O’Scanlon Introduces Legislation To Protect NJ Motorists From Other States’ Traffic Camera Schemes

Senator Declan O’Scanlon
New Jersey MVC will no longer be provide information about resident motorist to companies that operate red-light and speed cameras for other states, if bipartisan legislation introduced by Senators Declan O’Scanlon, Nick Sacco, Nicolas Scutari becomes law.
The Camera Enforcement Inoculation Act prohibits the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission from providing identifying information to camera enforcement entities, thus making it impossible to issue tickets for automated enforcement infractions to New Jersey motorists.
This is such a great idea that Governor Phil Murphy should instruct MVC Commissioner Sue Fulton to implement the practice immediately while the bill works its way through the legislature.
“These camera enforcement schemes have been proven to be about money, not safety” said Senator Sacco (D-Bergen/Hudson). “You go on a trip through Pennsylvania, Maryland, D.C. or New York City and you receive multiple tickets in the mail a month or more later and you have no way to defend yourself. It’s infuriating. New Jersey does not prey upon our drivers with the use of cameras. Other states are able to prosecute us through the cooperation of our MVC with their cameras. This bill will protect our motorists from this predatory practice.”
“We now have overwhelming proof that red-light and speed cameras don’t improve safety” said Senator O’Scanlon. “Every competent, independent, rigorous study done to date has shown that there is a net decrease in safety when these systems are employed. There is absolutely no reason why New Jersey should be complicit in these corrupt, highway robbery schemes.”
“For years, I helped lead the bi-partisan fight against for-profit camera enforcement here in New Jersey. It amounts to nothing more than thinly-veiled government sanctioned theft. We won the battle here; now it’s time to shield our residents from the even more egregious schemes in other states. Don’t let anyone fool you – it’s got nothing to do with safety. It’s all about the dollars.” said Senator Scutari (D-Middlesex/Somerset/Union).
“These cameras are almost invariably placed where they’ll generate the most money, frequently at intersections with shortened yellow lights or roads with speed limits set to guarantee huge numbers of tickets. Profit-motivated enforcement is invariably corrupting. These tickets are an annoyance to those that can afford them. The people most impacted by these systems are the poor and working middle class. The impact can be devastating to those living paycheck to paycheck. New Jersey shouldn’t facilitate such theft from our citizens” said Senator O’Scanlon.
of the bills that wind their way through the Trenton morass, designed to grab even more money from us? I will applaud this particular idea, after someone like the fine senator has the guts to show us an updated list of all the fines, fees, taxes and penalties we already get stuck with, in our everyday life, here! It would be so overwhelming, there’d be crickets, next election- they wouldn’t need much of a campaign- since only the takers would be left, wondering, gape- mouthed, what happened to the never-ending flow of our dollars!
Thanks to Declan O’Scanlon, gasoline taxes will increase in October of 2018. Please see:
Are you kidding me? The ticket camera companies will just get the data from other sources. Think about who else has your license plate number and your home address. What about your insurance company?
Its a move in the right direction… I applaud anyone trying to improve the rights of motorists. Its about time people realize that theae camera aystems have never been about safety.
the good old EZ Pass..