
Gun debate lights Christie’s fuse in town hall: ‘Give me one fact’

It started with a man in the audience asking Gov. Chris Christie how he’ll prove to gun owners he isn’t “anti-gun.” Soon, Christie was angrily defending his record on guns Saturday morning during a town hall meeting in Iowa as part of his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. “If you want to debate me, come…

Posted: July 27th, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Chris Christie | Tags: , , , , | 3 Comments »

3 Comments on “Gun debate lights Christie’s fuse in town hall: ‘Give me one fact’”

  1. Hey Fraud Gov! said at 3:30 pm on July 27th, 2015:

    You’re the guy running for office, so give us one fact that you’ve done anything at all to help gun owners.

    Way to blame someone else, just like you blame someone else for you doing nothing to curb rising property taxes, doing nothing to change the school funding formula, doing nothing to stop the pension bleeding, doing nothing to stop the cronyism at the PA, doing nothing to actually help Sandy victims, do nothing to implement a carry permit, doing nothing to stop Atlantic city from wasting tax-payer money, and the list goes on and on of the nothing you have accomplished.

    Just like with your lap-band surgery, you look for and take the easy way out of problems that you aren’t willing or able to face and tackle on your own. You had an amazing approval rating in this state and you squandered your chances to actually do something, anything at all. If a Republican legislature is what you needed, why did you make no effort what-so-ever to help get a single legislative seat to change? Why did you let at 80+% approval rating and victory not carry a single additional legislative seat? Ohh right, blame those down ballot candidates who couldn’t raise money or get 5 minutes of media time because you were hogging the spotlight, and not once on your campaign for Gov did you blast Steve Sweeney and his pals as the problem. Maybe if you told the people of NJ then that they, by name, were the problem, maybe the 80% of people in NJ who voted for you would have helped you get rid of the problem.

    You’re a loud mouth do nothing Mr. Christie, now get out of the way so that President Trump can accomplish some real changes in this country.

  2. @Hey Fraud Gov! said at 5:19 pm on July 27th, 2015:

    I agree with you 100%! This man probably doesn’t even know what is going on in this state because he is too busy pursuing his life long dream to become president—on our dime! According to the Star Ledger, he is using approximately $60,000.00 a month in our tax dollars to pay for the state police to “protect” him. These funds should come from his political action committee.

    Where are the voices of the legislators of this county?? Why do not they disapprove of this clowns spending habits??


  3. SanchoPanza said at 10:18 pm on July 27th, 2015:

    @”$60,000.00 a month in our tax dollars to pay for the state police to “protect” him.” Maybe he fears, as does Trump, that El Chapo is coming after him, too. After all, he is an easy target.