Brookdale ranked in top 25 of all community colleges in USA

Brookdale Community College has been ranked one of the best in the nation by
The public community college with a main campus in Lincroft and five other locations throughout Monmouth County was ranked number 24 of the top 50 Community Colleges in the United States, which puts it in the top 3% nationally.
“In higher education, we have opportunities to learn, research, teach, shape the future of our academic disciplines, and influence the larger world. This honor is a tribute to the faculty and staff of Brookdale Community College for the scholarly work they do with passion every day,” said Dr. David Stout, Brookdale Community College President.
“The entire Board of County Commissioners is extremely proud of Brookdale Community College for being recognized as one of the top 25 community colleges in the nation,” said Commissioner Director Thomas A. Arnone. “Through their tireless efforts, dedication and commitment, Brookdale has clearly demonstrated that students will receive an exceptional experience and education during their time at the County’s community college.”
“It comes as no surprise that Brookdale would be ranked among the best. Brookdale offers the opportunity to receive a diverse educational experience for students with more than 60 programs available,” said Commissioner Lillian G. Burry, liaison to Brookdale Community College. “Attending Brookdale is an affordable option to attend college and earn an associate degree or a certificate. Monmouth County is proud to see Brookdale as one of the only two New Jersey colleges that made the top 50 list.”
Brookdale was cited as being most influential in Communications, Graphic Design; Criminal Justice, Policing; Medical, Dentistry; Social Work, Empowerment; Business, Marketing, Management, Accounting; Computer Science, Information Security, Programming, Networking; Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering; Law; Education and Nursing. With other areas of influence being Psychology; Political Science; History; Anthropology; Chemistry and Earth Science.
There is still work to do. The largest building on the campus was named for a well known crook. The name “Harry Larrison” should be removed as it memorializes a dark part of Monmouth County history where government was run for family and friends, not the people of the county.
The BCC Trustees or the County could fix this abomination that sends the wrong message about government to impressionable young students.