Middletown Democrat Arrested For Stealing and Vandalizing GOP and Board of Education Signs
Irv Beaver, 73, of Waterview Way, Belford, a long time Middletown Democrat volunteer, activist and County Committeeman, was arrested on Sunday afternoon for stealing and vandalizing campaign signs supporting Republican candidates for local, county and congressional offices, as well as Middetown Board of Education candidates who the Middletown Democrat organization opposes.
Beaver retired from Middletown Police Department in 1988, at the age of 44. On his social media pages, facebook and linkedin, he purports to be an investigator for the NJ Attorney General’s Office.
Middletown Republicans have long suspected Beaver of stealing and vandalizing their signs.
Freeholder Gerry Scharfenberger, a former mayor of Middletown, said,”These underhanded thefts have been happening for years in Middletown. This is nothing new. I’m pleased that the Middletown Police Department caught Beaver and I hope he is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”
Dave Merces, a Board of Education candidate running against the slate the Middletown Democrats are supporting, told MMM that between 30-40 of his campaign signs throughout the Township are missing, “I’ve been told that at least one of my signs was found in Mr. Beaver’s possession when he was arrested,” Merces said.
Sean Byrnes, a Democrat candidate for Township Committee, former Committee member and attorney, has not responded to requests for comment about Beaver’s arrest.
Middletown Democrat Chairman Michael DiCiccio said that he does not condone the stealing and vandalism of campaign signs. “I actually like seeing signs from both sides out this time of year,” DiCiccio said in a phone interview. “It is unfortunate that Mr. Beaver did that.”
Beaver was arrested on Cherry Tree Farm Road at about 2:30 Sunday afternoon. As of 5:30 pm Sunday he was still in custody, being processed and charges being investigated.
The Middletown PD issued the following statement at 11:17 am on October 15, shortly after this story was first posted:
Middletown – On Sunday, October 14, 2018, Middletown Police arrested Irvin Beaver, 73, of Middletown, for the theft of political signs. Police have been investigating the theft of signs belonging to candidates who are running for election to the Township Committee, the Middletown Board of Education, and other political offices. The thefts have resulted in the loss of hundreds of signs, which is a significant increase over what has been seen in years past.
As a result of the increase, Middletown Police increased their patrols in areas where the thefts were occurring. While engaged in the proactive patrol, police observed Beaver in the act of the stealing the signs. Beaver was observed taking the signs, placing them in his vehicle, and leaving the scene. Beaver was subsequently stopped by police on Cherry Tree Farm Road near the intersection with Chanowich Court and placed under arrest.
Beaver was charged with two counts of theft and released on a summons complaint pending an appearance in municipal court.
Any persons arrested or charged with offenses are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Additionally, except in specific circumstances, arrest and complaint information and names of those charged may be released.

Irv Beaver with Middletown Dems and Monmouth Dem Freeholder candidates, Larry ‘the Lunger” Luttrell and Amber “the Plunger” Gesslein
Looks like the sleazy antics of the Democrats on the national level are prevalent at all levels. Hope they make an example of this guy. And these are the people who want to take over Middletown? Disgusting
To the County Democrat sign guy who messes with signs all over the county.
Art, didn’t the Democrats get caught doing this once before?
Can republicans honestly say that they dont know anyone from their party who steals signs?
There’s the problem – just because the Democrat Party has become so dishonest, you assume everyone is that way. That is why you don’t want voter ID so you can continue to cheat, you want to be able to destroy people with mere accusations, you don’t want to enforce border law, you want to disband law enforcement agencies, and on and on. It’s all the same mentality no matter how crooked or dishonest, you will do anything to win
just place our signs right near the other side’s, and let it go at that. Used to be fun to try and win the “ sign wars,” by having more visible than the opposition. Have spent countless hours, over many years, picking us up out of the gutter, or replacing damaged/ defaced signs Dems have violated, with clean ones. Signs may be a pain, and work, but when maintained and overseen well, can be a good vehicle for name id .. an inexpensive, free little billboard..always order half more than you think you need.. Sad that a former official seems to be so frustrated his party is screwing up, he needs to lower himself to bad behavior..
There’s the problem – just because the Democrat Party has become so dishonest, you assume everyone is that way. That is why you don’t want voter ID so you can continue to cheat, you want to be able to destroy people with mere accusations, you don’t want to enforce border law, you want to disband law enforcement agencies, and on and on. It’s all the same mentality no matter how crooked or dishonest, you will do anything to win
This is hands down the funniest thing I’ve read on here in months. Untapped comedic genius resides here in the minds of some.
Typical Democrat. I notice you didn’t dispute anything that was written just attack it. It’s not funny it’s sad that the Democrat Party has become a party of anarchy and destruction. No ideas to better the community, just destroy, destroy, destroy
I was giving you props for said comedic genius, it is hard to come by these days. Some people just can’t take a compliment…
So one person stole some political signs. That is not an indication of a larger problem with one party or the other. Using simple logic, the Democrats are less likely to do harm to people. The Democrats are the only ones who care about people. Although I don’t condone his actions, he was trying to protect people from the Republicans who are responsible for separating families, taking away healthcare from those who need it most, destroying the environment and ignoring policies which act as catalysts for global warming, putting people of bad character on the Supreme Court, and so on and so forth.
Are you effing kidding??? What bizzaro world do you live in? You have Democrat mobs attacking officials in public, a crazy Bernie Sanders supporter shot up a bunch of Republicans on a baseball field, Democrat antifa mobs throw barricades through windows because they lost an election, you have lunatics in office inciting riots and the Democrats are the ones protecting people from violence? The Democrats are the ones who attack law enforcement the only line between us and total Anarchy. It’s the Democrats who want to abolish ice and attack the cops every time some gang member gets killed. The Democrats want open borders so MS-13 and drugs and terrorist can pour across the border unchecked. As for separating families that was a policy started by your lord and savior Barack Obama. Look at the result of democrat leadership in places like Chicago, Camden, Newark, Patterson, Baltimore, St Louis, and all the other murder capitals in this country. I hope they make an example of this lawbreaker
One more thing – you talk about Justice Kavanaugh as being of “bad character?” This guy, a twelve year judge with over 300 decisions with a beautiful family and unblemished record of service was nearly destroyed by totally false charges and attacks by the far left Democrats. Seven FBI investigations and his record was spotless. Yet you support dirtbags like Diane Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, Cory “Sparticus ” Booker, and the rest of the motley crew of left wing low lives. And I bet you will vote for that paragon of virtue, Bob Menendez, right? Thank you and Irv Beaver for reminding us why no one should support Democrats on November 6.
Good grief, you have gone and triggered this upstanding patriotic citizen. Someone find a tv and put on Hannity, stat!
Anyone who has been involved in local races knew about this guy for years. Glad to see the law finally caught up with him. Looks like Democrats can’t win on ideas so they have to resort to breaking the law.
Thanks for saying to Kevin what so many decent Americans are thinking.
Quoting you, “The Democrats are the only ones that care about people.” Have you gone bonkers because that’s just another iteration of Republicans want to push granny off the cliff, poison our drinking water, starve children (fill in the blank) That’s scary that you believe that quote.
Further quoting you “separating families?” That started back under Clinton and happened under Obama
Further quoting you ” Less likely to do harm?” Have you missed all the news about liberals attacking those on the right?
My God man, get a grip on reality and stop drinking the DNC Kool Aid.
Folks, people like Kevin should scare the hell out of you.
As usual, you can’t dispute anything in the posts. Tough being a liberal Democrat, isn’t it?
I’m not one. I’m just a well endowed, fit, upper middle class gentleman with a sense of humor. Judging by your posts you are my polar opposite. Tough break fella.