Welle Supports Pallone for House Speaker

Josh Welle marching in Asbury Park with Sen Bob Menendez and Congressman Frank Pallone
Josh Welle, the Democrat running against Congressman Chris Smith in the 4th congressional district, said he supports Congressman Frank Pallone Jr to be the next Speaker of the House.
Welle,who was for Nancy Pelosi becoming Speaker before he was against her becoming Speaker, should the Dems win control of the House of Representatives on November 6, declared his support for Pallone in answering questionnaire from the radical progressive group BlueWaveNJ.
Pallone, 66 years old, has been in Congress since 1988. He is the ranking member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Pallone declared the Washington DC home he has owned since 1992 to be his primary residence.
Welle is registered to vote in Virginia and New Jersey.
Josh Welle is Jerry Brown-like in his airheadedness. This picture says it all. Josh Welle would be a far left bootlicker beholden to one of the most corrupt Democrats this state has ever seen. Vote Hugin and Smith to preserve at least a little sanity in this state
Wonderland is around the corner.. in his time in the NJ State Senate, and all these years in the Congress, even when they have the majority, his own colleagues have never given him very prominent committees/ chairs.. he is a lightweight of the first order, always funded by unions and outside monies, and am told does not elicit a lot of respect from his own colleagues.. and, he’d have to get past Granny Nancy, and more active, respected colleagues, read: not gonna happen. As for Welle, was kind of surprised the fresh- faced, friendly kid working the beaches has shown his true leanings and colors as an avowed and dangerous socialist who should not be given the chance to vote for anybody for speaker. Vote Smith!
House of what? These people are really out there. Smith will win with 60%+ of the vote and Pallone will have more stiff competition n 2020. Bet on it.