Smith Applauds Trump’s Crackdown on China

for Combating Human Trafficking and Online Child Exploitation in the United States.
Jan. 31, 2020 .
Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour.
Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ4), a forty year critic of China and champion of human rights throughout the world, today applauded President Donald J. Trump for “doing what previous presidents have failed to do” by sanctioning China for violating the “one country, two systems” treaty and ending democratic freedom for the people of Hong Kong.
“Xi Jinping’s dictatorship is an existential threat to the people of Hong Kong, China itself, countries in the region and over time, the world. After years of human rights admonishment and cheap rhetoric devoid of any meaningful penalties, Xi has concluded that the West is all talk, no action. President Trump, however, is today beginning to change that and is doing what previous presidents have failed to do.”
“It would be myopic for the world not to recognize Xi Jinping’s assault on Hong Kong including the new draconian national security legislationas part of the Chinese communist government’s exponential increase of abuse that includes genocide against Muslim Uyghurs, the massive crackdown on religious freedom, the pervasive use of torture against prisoners of conscience, coercive population control including forced abortion and COVID-19 lies that launched a pandemic.
“The United States—even if we have to go it alone—must impose sanctions.” Smith said.
In a Rose Garden address this afternoon, the President announced that he is withdrawing the United States from the World Health Organization due to their failure to reform from their complicity with China in the global management of the coronavirus pandemic. Trump also announced that he is revoking Hong Kong’s special treatment as a duty free trading partner due to China imposing its State Security on the City.
Smith is the author of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act. The bill passed in the House of Representatives last October and is on the General Orders Calendar in the Senate.