Arnone to hold public meeting about dump odors in Tinton Falls

photo courtesy of Monmouth County Citizens for Environmental Health and Safety facebook group
Freeholder Director Tom Arnone announced that a public meeting regarding the County government’s efforts to remediate the odors emitting from the Monmouth County Reclamation Center will be held on Monday, May 13, 7 p.m., at the Tinton Falls Municipal Building, 556 Tinton Avenue.
“At this meeting, I look forward to providing an in-person update on the progress that has been made as well as the current work being done at the landfill. I will be addressing specific questions and concerns that have been raised and discussing the next steps the County will be taking over the coming weeks,” Arnone said in an email to Tinton Falls residents.
Arnone has invited Senator Vin Gopal, the Tinton Falls Mayor and Council, representatives of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the Monmouth County Regional Health Commission to attend the meeting and address residents concerns.
The Freeholder Director has been emailing weekly updates on the odor situation since he and Gopal held a public meeting on January 28 in response to an outcry from the public. The weekly updates are available here on the County website.
of Vin, Tom- he’ll wrap it around our necks, if he can.. BTW, can anyone guess how much on our local taxes, does owning our own landfill save us, over what it would cost to ship our 53 towns’ garbage out to Pa., or a barge on the ocean, somewhere? My guess, thousands! Need to make that point, that this is a well- run facility for many years, that we are actually lucky to have.. Had the wackos in 1990 not scared everyone to death, into voting down an incinerator on- site, we would not have any odor issues, at all: it’s time to re- think building a state- of- the- art incinerator, to keep up with the trash that is not recycled.- Am sure we are addressing the odor issue- (but, seriously, is it not a bit dumb, to buy a condo right across the street from a landfill? Just sayin’ …)