
NBC: No Christie link found in Bridgegate probe

NBC News is quoting anonymous sources stating that the federal investigation into Governor Chris Christie into the George Washington Bridge lane closures last year have found no evidence that the Governor had any involvement in or knowledge of the stunt.

Former federal prosecutor Robert W. Ray said that at this point it is unlikely that Christie will be implicated.

“My experience with federal law enforcement is that once you reach critical mass if you don’t have it within nine months or so you’re not likely to ever get it,” former federal prosecutor Robert W. Ray said.

On his monthly radio show on 101.5, Christie said he was pleased but not surprised by the report.

Posted: September 18th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: Bridgegate, Chris Christie | Tags: , | 13 Comments »

13 Comments on “NBC: No Christie link found in Bridgegate probe”

  1. Jim Granelli said at 9:27 pm on September 18th, 2014:

    But, will the Democrats drop their investigation? I bet not, in the interest of continuing to tar another Presidential aspirant.

    Watch how the Dems parse their words over the coming days.

  2. Bob English said at 11:25 pm on September 18th, 2014:

    Don’t blame the D’s for investigating and trying to get to the truth. Crimes still likely occurred with Christie aides and appointees run a amok with several resigning, being fired and taking the 5th.

    Note that we still don’t know who was behind the lane closings (and all of the harm they caused NJ residents) or why they were closed. I suspect that one of these days there will either be an indictment(s) or a guilty plea or two and a cooperating witnesses.

  3. Before we Jump to Conclusions..... said at 8:21 am on September 19th, 2014:

    Lets wait for the official report from the investigation. We have had leaks from all over from implicating the governor to absolving him of all culpability… just wait!

  4. Jim Granelli said at 8:54 am on September 19th, 2014:

    @ Before

    If the Federal Prosecutors haven’t found anything, I doubt there is anything to be found. Once the Feds close up shop, it then begins to look like the Democrats just want to beat a dead horse in a political effort to tar and feather.

    And, as I said; watch how the Democrats parse words:

    “There are unanswered questions,” said Wisniewski.


    And, talk about leaks, most of those leaks seem to be coming from this committee.

    I think it’s time for this investigation to “exit stage left.” There is “no there, there.”

  5. @Jim Granelli said at 10:49 am on September 19th, 2014:

    Who said the federal prosecutors haven’t found anything?? This was just one of many leaks. Is it “information” or “disinformation” being thrown out there for public consumption.

  6. @ @ Jim Granelli said at 11:40 am on September 19th, 2014:

    And, Mr. “Anonymous Source” if it wasn’t a leak; will you eat your words?


  7. Marcia Clark said at 4:10 pm on September 19th, 2014:

    NBC News Finds No Christie Link to Kevin Bacon.

  8. No so fast Jimmy boy! said at 4:30 pm on September 19th, 2014:


  9. @ Not So Fast Anonymous Coward said at 5:50 pm on September 19th, 2014:

    And while I’m at it, Marcia Clark.

    I’ll take what I hear from a Federal Prosecutor’s office any day over someone who posts anonymously.

    No, the prosecutor’s office didn’t say that it was a final report, but if after this amount of time and their resources, it’s looking pretty dim for the “Tar & Feather” Christie crowd who are desperate to hold on to any hope.

    Again, there comes a time when the Democrats DO need to stop wasting YOUR taxpayer $.

    Again, when the FINAL report is issued by a Federal Prosecutor, will you eat your words? Or do you want to side with teh Democrats who will beat a dead horse in the interest of political diversion?

    Answer that last question or don’t bother commenting. As a matter of fact, I won’t respond anymore to anonymous cowards.


  10. jrsmith said at 8:08 pm on September 19th, 2014:

    Poor Jim bad week for you Republicans. NBC news was incorrect federal prosecutors say investigation is ongoing. Christie in just a matter of time is going down also.

  11. Joe D. said at 9:03 pm on September 19th, 2014:

    If there was an ounce of anything on the Governor, it would have been long out by now. Just another pathetic and costly charade by Wisniewski and Weinberg. Pathetic attempt by desperate people. Perhaps we should go back and re-visit the McGreevy and Corrine years. Imagine what one might find.

  12. Jim Granelli said at 9:53 pm on September 19th, 2014:

    We’ll see if certain people eat their words and retract their comments if the Prosecutor’s final report comes out showing no involvement of the Governor.

    It ain’t over till it’s over surely applies BOTH ways. But this is an abject lesson. NEVER believe NBC or MSNBC.

    So, I will wait for that final report. IF I’m wrong, I am wrong. But if it turns out I am right, then it is just a political witch hunt.

    But certain people are desperate to be hanging on to straws if not just to personally attack someone.

  13. @ Joe D. said at 9:56 pm on September 19th, 2014:

    You are correct. I would think that if there were anything “there, there.” someone would have flipped by now and turned on the Governor.

    Who knows, maybe those negotiations are still going on, but again; the longer it goes it looks doubtful there is any “there, there.”

    As well, how little the Democrats forget about their own crap.
