
Secessionists formally launch quest for California’s independence

calexSACRAMENTO, Calif. — Supporters of a plan for California to secede from the union took their first formal step Monday morning, submitting a proposed ballot measure to the state attorney general’s office in the hopes of a statewide vote as soon as 2018. Marcus Ruiz Evans, the vice president and co-founder of Yes California, said his…

Posted: November 21st, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: News | Tags: | 1 Comment »

One Comment on “Secessionists formally launch quest for California’s independence”

  1. Tom Stokes said at 9:25 pm on November 22nd, 2016:

    Well, all I can say is Goodbye California. Wonder how much your Military will cost to defend your new country. Hope you have a Coast Guard and Navy as well.

    God forbid a really nasty earthquake splits California physically from the rest of the USA; that would cost a great deal of money from your own pockets.

    Be careful what you wish for … you might actually regret it in the long run!