Republican Leaders Condemn U.S. Capitol Riot

Congressman Chris Smith:
I unequivocally condemn the assault on the Capitol today and those who committed violence, vandalism and other crimes should be prosecuted to the greatest extent of the law.
Special thanks to the Capitol Police for their brave and decisive actions to mitigate and then end today’s crisis.
Despite its many flaws, the U.S. Congress continues to be an extraordinary marketplace of ideas and differing opinions.
The enactment of wise public policy to benefit all Americans requires robust dialogue and debate—and genuine respect for one another even, and especially, when there is fundamental disagreement.
Sheriff Shaun Golden:
A tragic day for America. God Bless all of the responding Law Enforcement Officers, that they may stay safe as they attempt to secure the Capitol building. Peaceful protests leading to violence is not acceptable and should be denounced by ALL. God Bless the USA.
Senator Declan O’Scanlon
OUTRAGEOUS, and heartbreaking what our capitol, our country, is going through right now. Unacceptable. That the President hasn’t ordered his supporters to cease this assault and leave the capitol premises is a self-inflicted stake in the heart of his legacy. Tragic day for the country.
Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon
What has happened at Capitol building is a disgrace to our nation. My prayers go out all those who serve our country on both sides of the aisle who are dealing with a frightening situation. God bless and protect our law enforcement and first responders.
Jack Ciattarelli
For those who truly love our country, today’s events in our nation’s Capitol are heartbreaking. For those who profess love, but show no degree of decency and violate the rule of law, I say “STOP. Remember who we are.”
When our leaders have let us down . . . when our fellow citizens have let us down . . . Who among us will take on the responsibility of preserving ideals that thousands upon thousands of Americans have sacrificed their lives for?
The sun will rise tomorrow. When it does, who will stand with me, starting here in New Jersey, to make it a new day in our country, where decency, the rule of law and “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” are once again sacred? I stand ready.
Chris Christie
What has happened in the Capitol today is reprehensible and un-American. An attack on our Capitol is an attack on our democracy itself. @realDonaldTrump must make clear that this conduct must stop now, the Capitol must be cleared and Congress should be permitted to do its work.
Doug Steinhardt
The violence unfolding in Washington DC must stop. We must support law enforcement right now, come together & call for order & peaceful protest.
Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean and Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg in a bi-partisan statement:
What we are witnessing in Washington is not how our democracy is supposed to function. The protestors who have breached the United States Capitol building illegally should go home immediately or face the full force of the law
State Senator Kristin Corrado
“This is the United States, and if we truly value our nation’s freedoms, we must adhere to the laws of the land and respect the police and our fellow Americans,” Corrado said.
“The forefathers of our nation, whose vision, wisdom and leadership gave birth to our exemplary Republic, would be distressed and saddened by today’s events,”
Senator Joe Pennacchio
“America began the day with countless numbers of unsung heroes. Moms and dads struggling to feed and educate their children. First responders protecting and insuring the health and safety of all our citizens. Soldiers in too many distant lands protecting them and all of us from those who would cause harm.
“Not counted among these unsung heroes are those who took it upon themselves to storm and disrupt our Democratic process at the Capital. Frustrations no matter how hot should never be a justification for violating and harming others.
“If we are to be worthy of keeping this Democratic experiment given to us by our founding fathers, then we must be tolerant and occasionally accepting of each other’s differences.”
Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso
What is happening in Washington DC must stop immediately. This is not America. We need to come together. Law enforcement needs our support more than ever. We are America the beautiful, let’s keep it that way!
Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick
As Republicans, our loyalty should always be to our Country first. Republicans should not be fearful of speaking out against the actions or (failure to act) of this President. Trump turns against my fellow republicans on a daily basis. Our party is too important to remain silent
Senator Anthony M. Bucco
“The protests turned violent mob yesterday in the halls of our government will leave a disgraceful and embarrassing stain on our nation’s history. All of us who serve in government, elected by the people and for the people, must adhere to the peaceful transition of power that has made us the greatest country on earth and preserved our republic for over 200 years.
“There is no room in our democracy for violence, the destruction of property, or the disruption of that orderly transition. Democracy will prevail, just as law and order will prevail over disorder and chaos.
“Those who broke the law yesterday must be prosecuted to the fullest extent. I want to thank our law enforcement officers and military personnel who once again selflessly answered the call, put their lives at risk, and restored order to our Capitol. I am always grateful for their service.
“I continue to urge the President to choose leadership in this moment and follow an orderly transition of power in these final days of his administration.”
Ocean County Republican Chairman Frank B. Holman III
As your Ocean County Republican Chairman, please know I share in your grief over Wednesday’s terrible events. Please let us pray for those who were killed or injured. We stand with all Americans in condemning the violent actions that took place.
As we recover from our depression of this week, let us rededicate ourselves to improving our country. Let’s work hard to elect leaders who can unite us. Let’s look to God for guidance. Let us dust off our Abraham Lincoln biography. He led us through our country’s darkest time.
Let us work hard at restoring issues, oriented conversations with our families and friends without animus. Let us discourage personality based arguments. We have the greatest Democracy on earth. We must be able to talk about issues and cast educated votes.
Hang in there! We will get through this!
On another note, please know that the Ocean County contingent who traveled to Washington protested peacefully and returned home safely without incident.
…the list is growing
ever learn who the disgraceful vandals really were..
Here’s a good start:–but-his-fox-news-fans-blame-antifa/
linking lib rag sites. These rioters were all Antifa plants.
Sure, Sparky. You keep telling yourself that – all evidence* to the contrary notwithstanding.
*The scummers’ own SM and pictures of them AND in their own words.
Why so few commenting not saying anything about Trumps role in what happened yesterday? Weeks of election lies by Trump. Lying to supporters yesterday and inciting them to attack the Capitol…Why was Chris Smith silent after the election when he knows Trump is lying about non existent fraud? Afraid of offending the base? Silence by elected Republicans who know better is why half of Republicans are dumbed down to the point they only believe Trump and not facts.
25th Amendment time led by Pence
One of the best speeches ever-“tell them the truth”
, text and illustrations to which
put a sock in it. Nobody with a brain supports any violence. However,the hypocrisy and double standards of the left are disgusting. And, stop beating a dead horse: you cheated your way in, so go enjoy it- you are never happy, always after more pounds of flesh.. and please, pay my share of the new taxes, for all the additional promised giveaways coming our way. Enough.
This is what condemnation looks like:
Christie — one of the first high-profile Republicans to endorse Trump after he ended his own failed bid for the White House in 2016 — blamed Trump for inciting the riots, saying they were people who “acted out” because they had been “lied to consistently by the president about a fraudulent election.”
I completely agree, I don’t need “facts” or “evidence”, we all know they cheated.
Bad “ example .” What makes you think anyone even cares what Christie the sellout says or does? We all know he only cares about himself, and his “ commentary “ job with the libs on MSM /ABC.. sorry we ever supported him- will take a decade, or maybe never, to bring back the party he wrecked here!
@Oh. You don’t need facts or evidence? Of course you don’t but the approximately 60 federal judges ( a majority of which are Trump appointees) do and the found there was no “cheat.” Of course you feel that because a majority of Americans voted for Biden over Trump means you were cheated. Poor baby.
going to be cheated: out of more of our money and freedoms. Thanks a lot, “ majority..”
@ Quit: “Steven D’Antuono, the assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Washington field office, told reporters that investigators had seen “no indication” antifa activists were disguised as Trump supporters in Wednesday’s riot.”