Middletown Welcomes Elite Chiropractic and Wellness

Mayor Kevin Settembrino cuts the ribbon at Elite Chiropractic and Wellness Center with Dr. Staci Addessi, her children Sami and Aiden, and Township Committeemen Tony Perry and Rick Hibell
Elite Chiropractic and Wellness Center opened their new, state-of-the art, facility in Middletown this morning. Mayor Kevin Settembrino and Committeemen Tony Perry and Rick Hibell were on hand for the ceremonial ribbon cutting.
Now located in Ventura Plaza, the strip mall just north of American Chevrolet on Route 35 N, Dr. Staci Addessi’s wellness center offers chiropractic care, physical therapy by Dr. Shirley Cabera, acupuncture by Robert Ziemanis, L.Ac, as well as massage therapy and cupping by Karen Palmer.