‘A punch in the gut.’ N.J. restaurants stuck with excess food, worry after indoor dining postponed.

Frank Di Lollo, owner of Sweet Waters Steakhouse in Westfield, did something this week he has never done before — freeze steaks.
”I ordered $3,500-$4,000 in steaks, $1,000 in salmon, about $2,000 in liquor, $250 in tablecloths,” Di Lollo said. “If the steaks are (in the freezer) over a couple days, we’ll throw them out. We never freeze steaks, it takes away the flavor. We don’t serve s— steaks.” Di Lollo paused a moment. “The guy destroyed us.”
The “guy” was Gov. Phil Murphy, who changed his mind this week about the resumption of indoor dining as other coronavirus restrictions are being eased…
And yet, with the heat and humidity yesterday, I didn’t see many taking advantage of the outside dining capability at many of the restaurants I passed while out and about the Jersey Shore on Friday
Just too uncomfortable
Very Sad. Hopefully today’s weather will bring more out. I just hope these restaurants can survive with lower income.
Meanwhile, King Murphy punishes all restaurants for the behavior of a few rotten apples.