Primary Turnout
The weather is predicted to be beautiful on Tuesday, temperatures in the high 70’s and no change of rain. If there is a low voter turnout in the primary, it won’t be because of the weather.
There will be no suspense in the GOP Freeholder races. The incumbents, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone and Deputy Director Serena DiMaso ran a hard campaign. Their opponents did not. Tom and Serena will win easily in the county wide race.
Likewise, Sheriff Shaun Golden will once again easily defeat Dan Peters, and by a larger margin that he did in 2010. Peters benefitted by the Tea Party wave in 2010 and by being bracketed with Anna Little in the 6th Congressional District and David Corsi in the 12th Congressional District. Outside of the 13th legislative district, most of the county, Peters is bracketed with only his Freeholder running mates this time around. He’ll get no help from them.
Peters has run harder, and spent more money than his freeholder running mates, but he has made no justification for electing him to the job. Shaun Golden is clearly qualified and is doing the job well. Peters has not demonstrated that he is qualified. Hopefully Peters won’t need a job in 2016 and we won’t have to put up with a nonsense challenge to Golden again.
This entire primary race has always been about Joe Kyrillos and the 13th district. Joe and his running mates, Assembly Members Amy Handlin and Declan O’Scanlon worked hard and spent the money necessary to win. The very likely will win comfortably. If the turnout in the 13th is 10,000 or more votes (out of about 35,000 registered Republicans) Joe, Amy and Declan will win by a landslide. If the turnout is between 7,000 and 10,000, their margin of victory will be comfortable.
If the turnout is 7,000 or less, there will be some nervous people at the Lincroft Inn tomorrow night. If it is 5,000 or less, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
You never ran the “Why I am voting for Joe K.” article. Gotta keep you in line.
Jim G.
I can’t slip anything by you, Jim. 🙂
It would have be redundant, after Right to Life and Charles chimmed in. And then there was Lautenberg dying today.
With that response Art. Touche.
Now, where do I submit a Draft Our Lt Governor For Senate post 🙂 🙂
the party checks to see what officials and county committee members show up tomorrow: if they can’t take the time and care enough to vote in the primary, maybe they need to be challenged/ replaced with those who care..
I don’t recall seeing where any of the incumbents campaigned except for one day in the Atlantic Highlands. Spent money? The only candidate signs I noticed along the road were a few “Old” Kyrilos signs that were fading from blue to shades of dirty white.
Wise up people, it’s time to make a change. Haven’t you had enough of the RINO’s and Progressives? Haven’t you had enough of the trampling on your Freedoms and Liberties? There isn’t one of these GOP candidates that have your/our best interest at heart. How can you represent and legislate for the people when you don’t even know what the rights of the people are. Not one of them follow the guide lines laid forth in our constitution.
Vote column 3 in LD-13 for your Freedom and Liberties.
no mention of Christie, et al, being bank rolled by Soros, no mention at all. hmm
Write it up, if you can, Helene. I haven’t gotten to it yet.
how much will you pay me?
As I was driving home from work yesterday, I saw a bunch of index cards that had been glued to popsicle sticks and jammed into the earth in front of all the Kyrillos, Handlin & O’Scanlon signs.
I guess the popsicle-stick-signs said something about “Column 3”, but I couldn’t really tell. From the road, it looked like “Colonoscop3”. Ugh.
I’ll be voting the straight Christie ticket today.
@nj women, you do understand you will be voting for soros, don’t you?
I see you took the Democratic bait.
Soros’ cronies gave to Christie for the sole purpose of weakening the governor in the minds of naïve Conservatives.
The little money they give Christie now generates a huge amount of free media and reduces what they would have to spend against him in the future.
Helene, you should take up chess.
I don’t know who you are, and I don’t care.
A quick google search of your name brings up all sorts of ugly, scheming comments posted by you, on conservative blogs all over the web.
Therefore, I don’t know who you are, and I don’t care.
Funny that Helene would attempt to trash Christie for taking a free ride from anyone, which I suspect isn’t even true.
And here is why I call Helene and Barbara Hypocrites, with a capital H, today.
A few years back, there was a fundraiser held for Mary Pat Angelini at the Sea Gulls Nest at Sandy Hook. Barbara and Helene both attended, FREE, and enjoyed PLENTY of FREE food and drinks. Neither made any effort to talk to any of the elected Republicans about any issues that they claim are important to them; and the top Republicans were there including the (at the time) Minority Leader Decrose, Whip Rible, along with a long cast of “big shots” from ABC director Mike Halfacre, tourism director Grace Hanlon, Assemblyman O’Scanlon was there along with Joe K and Amy Hanlin. Jen Beck was there as were many municipal chairman and committee people. At no point did Barbara or Helene make any effort to talk about any issues or problems but instead chose to drink (the not Kool-Aide) and smile and talk to everyone they are friends with who is elected somewhere.
PS — I could also note that the BSTP, through their mouthpiece Helene, is now claiming a Christie/Soros connection — which again is not likely true — yet these same people were bankrolled by Joe K who they now claim is somehow a liberal. Hypocrites, and liars.
PPS — Barbara and Helene also had a FREE dinner with Christie at Drumthwacket — they also both attended, for FREE, a $300pp Christie fundraiser at the Berkley in Asbury Park. Again, no mentions of any of these issues or concerns at any point during any of these close encounters. Hypocrites, and liars.
PPPS — Source: I was there.
Bayshore Tea Party had their rent paid by baby-killer gun-confiscator tax-and-spend liberal Joe Kyrillos. If you vote Column 3, you vote for Kyrillos.
Here we go again one of you nit witts lie & the rest repeat it. To the one who has seen me at all those events, you don’t know who I am. Do you?
Helene said, “Here we go again one of you nit witts lie & the rest repeat it.”
What is wrong with you?
Why do you haunt conservative blogs and obsessively post insulting comments? What happened to you, to cause you to be such an ugly human being via the Internet?
On second thought, …strike all that.
I don’t know who you are, and I don’t care.
On my way to vote.
Have a great day, all!
I also met Barbara and Helene from the BSTP at the Sea Gull’s Nest.
When is the event at Lincroft Inn? Is it open to the public?
I am so glad I stayed away from commenting about your bull crap over the past few days.
I am so glad to see that others believe the same about you and are beating the crap out of you.
You are a lying, conniving hypoc
Now, wait for it…
Wait for it.
Jim Granelli