Why April will bring significantly higher gas prices
Along with warmer weather and longer days, the month of April will likely bring higher gas prices. For naysayers who say they’ve heard this before, pump prices increased a nickel last week driven by rising crude oil and wholesale gas prices. “It’s countrywide. We’re on the threshold of a couple of significant increases,” said Tom Kloza,…
They raise the prices for any excuse they can think of. The industry claims that “summer blend” is more expensive than “winter blend”.
Why is it that in the fall they say the exact opposite?????
SImple answer —GREED
Any legislator who either voted for the tax or the subsequent bill that allow BILLIONS of dollars of borrowing
they rushed through the tax increase while prices were low: it was bound to rise dramatically, and they just plain stink, for grabbing more and more in gas and toll prices, from mostly working commuters forced to drive our crumbling roadways and bridges. Keep it up, brilliant “legislators,” as more of your long- suffering, disgusted residents, are planning to leave you in the dust!