Guadagno to Christie: Get the hell off the beach, end the shutdown

Kim Guadagno meets with busnesses owners at Bum Rogers Tavern, which is at the entrance to Island Beach State Park
Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno, the GOP nominee to be the next summer tenant at Island Beach State Park, met with business owners impacted by the New Jersey government shutdown today blasting Governor Chris Christie, Senate President Steve Sweeney and Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto.
“If I were governor, I sure wouldn’t be sitting on the beach if taxpayers didn’t have access to state beaches. It’s beyond words,” Guadagno said on facebook and twitter.
“We need to end the shutdown now. It’s hurting small businesses and ordinary New Jerseyans. Instead of political games, Governor Christie, Speaker Prieto and Senate President Sweeney should pass a budget that delivers property tax relief and puts taxpayers first.”
For seven years, Guadagno was Christie’s oh-so-loyal cheerleader. She was silent while Christie was screwing over the people of New Jersey. The voters of New Jersey will remember that silence on Election Day. I am going to enjoy watching her concede defeat to Phil Murphy.
Ok DL, we get it, you’re a democrat who hates republicans. Let’s talk about your candidate Phil Murphy. Another clueless Goldman Sachs fat cat who, like his clone Jon Corzine, has no idea how to create jobs, cut property taxes, decrease the size of government, etc. He has promised the unions a 3% raise for each of his four years and to expand the state workforce by 20%. Who the hell do you think will pay for that? His idea for a state bank is so idiotic, no one including other democrats can find one good thing to say about it. The cherry on top is the equally stupid $15 an hour minimum wage which will eliminate more jobs than Bill Clinton has notches on his belt.
It doesn’t matter what policies Phil Murphy wants to pursue. Phil Murphy will be elected our next governor because the people of New Jersey hate Chris Christie. It really is that simple. Even though Christie’s name won’t appear anywhere on the ballot, the electorate will use the next general election as an opportunity to get back at Christie. They will also punish those Republican puppets in the Legislature that voted whatever way Christie demanded them to vote. The Republicans won’t control either house of the Legislature for at least a decade.
I agree 100% This election will be about Christie’s unethical behavior.
Phil Murphy’s policies do matter because the citizens of NJ will be its victims. It may make the Christie haters happy to blame him for Murphy’s victory but when he drives businesses, jobs and residents out of the state with his absurd, unworkable liberal ideas, it won’t be Christie who suffers, it will be the poor working stiff who must pay the taxes that Murphy will need to fund his liberal paradise. And before you start with the idiotic tax the rich stuff, remember this – the wealthy and big business did not become successful by being stupid. They will simply move out of NJ and take their money with them. Ah, the beauty of liberal Democrat leadership.
The Murphy solution. Shake the MURPHY MAGIC MONEY TREE and buy some more advertisements on and NBC.
Lt. Kim Guadagno has been loyal to Governor Christies’ policies which have slowed down the fiscal deterioration and eased the structural deficit. Yet loyalty has it’s limits and the recent actions of Governor at best are “head scratchers” at worst the optics of him on a closed beach show arrogance and disdain for the people who he governs and those who have supported him. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Lt. Kim Guadagno. Thoughtful, Smart, Tough and Abel
The NJGOP will be damaged by this. Guadagno will lose to Phil Murphy by 25 points anyway…it may be worse than Schundler vs. McGreevey in 2001.
Bramnick and Kean better take back the NJGOP post-Christie and post-Guadagno, or else the NJGOP will be relegated to a single party status.
The NJGOP made a mistake. Kean or Webber should have ran.
Blue Jersey, forever- too late, guys.