Dopey Doug tries to link Ciattarelli to China and Hunter Biden

Republican gubernatorial candidate Doug Steinhardt today likened his principal competitor for the GOP nomination, Jack Ciattarelli, to Hunter Biden, because Ciattarelli had investments in Chinese companies in 2016.
In an email that was apparently sent to the NJGOP’s mailing list, Steinhart published a screen shot of Ciattarelli’s 2016 financial disclosure statement from when Ciattarelli was an Assemblyman which showed investments in China Eastn Airlns, China Lodging Group, and China Mobile.

Steinhardt says that he and President Trump were putting America first while Ciattarelli was profiting from China
“While Ciattarelli has been profiting from his investments in Communist China, President Trump and Doug Steinhardt have been promoting strategies that put America first, protect our Nation’s interests, promote election integrity, and hold China accountable for the spread of the COVID-19 virus. “
Steinhardt’s problem is that Trump had investments in China in 2016, before he became president. So which candidate is really Trumpier?
Trump applied for at least 130 trademarks in China prior to becoming president, according to a report a 2017 Center for American Progress.
From The New Yorker: In 2012, the Bank of China, a commercial bank owned by the Chinese state, provided more than two hundred million dollars in loans to a New York office building that Trump co-owns, Politico reported on Friday. The loans will come due in 2022, “in the middle of what could be Trump’s second term,” the timely article noted.
Remember Trump’s ‘secret Chinese bank account” that the left wing media reported about last October?
Eric Arpert, Ciattarelli’s campaign manager, said, “This is laughable. Two weeks in and Steinhardt’s already out of ideas. Just proves that Steinhardt will say anything to avoid questions about his contributions to Democrats and $50 million in pay to play contracts.”
Steinhardt did not accept our call asking for comment on how he reconciles his attack against Ciattarelli with Trump’s investment in China. Dopey Doug hasn’t returned any of our messages since 2019. He really should before we start reporting on his investments in asphalt plants in Warren County.
you’ll be giving Doug your unwavering support and vote in November?
Dont forget about Ivanka….