Rich Ideas: How do we recover freedom in a COVID reality?

By Gary Rich, Sr
After over 40 years observing, studying and serving on the political stage I am disturbed by what I see going on in politics today. Back in 1980 when first elected in South Belmar (now Lake Como) I can’t remember the intrusion of politicians (Federal, State or County) in our day to day lives like I see today.
What bothers me most about today seems to be a lack of understanding from citizens of how politics really work. Real politics, not fantasy promises.
The Covid-19 lockdown is even more disturbing due to the ability of governments to shutdown the world. As soon as the major networks put up a scoreboard on the cases of those who have/had Covid and those that have died from it we were in trouble. I knew that the scoreboard was coming which led the way for using that number to scare the hell out of everyone and it reminded me of the scoreboard used for our soldiers who were killed in Vietnam. I am saying we should know what is going on. But with a country that is so data crazy the human side gets left in the gutter.
The other issue is that there have been businesses set up that prosper from this event and they will do whatever they can to maintain them. Take masks for example. You can buy simple ones, company branded, with your personal sayings and on and on. If there are 1 billion masks purchased at $10 each that is a $10 Billion dollar industry. We know there are 7.7 billion people in the world today.
Being told by Murphy or Cuomo about the limits on restaurants, retail stores, etc. leaves me questioning when the next incident occurs will we just capitulate on giving up our freedom for the benefit of safety?
Today a year later we are still being told what to do, when you can do it and how limited your personal decisions are.
I didn’t vote for someone to tell me what I can and cannot do. As good citizens we agree to follow the laws, within reason. If we decide we no longer trust our leaders then it is on them for taking their power to another level.
What is the solution? Change is inevitable and this pandemic has escalated more change in a year than anyone could imagine. We are where we are today and I am assuming at some point we may get back to our regular way of life.
There are several things to keep in mind at all times and forever after this event. Let’s start with these.
Here are a few:
- Do not obey in advance
- Establish a private life
- Be as courageous as you can
- Be calm when the unthinkable arrives
- Practice corporeal politics
In the coming weeks I will be writing about each of the above and more. I hope you join in the dialogue.
Gary Rich Sr. is a former Monmouth County Freeholder