DiMaso: No Gas Tax Price Gouging in Monmouth County
Freeholder Deputy Director Serena DiMaso announced today that the County Division of Weights and Measures, which she oversees, is on the look-out for unscrupulous gas stations that are raising their prices on the news that New Jersey Gas Tax has been increased by $.23 per gallon.
The new Trenton money grab does not go into effect until November 1.
“While gas station owners are respectable business people, I want the public to know we are carefully monitoring gas station prices leading up to November 1,” said DiMaso. “While inspections occur throughout the year, we believe it is particularly important at this time to ensure the motoring public is being treated fairly at the pump.”
Anyone who sees or suspects an unusual increase at the gas pump should call Weights and Measures at 732-431-7362. A representative will be dispatched immediately to inspect the allegation.
“We need to protect our residents from any unscrupulous practices,” said Freeholder Director Thomas A. Arnone. “I applaud Freeholder DiMaso for her quick thinking in reaching out to the public and to the County Division of Weights and Measures on this matter.”
We can add. If the price is $2.00 one day and $2.23 the next it is obvious where that money goes.
If it is $2.68 the next day and you don’t realize something is wrong you should go back to 4th grade math.