
O’Scanlon: Murphy’s failure to lift gag orders is “unconscionable”

Non-disclosure agreements signed by Murphy campaign and transition team workers have become an issue in the legislature’s investigation into the Murphy Administration’s mishandling of sexual assault allegations. 

The governor has rebuffed calls to lift the gag orders on his staff. He claimed that members of the legislature, and the press, have an agenda that he does not understand.

Posted: January 28th, 2019 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County News, New Jersey, News | Tags: , , , , , , | 3 Comments »

3 Comments on “O’Scanlon: Murphy’s failure to lift gag orders is “unconscionable””

  1. Joe Curry said at 10:02 am on January 28th, 2019:

    Seems unamerican that the government can put someone in jail for speaking the truth. That is a scare tactic that they use when they have someone sign a non disclosure form. The government asks employees to never tell what they know to be the truth. Just more B.S. from politicians.

  2. O Scanlon said at 12:24 pm on January 28th, 2019:

    Needs to stop making deals with deals with Democrats like on the pot and gas taxes.

    He’s a big disappointment to me.

  3. Vic Fedorov said at 11:00 pm on January 28th, 2019:

    If congress cant abridge free speech how can anyone?
    If congress represents you and you want to abridge free speech and congress constitutionally cant, then you cant because you are represented by congress so you are tied to the limitations and constraints on congress.
    You can say you can abridge free speech and congress cant but congress represents you. Its constraints reflects constraints on you same way its representation of you reflects you.
    If you can do something how can what represents you cant?
    And should you morally ever restrict free speech. Is there ever a moral reason for such? Is it only fear of public revelation of your shortcomings? Does anyone not have shortcomings? Is there some.big deal to public figures shortcomings being known? Isn’t the whole point of leadership to have the people be aware of their leaders charactor. How can legally leaders not allow the people to know their charactor which would be known without gag orders.