a hard time raising money for their campaign. It must be true, because their handouts are embarrassing.
The handout was printed on flimsy office paper that you could see through and the disclosure reads “Printed in House, Labor donated.” Hey, I’m all for volunteer efforts in a campaign, but how are those union printing houses going to feel about the Democrats cutting them out? Didn’t they get the memo from Pallone and Rush? Democratic volunteers get paid $10 per hour.
I stopped feeling sorry for them when I read the content of their piece.
Their priorities.
* Cut waste. Eric, John and Janice will slash inflated county government department budgets.
This is why he’s called Flippy.
Freeholder D’Amico came into office advocating the building of a new court house. He blocked the closure of the Youth Detention Center in the year the Democrats had the majority and he voted against the closure this year when the Republicans closed it, saving taxpayers $2.5 million per year. Cut government?! Please these are Democrats. In the one year Flippy and the Democrats had power, they tried to increase the size of county government by creating an new level of bureaucracy, an Inspector General, and former State Democratic Chairman Joe Cryan was recruiting Democrats from Union County to come and take six figure jobs in Monmouth. Now they say they are going to govern like Chris Christie?
Well, not quite. Check out their next priority:
Spur job creation: Utilizing federal stimulus funds, our team will promote economic development by addressing critical road, bridge and mass transit needs.
How are Freeholders and a Sheriff going to allocate federal stimulus funds?! What if there isn’t federal stimulus funds next year? If there is another federal stimulus package next year it means the economy is still in the tank and Phoney Palloney and Rush and still in congress. Heaven forbid! It also means that Chinese will become the second language of choice taught in our schools.
I think this priority translates as a message to the trade unions: “Please give us money to fund our campaign. We’ll get you all the prevailing wage jobs that we can, really, we will.”
Environmental protection. Brophy, D’Amico and Venables oppose off-shore drilling and will reduce congestion and pollution through infrastructure investment.
Huh? What authority does a Sheriff or a Freeholder have over off-shore drilling? New infrastructure will increase congestion. Been to Middlesex, Union or Bergen Counties lately? How is building new roads going to reduce pollution?
Open, honest government. Our team will appoint an all-volunteer ethics board of citizens to ensure integrity in government and to make it transparent.
Does that mean we can’t trust you if we elect you? If you’re trustworthy, what do we need an ethics board for?
How are volunteers going to make paid staffers be transparent? I see costs for attorneys creeping into this all volunteer witch hunt.
That’s just one side of the embarrassing piece. Later in the week I’ll ridicule the other side.
“all buy themselves,” “there handouts on the tables?!
That’s “by” themselves and “their” handouts.
Bitter and semi-literate. What a combination.
Why is there now only one comment when before there were more? AND, the referenced typos have been fixed.
Typical Art Gallagher duplicity.
Seymour, yours have been the only comments so far.
Thanks for pointing out my errors. If I was going to delete a comment, surely it would have been that one. You shouldn’t correct errors?
Here’s an idea. Proof read Flippy’s handout. There are typos there too.