The Arnone Report: Shark River Dredging To Resume, Freeholders Support Mayors’ and Assemblywoman Handlin’s Efforts With JCP&L
By Freeholder Director Tom Arnone
It’s finally here …summer has returned! I hope you are all enjoying the beautiful weather we have been having lately, and enjoying all that our beautiful Monmouth County has to offer – beaches, parks, lakes, rivers, boardwalks, lighthouses, museums, theaters, historical sites, restaurants and much more. Our tourist season is in full swing, and according to early estimates, we are paced to match or exceed last year’s numbers, providing economic stability here in our region.
Speaking of tourist season, I am happy to report that the dredging of the Shark River is set to restart in the next few weeks, getting us closer to increasing the recreational side of the Shark River corridor as well as restoring the channels for our commercial fishing industry. As you may know, the dredging had started late last fall and was halted on January 1, 2016, due to state regulations in place to protect spawning and the early life stages of winter flounder and anadromous fish. The dredging project is moving along nicely due to a coalition of State, County and local leaders that effectively advocated for the project, including Senator Jen Beck, Committeeman Randy Bishop, County of Monmouth, Board of Chosen Freeholders, New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJ DOT) Office of Maritime Resources, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJ DEP), and the governing bodies of the participating municipalities including Neptune City, Neptune, Belmar, and Wall.
NJ DOT identified viable solutions that included using innovative technologies to remove approximately 102,000 cubic yards of sediment from the River comprised of sand and silt. The sediment will be hydraulically dredged and piped via a secure welded pipeline to the selected dewatering locations. The dewatered material will then be trucked to the Monmouth County Reclamation Center for beneficial use.
We are extremely pleased with the progress of the project thus far, and on behalf of my project partners and my fellow freeholders, I would like to thank our contractor Mobile Dredging and Pumping Co., of Chester, PA. Another thank you must go out to our friends at Shark River Clean Up Coalition for hosting “Dredgefest” at the Headliner this week as way to kick-off the next phase of the project.
I have heard from many constituents recently regarding their valid and realistic concerns on JCP&L’s Monmouth County Reliable Project. We hear you and have been in constant contact with the governing bodies of the affected communities. Myself and my fellow members of the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders, share the same concerns that the Mayors and governing bodies have with the installation of these large monopoles on New Jersey Transit property and the potential impacts they may have on these communities. We believe the lines would be much better served if they were buried, and urge Assemblywoman Handlin to use her authority over NJ Transit and the Board of Public Utilities (BPU) to see that this is resolved in the best interest of our residents and affected communities.
Please feel free to continue to contact my office with your concerns on these important issues or any others you may have concerning the County.
Thank you for your support!
Freeholder Director Tom Arnone can be reached at
Dear Friend of the Shark River,
The Shark River Cleanup Coalition (SRCC) will be holding its 15 year anniversary party/fundraiser, Dredgefest, on Thursday, June 30, 2016. This event celebrates the efforts of the SRCC, Save Shark River, local politicians, activists, and government officials to bring about the long overdue dredging of the channels of the Shark River.
The event will be held at The Headliner in Neptune from 6-10 pm+++ and will feature music by The Joe Baracata Band, Kenny “Stringbean Sorensen, Los Gringos, and Sweet Chin Music.
Tickets are only $20 each, and are available for purchase at the door. Included in the price are a buffet, gift auction, and happy hour drink prices all night long.
We are asking you to show your support for our struggle to save the Shark River by purchasing tickets to the event, and/or donating a gift/gift card .Contact Arlene Sciarappa at 732-804-8880, or Courtney Kindred Atkins at 732-337-9032. Your contribution is tax deductible.
We hope you will attend the party, as well as share this e-mail and the attached flyer with family, friends, co-workers, and businesses that will support our cause. The owners of the Headliner have generously donated their facility and staff, and the evening promises to be a fun, community orient event. We look forward to seeing you there.
Dredgefest Flyer: Please share
On behalf of myself, the SRCC Board of Directors, and our members, we would like to thank you in advance for your help and support.
James McNamara, President William Sciarappa, Board Member
Jeffrey Hoffman, Treasurer John Brennan, Board Member
Arlene Sciarappa, Secretary Matthew Gregg, Board Member
John Dempsey, Board Member
Toto Tasso, Board Member