WASHINGTON — Republicans would rather have former governors Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush and Mike Huckabee seek their 2016 presidential nomination than current Gov. Chris Christie, according to a CBS News poll. Just 29 percent of Republicans surveyed said they wanted to see Christie seek the White House, while 44 percent said they wanted him to stay…
Now that’s interesting.
Christie’s pluses and minuses aside, Republicans want a retread that lost or the third leg of a dynasty.
He is done. Everyone knows it but him. He had a great run his first year, and its been downhill ever since.
Perhaps Christie should just sit down and shut up!
Christie, Romney, Bush, and the rest of those squishy soft-on-socialism RINOs don’t have a chance against Tea Party Patriots like Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin and Rick Santorum.
in a row, has awakened the establishment of the party: no Conservative this time, more socialism, debt, and terrorism. Period.
AKA Bayshore Bull Puppy.
NOTE: None of those three will be President.