The United States needs to regain its leadership role in the world, Republican Jeb Bush will say in a speech on Wednesday, while asserting that President Barack Obama has been inconsistent and indecisive in carrying out American foreign policy. Bush’s speech at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs will be his first major foray into foreign…
Posted: February 18th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush | Tags: 2016 Presidential politics, Foreign Policy, Jeb Bush, Michael Chertoff, National Security | 5 Comments »
Jeb’s plan is not going to matter, no matter how much money he raises.
America doesn’t want another Bush in the White House, as we are not a country of dynasties, except maybe in sports.
They don’t like his plans for immigration and they certainly don’t like his position on Common Core.
I know plenty of Republicans who are parents and teachers, and they dislike him most over Common Core.
Everyone if for a strong United States but I don’t think anyone likes the idea of the US having to be leading the charge (and paying the bill) every time their is a crisis in the world. Korea, Iran, Middle East, Africa, Ukraine etc.
It’s tragic that it took the murder of its citizens for Egypt and Jordan to step up and start doing its part to fight ISIS. Hopefully other counties in the region will do the same with the US continuing to support their efforts and even doing more than its share of the heavy lifting (as we are already doing by carrying out 80% of the airstrikes.)
Lastly note that everyone is for being tough and strong etc. With that said, several of these conflicts/hotspots (Korea, Ukraine, Iran) have the potential to turn into WWIII if China or Russia became more involved. Sanctions and negotiations should always be given every chance to succeed before we start bombing another country.
Regarding Common Core, I’m not trying to change any minds here except to note that Common Core has mostly to do with standards (what students are expected to learn) while the PARCC test (and another test used in some states) have to do with testing students to see what their current level of achievement is…in other words have they learned the subject matter contained in the standards for their grade level and if not, in what areas to they need help?
States like NJ have had standards and testing for decades. The test used for the past several years was called NJASK. When I was a kid, it was called something else. Standards change from time to time and tests have also changed over the years.
We have all heard how CC was initially put forward/developed with the support of roughly 45 of the nations Governors and their states Chief Education Officers. What I did not know until recently was that early on the US Military supported minimum common educational standards in the nations schools. The main reason was that children who left a state with low/lower standards and ended up in a state like NJ with higher standards, often found themselves 1-2 grade levels behind knowledge wise even though they were in the same grade. The reverse of that was also occurring where a student could leave a high standard state and go to a low standard state and be 1-2 years ahead even though they were in the same grade.
I realize that parents have concerns about the testing. As an fyi, my two kids are both taking the PARCC test this year and I will admit I found some of the questions challenging. When it comes to better and more challenging standards though, (just speaking for myself) those are hard to argue against.
I wouldn’t let my kids take PARCC or any other standardized test that promotes Obama brainwashing American children with Common Core. Just another scheme by Globalists and One-Worlders to turn our kids into a bunch of Socialist Zombies. God Bless the State of Oklahoma for taking a stand against this insidious threat to our liberty and security by banning this Common Core garbage.
@Bulldog….note that the neither Obama or his administration had anything to do with the creation of CC. Was not his/their idea and was mainly driven by Governors (especially Jeb Bush) and their states Chief Education Officers. Other groups in favor included college Presidents, business leaders and the US Military.
While the standards do change a bit (as they have numerous times in prior decades) NJSBA estimated that 90% of the standards (what kids are taught) is the same as what was already in place in NJ with roughly 10% changing.