How Christie explains Trump prediction of ‘riots’
ELIZABETH — Gov. Chris Christie said Friday that Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s prediction of “riots” if he was denied the Republican nomination through backroom maneuvering at the party’s convention in Cleveland this summer was just colorful speech, and not to be taken literally. Speaking to reporters at a press conference a in Elizabeth on Friday…
of the simple- minded, lib media negatively blowing everything Trump says out of proportion. Having attended 6 national conventions, twice as a delegate for others,who had to suck it up and throw in for the mainstream RINO, if Trump comes into Cleveland close to or at 1237, and the party maneuvers him out, I assure you, the “riots” will be inside the venue, not outside. And they will tear what is left of the party, with millions just staying home and giving up. A lot of us are appalled, at the behavior of people we used to support and/ or like. We cannot understand why they will not put all that vitriol, jealously, energy, money, and the blah, blah,blah aside, and focus on actually uniting behind the leader, and defeating the socialists, and start to fix this country. WE are not suicidal, and for the life of us, we do not get why many of our own side obviously ARE!
I can only speak for myself, if the clear leader goes into Cleveland with 1,237 or not and “party elders” or otherwise manage to somehow derail the process I have a clear intention. That is to vote democrat down the line all the way to the bottom. No matter what.
That both Rubio and Cruz somehow equate Conservatism to religious zealotry is the scarier part of this entire election and whey they both lose.