Christie Conditionally Vetos Smoking Ban At Public Parks And Beaches
Governor Chris Christie conditionally vetoed (CV) legislation that would have banned smoking at all public parks and beaches. Instead, he recommended that the legislature amend the bill to prohibit smoking at State parks and beaches, but not those governed by local governments.
The bill, which was Co-Sponsored by rookie Democrat Assemblyman Eric Houghtaling of Monmouth County’s 11th legislative district, passed in the Senate 25-6 with 9 Senators not voting and in the Assembly by 52-6 with 19 Assembly Members not voting.
In his CV message Christie said he abhors smoking, but believes that the State should not impose its will on local governments who control beaches and parks. He noted that since he vetoed substantially similar legislation in 2014, that the number of municipalities and counties that have banned smoking in parks and beaches has grown from over 200 to almost 300. The governor noted that the bill would have required municipalities to bear the expense of installing “No Smoking” signs at the entrances parks and beaches.
is the problem?? He’s now paying attention after not being named VP? After watching parents, friends,and likely soon, a sibling, die from lifelong cigarette smoking, all I can say is: don’t kid yourself: “Cigarettes always win!” As much as I believe people have the right to destroy their own bodies, the rest of us just don’t need / deserve the by-products of other peoples’ bad choices, in public places, period..