Asbury Park School’s proposed 22% tax hike will ‘force some people to lose their homes,’ taxpayers say

In its first telephonic meeting of the coronavirus outbreak, the Asbury Park Board of Education put off voting on a 2020-21 school budget that would raise taxes 22%, even before hearing residents’ warnings that such a steep hike amid the economic hard times wrought by the virus would drive some of them out of town.
The reason for the proposed $2 million increase in the amount to be raised through local property taxes is a $5 million cut in state aid to the district for the 2020-21 school year under a funding formula adopted three years ago, according to Asbury Park Superintendent of Schools Sanc…
Eric Houghtaling & Joanne Downey And The Rest Of The Democrat Legislature For This. The Sad Thing Is That Asbury (Like Neptune Township Which Got Cut) Will Continue To Vote For The Same Democrats Which Screw Them
created this “virus.” Tar and feathers, I say.
Correct. Their voters never learn. They are so busy buying into the Dem “victim” personas and the race,class,gender divisions, they never realize they get what they vote for. Have long supported results- based funding, where it’s measured whether school districts meet established standards, or not. In Asbury’s case, their high school graduation rates have been/ still are quite pathetic: had read once, that because APHS is such an old, historic school, reminiscent of their “glory days” as a Shore powerhouse, that they have kept it going, mostly for appearances. The lack of accountability in many NJ districts, as to where all that Abbott and those School Construction monies went over the years, is very ,disturbing. This becomes an example of how there are only so many “ rich” they can overtax, to pay for everyone else. In a town with too many tenants, and too many on the systems, and a disproportionate number of property taxpayers, the homeowners and business people who have tried hard to refurbish old homes, and elevate neighborhoods in AP, do not deserve to be run out of their town. Shame on the majority Dems, and wake up, voters!