Welle does not vote for Pelosi

Josh Welle is full of surprises
Josh Welle did not vote for Nancy Pelosi to become the next Speaker of the House yesterday because he wasn’t invited to the Democrat Caucus meeting in Washington.
Since losing to Congressman Chris Smith on November 6, the sanctimonious semen has been spotted at Alice’s Kitchen in Sea Bright and at the Tropicana Casino in Atlantic City during the NJ League of Municipalities Convention where he and his former campaign staffers got into some late night drunken texting with Jim Keady, the front runner for the 2020 Democrat nomination in CD-4.
Monmouth County Republicans are gleefully hoping that Welle runs for office in 2019. He is being mentioned as a challenger for Monmouth County Sheriff, Freeholder and Assembly in the 13th District.
from Facebook, Twitter, and all social media.. it has totally changed an already tough process into madness.. less and less normal, decent people will be trying to run for office in the future, given the trashing, threats, and personal attacks one must endure, just for putting one’s name on the line, to try and serve to make something better..this is not headed in a good direction, going forward, at all..
“the sanctimonious semen”. How low can you go?