Murphy to make marijuana sales essential

Governor Phil Murphy will use his emergency powers to expand New Jersey’s medical marijuana program such that all residents subject to the state stay at home order during the COVID-19 crisis are eligible to be treated with weed. Stress, anxiety and hording will be conditions that can be treated under the program. The Governor will announce Executive Order 420 at his press briefing at 1 p.m. on April 1, 2020.
Medical marijuana dispensaries will be empowered to expand their geographic presence by partnering with licensed medical urgent care centers throughout the state. Medical staff at the centers will issue prescriptions via tele-medical conference and the product can be delivered or picked up curbside at the location. State sales taxes will be 12% on deliveries and 25% on pick ups, in order to encourage patients to stay at home.
“Expanding the medical marijuana program and making this medicine widely available is the right thing to do during this crisis, ” the governor said. “The benefits will be profound. We expect fewer incidents of domestic violence and more people staying at home. As a side benefit, we’re hoping for a spike in sales for food delivery by our struggling restaurant industry.”
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