Congressman Chris Smith’s remarks regarding the impeachment of President Trump

With just 7 days remaining in his term, today’s highly partisan rush to impeach the President is being done without knowing the whole truth which takes time, effort and serious scrutiny to establish.
Today’s snap impeachment vote alleging President Trump’s “incitement of insurrection” lacks an objective and thorough investigation of the facts.
Astonishingly, there have been no congressional hearings on H. Res. 24—the impeachment resolution–which was only introduced two days ago on January 11th.
The fact that the U.S. Senate won’t even consider the impeachment resolution passed by the House until after the January 20th inauguration begs the question as to why the debate and vote isn’t postponed until we have all the facts.
Our Nation is in desperate need of unity and civility as it prepares for the inauguration of President-elect Biden.
Impeachment of President Trump—without a thorough analysis of the facts which takes time, effort and serious scrutiny to establish—will not in any way help to heal a divided America.
Let me state again that I unequivocally condemn the assault on the Capitol last week and those who committed murder, violence, vandalism and other crimes should be prosecuted to the greatest extent of the law.
We must be committed to zero-tolerance towards violence in any form.
I strongly support and have cosponsored H.R . 275 to create a national bipartisan commission to comprehensively investigate the January 6th deadly attack on the Capitol.
Pres Donald Trump never invited violence at the Capitol. This whole thing is a farce and is disgusting. The Republican Party is disgusting me as much as the Dems. I am leaving the Republicans and will never donate another cent
will there be any majority of condemnation of the horrific, ongoing destruction of many of our cities, all summer long? When will the hypocritical double, liberal standard be called out for what it is? No one with any brain or decency wanted ANY of the destruction, on either side. Am waiting for an actually astute Republican to finally say: “ while it’s flattering you all perceive Trump and his supporters to be an ongoing threat to your power, both now and into the future, get your heads out of your own self- important butts and self interest, and try earning your damn salaries, and try and actually be statesmen/ women, for a change? “ There’s a reason why you as a body poll the lowest, in all polls: you talk, but rarely act, unless you look good, and get financing and re- elected, doing it. Most of us are finally sick of it all: and,will either fight til their last breath, to save the Republic from the obvious, incoming Communism, or tune out for good, accept that we are done, and go as far away as possible. Very pathetic/sad, what we have become.
Disappointed in the Congressman’s vote and viewpoint. It is not a rush to judgement! We have had 4+years of inciteful, hatefilled speech, lies and incompetence. Unfortunately, the Congressman and most of his colleagues in his party are more concerned with keeping their power base than defending our democracy. We deserve better. Kudos to the 10 who bucked the party line to support the country.
Congressman Chris Smith is, sadly, MY rep. I have had numerous contacts with his office over the years and NOT ONCE has he ever taken my concerns seriously. A bullshit canned response letter is all I have ever received. I’ve voted for him as I refuse to vote for D’rats but after this, I will NO LONGER pull the lever for Chris Smith. He’s a complete buffoon and he should be entertaining an audience at a circus other than the circus known was the US House of Reprehensibles.
Congressman. Nothing you said was true. He put this in motion. He watched it and laughed from the Tent. We all saw it. Rudy said trial by combat. Grinning ear to ear. Never in our history has a rebel flag hang in our capitol. Stand for what is right or settle for what is left.
With all due respect, I must vehemently disagree with your perspective. As a registered Republican, to say I am disheartened with the general Republican response to President Trump’s atrocious actions last week (and certainly post-election behavior) is an understatement. Quite frankly, I’m disgusted.
Congressman, after what transpired on January 6, 2021, your actions today are a disgrace to your office. Your nothing but a Trump apologist, with absolutely no courage, or conviction. Your fealty is to your party, not your country. You can call yourself many things, but don’t call yourself a patriot, or defender of the Constitution. You’re neither.
Disappointed, not even a “non-denial denial”, just total evasion of the actual issue at hand and a poorly written, disjointed response. Whoever wrote it (clearly someone else did) needs more experience. Should have simply said:
“I condemn violence. But with only 7 days until a new administration takes over, I believe that our time in Congress would be better spent on other things. Now is not the time for further division. Let the FBI do their job and when the full facts come out the process can then address what occurred to make sure something like this never happens again. ”
It would have been Bull Shi%, but would at least have passed the snicker test for credibility. But in all fairness, what can really be said unless he was willing to admit that Cheney was 100% correct? Luckily this vote did not matter one way or the other. At lease Representative Smith did not try to DEFEND Trump like that idiot Van Drew in District 1.
Below is a copy of the text I sent Congressmen Smith before his vote.
Dear Honorable Congressmen Smith
I am writing to insist that you support impeachment of President Trump. Your web site claims are saddened by the murder of Officer Brian D. Sicknick and that you have a zero tolerance for violence, but those claims are meaningless, if you allow Trump to go unprosecuted for his instigation of the Jan 6th riot on the Capitol.
You should realize that to a dictator a congress is a nuisance in the way of his agenda. Giving the president absolute power is a mistake for your own good. The angry mob that called for the Vice President to be hung also set up a noose to do it. Do you think they would not have if they could have? Do you think if you ever crossed the President he would not request they do the same to you? For your safety no President should not be above the law.
Additionally, I am incensed by your comment that you “have concerns about some voting irregularities”. An election that you were in and won. If you truly have those “concerns” then you should not be accepting the position that you were most recently elected to. How could you possibly have questions about the validity of other states elections, but not your own, if you actually believed in the “irregularities”.
That questioning narrative about the validity of the election is at the core of the justification for the Jan 6th riots. Shame on you for claiming to be shocked for the violence that was driven by the narrative that you continue to repeat.
Do the right thing stand up to the bully that has cowed you, Pence, Sessions, Barr, the country and the world these last four years. Vote to impeach.
Thank you Congressman Smith for standing for what is right. To impeach a sitting President when his term is up in less than a week truly is a partisan attack on the Republican Party. We as a nation need to regroup and figure out our priorities. It is refreshing to see that you understand the importance of this.
Here is what a Republican Congressman from South Carolina said: “Once the violence began, when the Capitol was under siege, when the Capitol Police were being beaten and killed, and when the Vice President and the Congress were being locked down, the President was watching and tweeted about the Vice President’s lack of courage.
“For hours while the riot continued, the President communicated only on Twitter and offered only weak requests for restraint”.
While a few Republicans did have the courage over the past several weeks to call out Trumps election lies, Congressman Smith did not. He knows Trump was lying….The Big Lie is what inspired the violent attack on the Capitol and ultimately the death of a law enforcement officer and injuries to many others.
While Governor Christie called Trumps election lies a ‘national embarrassment’, Smith who has been in Congress for 40 years chose to remain silent. His silence will always be a stain on his career.
doo-doo stain will be on all of those who supported this second impeachment
“Let me state again that I unequivocally condemn the assault on the Capitol last week and those who committed murder, violence, vandalism and other crimes should be prosecuted to the greatest extent of the law. ”
Well…unless they are only in their job for another week. Then, never mind.
Every company that has learned one of their employees participated in this assault has fired that employee. Impeachment is not prosecuting. It is just recommending someone get fired. Chris Smith was there, and knows who organized and started the insurrection, and doesn’t think he has enough information to recommend someone be fired over it. Unlike CEOs and business owners across the country.
Sad, cynical, out of step.
This is a farce, all the violence came from ANTIFA actors, not decent MAGA patriots. Wake up sheeple, you’re being played!
I would like to point out that Congressman Smith is not by any means a coward. Congressman Smith has not always stood with his party and even opposed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which was Trumps bill, because his constituents, like us, would be negatively impacted by losing the SALT deduction. Most recently, he even voted to certify Biden’s electoral votes. Before calling someone a coward, do your homework.
I appreciate you posting Congressman Smith’s statement on impeachment. It is important to remember that the Democrats are abusing the impeachment articles for their own personal gain. Thanks to the Democrats our impeachment process has forever changed and sets precedent for any future President, Republican or Democrat, to have this enacted for the simple reason of not liking them and not their level of fitness and competence to complete the job. Also, thank you, Congressman Smith, for taking the common sense approach to this highly polarized issue.
I appreciate you posting Congressman Smith’s statement on impeachment. It is important to remember that the Democrats are abusing the impeachment articles for their own personal gain. Thanks to the Democrats our impeachment process has forever changed and sets precedent for any future President, Republican or Democrat, to have this enacted for the simple reason of not liking them and not their level of fitness and competence to complete the job.
You’re correct J.D. & arrests are proving it. BLM & ANTIFA both did it w/a lot of inside help. DC is a joke & NJ is right there w/it.
There’s plenty of video footage of most people from the rally going home peacefully, then all of a sudden these swarm of actors show up dressed to “blend in” and proceeded to wreak havoc. Won’t be surprised when the Dems wreak havoc again on Inauguration Day, it just makes too much sense!
I am frankly disgusted by so many of these comments and the people who have called Chris Smith a coward. In the times that I have reached out to his office I have found him to be the most honorable and brave of souls, fighting for things that are not always popular but are always the right thing to do.
I agree with Congressman Smith that a rush to impeach is no achieving justice. Smith is not remaining “silent”–some her just don’t agree with him. This is America; we can disagree. But don’t drag the name of such a dedicated public servant like Smith through the mud because you disagree.
Bravo Chris Smith.
Congressman Chris Smith opposed the impeachment because he did not rush to emotional judgement like the dramatic Democrats. Congressman Smith is intelligent and waits to hear all the facts unlike the impulsive Nancy Pelosi who’s deep hatred for Trump clouded her common sense. Pelosi used that photo op when she signed those Articles for the press like a child who got her way in a toy store. Thank you Congressman Smith for your integrity.
Chris is an excellent Congressman, who tries to help as many people/ causes as he can. Look at the poor excuses for representatives we see from all over the country. One of the few selfless, dedicated people left in that swamp.. he can’t help those who are spineless, crooked, and self- interested: we will sadly learn how bad it can get, over at least the next two years. Stand up for the right things, Chris!
Thank you Congressman Smith. You are beacon of light these dark times. Thank you for always doing the right thing. Your Constituents appreciate all you do for them. And to all the naysayers;
The riots were set up by radicals. The truth will come out.
It’s frankly refreshing to read honest, well-informed commentary here. This was not a “coup”, it was a riot staged by far left insurgents. QAnon and Oath Keepers are lefty actors who created these “organizations” with intent to do harm to this country. Don’t believe your lying eyes! Rest assured that Jose, myself, and a few others will expose these despicable actors to you all sooner rather than later.