
Meet Tony Perry, Middletown’s new Township Committee Member

Middletown has a new Township Committeeman. Tony Perry was sworn in last week to fill the vacancy created by Steve Massell’s resignation to become a member of the Monmouth County Tax Board.

In his interview with Art Gallagher, Perry, 27, talks about his career working with Superstorm Sandy victims as a member of the Governor’s staff, his accomplishments while working for Senator Joe Kyrillos, and why he chose Middletown as his home. He addresses the concerns some have expressed about the fact that he is Mayor Gerry Scharfenberger’s son-in-law and he pledges to earn the confidence of Middletown, New Jersey residents.

Posted: November 21st, 2017 | Author: | Filed under: Middletown, Monmouth County News | Tags: , , , | 2 Comments »

2 Comments on “Meet Tony Perry, Middletown’s new Township Committee Member”

  1. Good luck to him, said at 11:47 am on November 21st, 2017:

    glad to see new, younger folks on our bench. Word to the wise: be true to your principles and pace yourself, and, don’t wear or burn yourself out: it’s tough being an official these days, if you really want to do the right thing.

  2. A breath of fresh air said at 12:37 pm on November 21st, 2017:

    I’ve seen him speak at some public events and was really impressed. He is an outstanding young man and just the type of person we need in office. Thank God Middletown found a millennial willing to step up and serve his community. Most are self centered little brats. Good luck to you Mr. Perry