The Fat Lady Still Won’t Singh

General election ballots is some parts of New Jersey will be in the mail next week, but Hirsh Singh, a loser in the July 7th Republican U.S. Senate primary, is still fighting to get the Rik Mehta’s nomination to take on Senator Cory Booker overturned.
Singh hasn’t been able to get a Superior Court Judge in any New Jersey County to authorize a recount of the primary results. Yet, this morning he announced that he has filed an official contest of the primary.
Singh has lost primaries for Governor, Congress and now Senate. He once had a promising political future. Now, the only thing Hirsh has over Booker and Mehta is his hair. If engineering doesn’t work out for him, Singh could have a future as an eye brow model.
Singh’s hair is so good that Ocean County GOP Chairman Frank Holman once introduced him to an audience as Vin Gopal.
At this point, Singh is doing more for Gopal’s buddy Booker than he is for New Jersey Republicans.