N.J. Democrats pick up 4th new Assembly seat as Republican concedes in close race
TRENTON — State Assemblywoman Donna Simon conceded Central New Jersey’s 16th District race Monday, nearly two weeks after the legislative contest was deemed too close to call. Simon’s loss is a gain for state Democrats, whose Nov. 3 election wins expand their 48-31 majority by four seats, taking down four Republican incumbents. Simon (R-Mercer), an assemblywoman…
Strikes fear in the heart, for 2017! Could be time to move! Need lessons in messaging and GOTV- pronto..
And what do you know about either?
Do you live in the district, and did you see the mail? Much money was wasted in trying to trash the opponents, whom no one except Neptune had ever heard of, prior: it simply gave more name i.d. to them. Look at the actual, damn numbers: registered voters, especially the R’s and I’s, vs. simple percentage of actual voter turnout- especially in the”good” towns. If you are comfortable that the GOTV, that day, to known prior supporters was swell, then why are those two unknown, poorly- qualified place- holders shopping today for legislative office space??
walked, called, challenged and voted in D.11 over a period of years and several re- districting maps knows, that the shrinking number of R’s requires all of the above, especially intense dragging out of voters in the better- leaning munis, to try and pull out a win. Some believe that unfortunately, some incumbents leaned too much on their incumbency to get them through this year, to these sad results- just means 2017 will be even harder- in 11, it’s holding the senate seat and finding two strong candidates to try and take back those assembly seats.
@’Anyone’ I’m sorry, but I couldn’t agree less with your one statement. You had two of the strongest ‘FEMALE’ candidates in the State in LD11 running against hundreds of thousands of dollars from Dems & SuperPAC’s without even getting pennies from fellow GOP’s nor ground level support.
Also take into account that most municipal chairs, like those in Tinton Falls, did little to nothing or actually went against their own.
Those two ladies busted their you-know-what’s , there was no incumbent complacency.
please raise your hand if you volunteered more than once to make phone calls, knock on doors, stuff an envelope or do anything besides offer your 2 cents. If you are a county committee member, did you do more than pay the discounted rate to show up to a fundraiser or two and pose for a few pictures to make sure people know you were there?
Again, in my humble opinion, I must disagree. Don’t give me that stuff about the mail building opponents ID…it’s a hit first strategy, read ‘Art of War’ by Sun Tzu. Dems across the State, with the money to do so, use the same strategy of targeting opponents on certain aspects…doesn’t seem to build their GOP candidates’ name recognition…
You also make a comment about GOTV efforts for the A&C campaign, were you there? I know that the Dems had hundreds of paid volunteers from the AFL-CIO & NJEA going out for weeks, again paid! Just look at the opponents Facebook events. Did you donate or make a phone call for GOTV? From my knowledge, though I could be off, A&C were doing things in house without unlimited resources as their opponents had. Yet, they still lost by only the slimmest of margins.
Look, the race is done and was hard fought by A&C, but let’s not all now begin to take shots at them. Those two have worked to help many in LD11, including me & my family, and I am truly upset that they will no longer be there for us.
am a fan and supporter( and yes I helped them, also personally know two people in 11 who called to volunteer, and were not called back) and am also dismayed they are gone, in each case.. why can’t some people take some constructive criticism and just re- assess plans/ operations, for going forward? Being so self- defensive and emotional does not re- claim the districts: doing everything better/ harder next time, does.
Not being defensive myself, just bummed by the whole thing. And I do agree, the district’s municipal chairs need to embrace criticism and take a good deal of the heat. Like I said, a good majority of them did not do their part in making calls & speaking to people door to door. When your faced with a ton of money against you & full-time paid volunteers from the opposition, then every ounce of help goes a long way. I helped when I could & made calls, but thinking back I my self probably could have done more. But, without saying which town, when I was doing my part I didn’t come across my committee members or local candidates. Although not all agree with him, if Red Bank’s committee chair showed us anything it’s that putting in the work pays off.
We definitely need to reorganize and dissuade the in-fighting to get ready for the battle in ’17.
and, we can all work together next year during the Dem onslaught, to hold local and county seats- in effect, practicing for a tough gubernatorial and legislative race in’17!