Feds charge Neptune City felon with possession of a machine gun

Devon Harley, 30, of Neptune City faces two federal charges of possession an Glock 26 9mm which had been altered to shoot automatically while being a convicted felon, according to an announcement by U.S. Attorney
Craig Carpenito .
Harley has been in the custody of the Monmouth County Correctional Institution since February 9 pending trial on state charges related to the incident he was charged for by federal authorities last week.
According to the criminal complaint filed with U.S. Magistrate Judge
Zahid M. Quraishi on Friday, Harley was spotted by a Neptune City police officer in a YouTube rap video brandishing what appeared to be a submachine gun on February 3. The officer issued a message to surrounding law enforcement agencies that Harley may be armed and dangerous.
The officer came upon three men arguing outside a Neptune City apartment complex on February 8. The officer recognized Harley who placed his hand over a bulge in his waistband. Harley fled the scene despite being order to stop and was arrested with the assistance of Asbury Park and Neptune Township officers one block away from the apartment complex.
With the assistance of K-9 officers, police found the Glock 26 and a magazine capable of holding 31 rounds of ammunition.
While in the custody of the Monmouth County Correctional Institution, Harley engaged in several recording telephone conversations. During one call, he admitted that he did possess the Firearm and that it was his. He also described the Firearm as a machinegun. In another call, Harlwy admitted that he had separated the magazine from the firearm before his arrest.
Goddamn lib, second amendment hating NJ!
Criminals will always find ways to get a gun.
Yet, responsible gun owners are punished