
Bennett’s “Final Letter.” Challenges Golden to debate before the convention

By John Bennett, Chairman Monmouth Republican Committee

John Benentt

John Benentt

It is truly a pleasure to see the Republican County Committee so energized heading into tomorrow’s County Convention. Two years ago I ran on a platform of instituting new by-laws which would include a return the County Convention system for candidate selection. Now, the County Committee selects our candidates, not a select few in the back room. I also pledged to implement a new, regional Board of Directors, and to open our campaign headquarters full time to run professional campaigns on a county and local level. These promises were made, and these promises were kept.

I believe as candidates, we are charged with the responsibility to give you, the County Committee Members, as much information on our platforms as possible. I also believe this is best delivered in person, where the candidates can be asked the hard questions. This is why I have repeatedly requested that Sheriff Golden agree to a debate. Unfortunately, to date I have not received a response from the Sheriff. I am issuing a final call to Sheriff Golden to meet me at the convention hall tomorrow a half hour early, at 6:30PM, so that we can debate by fielding questions from YOU, the County Committee, about the issues facing our Party. You deserve nothing less.

Together we have come a long way in two years. I believe Ronald Reagan described the job of Chairman best when he stated, “The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does great things. He is the one that gets the people to do great things.” The Monmouth County Republican Party is stronger now than it has ever been. We have produced two landslide victories for our County candidates, and gave the Governor and Lieutenant Governor one of the largest pluralities in the State. We made 400 thousand volunteer phone calls and knocked on approximately 150 thousand doors in 2013 alone. And together, in the last two years, we have raised nearly $700,000 to fund Republican campaigns – a 52% increase. We also updated our website, and we are using social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter in order to modernize our campaign tactics. These things could have only been accomplished with your collective efforts, and I thank you.

I am overwhelmed with the outpouring of support for my candidacy for re-election as Chairman of the Monmouth County Republican Party. I have received endorsements from elected officials and/or municipalities in every region of the County, including Two Rivers, Western Monmouth, Bayshore, and the Shore towns. With your continued support, I believe we can do more great things, such as growing our party to over 100,000 registered Republican voters in Monmouth County, maintaining and expanding our Party’s positions within the County and Municipal governments, and build on our fundraising and volunteer numbers from the last 2 years.

This election ultimately comes down to who is going to do the best for our Party and I know that my record from the past two years shows that I am more than capable of leading our great Party. I have given a lifetime of hard work and dedication to serving the Republican Party, and I humbly ask for two more years as your Chairman so that our progress may continue. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (732) 241-7822 or email me at [email protected]. See you at the polls!


John Bennett
Monmouth County Republican Committee Chairman


Note from Art:  Anonymous comments are closed for posts regarding the Chairman’s race until after the convention on Tuesday. Readers are encouraged to comment below via facebook.  Those comments will appear here and on their facebook news feeds.

Posted: June 9th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: John Bennett, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP, Shaun Golden | Tags: , , , | Comments Off on Bennett’s “Final Letter.” Challenges Golden to debate before the convention

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