Murphy implores NJ to follow him off a cliff
In an uncharacteristic rant to conclude his daily COVID-19 briefing on Saturday, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy invoked a scene from the 1969 classic film, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, while imploring Garden State residents to trust him like the characters played by Paul Newman and Robert Redford trusted each other when they jumped off a cliff rather than get gunned downed by authorities who were hunting down the outlaws.
Murphy started his apparently planned rant by chastising Atlantic County Surrogate Jim Curcio for a facebook post which called for the State to be reopened without restrictions and to let the private sector solve the COVID-19 crisis.

Curcio edited his post following Murphy’s briefing to call for reasonable restrictions rather than no restrictions.

Curcio is echoing the sentiments expressed by thousands of New Jersey residents on social media. However his comments are unusual for a County Surrogate who is technically a Judge subject the the cannons of Judicial Conduct, even though he is an elected Constitutional Officer of Atlantic County.
The surrogate told Reuters that the comments are his personal opinion. His facebook page contains a disclaimer that the views expressed are his personal opinion with a link to the County Surrogate’s website. His disclaimer is unlikely to stop an inquiry by NJ Judicial Authorities.
The Republican, who is up for reelection in November, has previously been in the cross-hairs of state Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct.
As for Butch and Sundance, they survived their jump off the cliff and ended up in a shootout with Bolivian authorities. The film’s ending was ambiguous as to the demise of the outlaws. Newman and Redford were reincarnated in the 1973 classic, The Sting.
Go ahead and jump!! Ask the Governor and our Senators, why NJ Small Businesses were short changed with the $248 billion Small Business Administration relief loans. And, why did they not fight for them! As reported by Evercore ISI Research, a premier global independent banking advisory firm, the spigot was wide open in Nebraska where firms there got enough money to cover three-fourths of the state’s eligible payrolls. But that is far cry from what NJ Small Businesses received. As of last Thursday, the funds were depleted. Look at which States’ Small Businesses received the most based on their eligible payroll: 1) Nebraska (75 %), 2) North Dakota (72%), 3) Kansas (69%), 4) are you kidding me – South Dakota (67%), 5) Maine (66%) …… 47) New Jersey (28%). What a tremendously uneven distribution. Where the heck are our elected officials?
Trust Murphy? He literally has the words “DON’T trust me. I am gonna get rich screwing over your economy!” written all over his face. I said this more than 3 years ago.
Who tore up the Bill Of Rights, like it was nothing?
OH, and Mr. Short. Talking about depleted funds….
Tell Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats to get back to Washington and pass the funding that businesses need, otherwise you are nothing more that a typical hack, Democrat whiner
Once They Take One Right Away (Then Another One, And The Next, And The Next One They Take Away) It Becomes Easier & Easier For Us To Lose ALL Of Our Rights
As awful as the daily statistics have been horrific regarding deaths of NJ residents from covid 19 along with new positive cases there is some evidence that the plateau has been reached/curve flattened. The Administration laid out recommendations on Thursday for the states in regards to gradual reopening. Note that NJ is nowhere near Phase 1 yet. To jump ahead and “reopen” prior to things like enough testing and a tracking system being in place would likely mean a quick return to where we were 3 weeks ago. Once the spread of the virus is under control, testing/tracking in place and phased reopening can begin, the economy will take care of itself.