N.J. Senate, Assembly leaders negotiating on road funding
TRENTON — With an important deadline for New Jersey transportation funding looming, Senate President Stephen Sweeney said he and the Democratic Assembly speaker are “getting closer” on a plan to raise money for roads and bridges. Midway through 2016, the Transportation Trust Fund will run out of money for new projects. Senate Democrats want a $2…
our New Year’s “gift” from these clowns will likely be a 10-15 cent gas tax increase, with our supposed gratitude for their not making it 20/25 cents a gallon: and, if anybody thinks the Dems want or need to listen to anything the Republican minority comes up with or says, they are more naive than usual. With a mere 28 out of 80 in the Assembly, we are pathetic and ineffectual, just basically taking up space- as we stumble through a big DemPresidential next year, what is the plan to get any seats back/ win anything in 2017??The state GOP is basically impotent, and while we fight over who gets to run for governor and Lt. gov, we will polarize more and weaken the party even further: certainly, a sad state forChristie to have left us in!
The answer to every problem put to a Democrat is to raise taxes. The Democrats are like parrots, only instead of “polly wants a cracker” it’s “democrat wants a tax increase.”. Has anyone ever heard a democrat lament about why road construction/maintenance costs so friggin much in this state? Of course not because Sweeney and company have to serve their union masters and the taxpayers are only stooges in their eyes who are only there to fund the democrat campaign coffers. The democrats are destroying this state and once a democrat becomes governor, there will be no stopping the demise of this once great state.