John Maldjian Faces Charges For Rumson Corona Party
UPDATE: Maldjian’s attorney says there was no corona party and his client will plead not guilty. Read the statement here.

John P. Maldjian, 54, of 147 Black Point Road in Rumson, has been charged with reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct, and two separate charges related to violating the emergency orders, according to a report at NewJerseyGlobe.The charges stem from the corona party Maldijian held at his home on Saturday evening, April 4.
Maldjian was also charged with violating two borough ordinances.
According to a press release by Attorney General Gurbir Grewal, at approximately 8:19 p.m., the police were dispatched to a report of a large party with a band.
When they arrived, they discovered the homeowner, John Maldjian, together with another man, playing acoustic guitars on the front porch of the home. There were approximately 30 people, between the ages of 40 and 50, gathered on Maldjian’s front lawn and the adjoining street watching the performance. Some had lawn chairs and alcoholic beverages.
Despite the fact that police were on scene with flashing lights attempting to disperse the crowd, the band continued playing.
It was not until a Rumson officer directly approached Maldjian that he stopped singing and playing. Maldjian then told his Facebook Live audience (he was streaming his performance) that he had to stop playing. The crowd became unruly when told to disperse and some shouted curses at the police and “Welcome to Nazi Germany.”
Charges are pending against those in attendance at the party.
Maldjian is an intellectual property attorney with an office at 106 Apple St. in Tinton Falls. He moonlights as a cover singer who has performed at Victory Park Tavern in Rumson, Spring Lake Manor,The Marina at Oceanport, and the Asbury Hotel.

The government is really reaching and having police who can’t think their way out of a paper bag won’t help. Someone might be walked off the force for this one. I hope that mayor reigns those puppies in.
hopefully the Marina will shit can this garbage can of a human being.
Dude is a scrub and I am glad they posted the Address to both his home and Business.
And it figures you old rich morons would back him. But youre also the same morons who would post a go fund me if your loved ones got ill.
You’re a huge huge huge HUGE piece of shit and we see you buddy.
And if you beat this wrap? I’d move back over the Bridge; the Locals will make your life a living hell!
JC another sheep not seeing the big picture. Keep going back to your class warfare playbook Comrade. Such clueless individuals need to spend a few years in Cuba.
The police better stick to doing what they do best in those small towns – traffic tickets. No matter how you slice it this is a real screw up on their part.
Someone needs to open a civil rights law suit against the state and local governments who think they control us. We the people will not stand for our rights to be taken without a fight.
Had it been in another township, all you coming to his defense would be the 1st to pick up the phone to complain about it! Kudos to the police!
Maybe when one of you “holier-than-thou Rumson people” contract Covid-19 you’ll understand why those laws were put in to place!
Be thankful that the police risked their health to break up that nonsense!
Helen. Really. You blame the police not the A Hole.
Hey Commies – Keep siding with a Facebook post. You are worthless Americans and should be shipped off to mother Russia for following along and immediately assuming guilt on an innocent man. Why do you assume people who are espousing freedom here are from that town? And even if they are – they are probably closer to it than we are! That shows your complete and utter ignorance.
Looks like there are two types of people here. Those who believe in due process and don’t believe everything they see on the internet and those who blindly follow.