Hugin Expected To Make U.S. Senate Candidacy Official On Tuesday
Bob Hugin, the recently retired Executive Chairman of Celgene Corporation, has scheduled two announcement events for Tuesday, February 13, MMM has learned.
Republican insiders widely expect Hugin to announce that he will be a candidate for the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate.
The first event is scheduled to take place at the Springfield Elks Club at 10 a.m. The afternoon event will be in Burlington County at VFW Post 3020 in Delran, 2 p.m.
Hope this candidacy lasts longer than Inanue from Goya foods.
we gotta try. Anyone brave enough to put their name, money, and time into taking on incumbents in this state, deserve our thanks and support: rather than just not file anyone, assuming a loss, any time we make them spend money on their re- elections, raise their foibles, and taxing voting records, means a little less they have to clobber our other candidates with! Frustrating here, certainly, but if we want the two party system to survive at all, we need to soldier on- once in a while, a miracle can happen.