Next Up: Major Contact-Tracing Program to Keep the Virus in Check?
Many public health experts believe only way to prevent second surge is by tracing the contacts of those who test positive; New Jersey could need thousands of contact tracers

By Ian T. Shearn, NJSpotlight
Now that the number of COVID-19 hospitalizations appears to be in decline, New Jersey officials are starting to game-plan how to ease restrictions and start reopening commerce. Gov. Phil Murphy is expected to outline the broad parameters of a plan for that today.
Until a vaccine is developed, however, the strategy has been reduced to a mantra: test, trace, isolate. Health experts believe that is the only way to keep the virus boxed in and prevent a second surge.
As testing for the coronavirus increases, the effort to trace the contacts of those who have tested positive is seen by public health experts as the next vital step in trying to control the pandemic and move beyond the stay-at-home reality of now. An army of pandemic detectives will have to be recruited, trained and deployed in short order.
It’s all about control. Those people WANT Corona to remain. This way they can control people. Hospitals and States are getting huge amounts of money for every Corona patient they discover, test and “treat”, even if he dies. That is why statistics show that people stopped dying of cancer, pneumonia, heart attacks ect. They now all suddenly die of Corona. Afterall Medicaid pays 13000$ for a pneumonia patient compared to $5000 without the Virus. According to leaked CDC documents the true numbers of deaths are MUCH lower. But the CDC is a business with patents of 20 vaccines, so their interest is to sell them, if necessary by force. Also, as we now know Fauci under Obama gifted in 2015 $3.7 Mio for the Wuhan lab to research the Corona Virus. And how convenient that Bill Gates, the 3. largest funder of the WHO is basically running the organization. He has been very outspoken for the need of population control with birth control, abortion, and VACCINES. He had already planned this out and warned about it for a couple years. Bill Gates‘ goal is mass vaccination (one that some governors share) which would kill and harm many. Afterall sick people can be easier controlled, especially after health care has become controlled by the government. (Btw there is an effort to get Gates and his foundation investigated for crimes against humanity as his poison hurt and killed thousands of kids worldwide.)
My point; people need to resist the efforts of those governors to test and invade people’s lives against their will. And States MUST open. More people will be harmed if they stay locked up than exposed. Obviously those at risk should take precautions as far as exposure is concerned. And then as soon as elections come around let’s vote those self-serving jerks out of office.
Well said, may I shake your hand?